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Presentation on theme: "ECOLOGICALLY SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (Reducing Disparities)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Ecologically Sustainable Development  Several phases of study have emphasized different issues with development: 1. Structural Change 2. Dependency 3. Neo-Liberal Counter Revolution 4. Sustainable Development

3 1. Structural Change  If given enough time, countries would naturally pass through the stages of development:  Traditional society  Economic ‘take-off’  Maturity  High mass consumption Follow the same path that Europe and North America took during the Industrial Revolution

4 2. Dependency – Core Periphery Model  LEDCs weren’t following the fixed pathway. Some tried to start development by using small-scale, self-sufficient rural technology. (Use people from the country-side instead of large-scale manufacturing)  There is unequal distribution of power in politics, societies and economics

5 2. Dependency – Core-Periphery Model  CORE = growth poles that show up where economic and political power is centered.  CORE dominates world economic activity  CORE is area where wealth is greatest  As you move away from the CORE, economic activity gets less intense

6 2. Dependency – Core-Periphery Model  PERIPHERY = edge areas that are much poorer  PERIPHERY doesn’t have much decision making power  PERIPHERY produces raw materials at a low cost for the industrial CORE  CORE processes raw materials and then exports them back to PERIPHERY as manufactured goods


8 2. Dependency – Core-Periphery Model  SEMI-PERIPHERY = area between core and periphery (Ex: Australia)  Lack of development in LEDCs is because they lack power in global decision making. (Started during colonization)  Many LEDCs only produce a single product that’s not very profitable

9 3. Neo-Liberal Counter Revolution  Belief that LEDCs should stop being protected because it keeps them dependent.  LEDCs should compete effectively with industries in the rest of the world. If not, they should close down.

10 4. Sustainable Development  Started in 1987. Defined as ‘development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations.’  Keep environment in tact for the future  BALANCING – environmental, social and economic sustainability


12 4. Sustainable Development  BARRIERS = 1. Heavy reliance on fossil fuels causes environmental problems. Perpetuates inequalities by protecting transnational oil and motor companies. 2. Population growth. Has to grow in harmony with productive capacity of ecosystems.

13 4. Sustainable Development  BARRIERS = 3. Lack of institutional framework to oversee process of development. Economic decisions have to be integrated with ecological and environmental decisions Governments say they can’t protect the environment until they have more money. ‘Development is the absolute need.’

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