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 In Jeopardy form, the question you’d pose as a response to the words…  “Scotland, the year 1060”

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2  In Jeopardy form, the question you’d pose as a response to the words…  “Scotland, the year 1060”

3  In Jeopardy form, the question you’d pose as a response to the words…  “Scotland, the year 1060”  What is the setting for Macbeth?

4  In Jeopardy… “set of sun”, “meet with Macbeth”

5  What is Alliteration?

6  In Jeopardy… “We three meet”

7  What is Assonance?

8  We see this in examples  … such as Duncan’s comments on the deception of his old Thane of Cawdor.

9  We see this in examples  … such as Duncan’s comments on the deception of his old Thane of Cawdor.  …also when Lady Macbeth can’t kill Duncan because he looks like her father.

10  We see this in examples  … such as Duncan’s comments on the deception of his old Thane of Cawdor.  …also when Lady Macbeth can’t kill Duncan because he looks like her father.  The term begins with an “I”

11  We see this in examples  … such as Duncan’s comments on the deception of his old Thane of Cawdor.  …also when Lady Macbeth can’t kill Duncan because he looks like her father.  The term begins with an “I”  Irony

12  Fair is foul, and foul is fair  Jumbo Shrimp  English teacher from Shenandoah

13  Fair is foul, and foul is fair  Jumbo Shrimp  English teacher from Shenandoah  Oxymoron – when it’s just 2 words combined.

14  Fair is foul, and foul is fair  Jumbo Shrimp  English teacher from Shenandoah  Oxymoron – when it’s just 2 words combined.  Paradox – opposites presented in a phrase or full sentence.

15  Since he has no curtain to signal the end of a scene, Shakespeare tends end his scenes with this audible signal.

16  A rhyming couplet

17  ProseBlank VerseRhymed Verse  Choose which style of writing you expect from Shakespeare in the following… the King speaking to his subjects

18  ProseBlank VerseRhymed Verse  Choose which style of writing you expect from Shakespeare in the following…the King speaking to his subjects

19  ProseBlank VerseRhymed Verse  Choose which style of writing you expect from Shakespeare in the following… someone reading from a letter.

20  ProseBlank VerseRhymed Verse  Choose which style of writing you expect from Shakespeare in the following…someone reading from a letter.

21  ProseBlank VerseRhymed Verse  Choose which style of writing you expect from Shakespeare in the following… Witches talking mysteriously.

22  ProseBlank VerseRhymed Verse  Choose which style of writing you expect from Shakespeare in the following…Witches talking mysteriously.

23  ProseBlank VerseRhymed Verse  Choose which style of writing you expect from Shakespeare in the following… a drunk telling jokes.

24  ProseBlank VerseRhymed Verse  Choose which style of writing you expect from Shakespeare in the following… a drunk telling jokes.

25  Poetic device seen in … When shall we three meet again In thunder lightning or in rain?

26  Eye Rhyme

27  Term for the device… in which a character thinks aloud so that the audience knows what is going on in his mind?

28  Soliloquy – in a longer speech solo on stage

29  Term for the device… in which a character thinks aloud so that the audience knows what is going on in his mind?  Soliloquy – in a longer speech solo on stage ◦ (or …An Aside – a shorter remark for the audience)

30  So foul and ____ a day I have not seen.

31  So foul and fair a day I have not seen  Macbeth (his very first line of the play)

32  When the H_____ B_____’s done  When the battle’s lost and ___.

33  When the Hurley Burley’s done  When the battle’s lost and won  Second of the Wyrd Sisters

34  Sons, kinsmen, thanes, and those who are nearest, know, __ shall establish ___ estate upon ___ eldest, _______, whom ___ name hereafter, Prince of C_________.

35  Sons, kinsmen, thanes, and those who are nearest, know, We shall establish our estate upon our eldest Malcolm, whom we name hereafter, Prince of Cumberland.  King Duncan

36  Sons, kinsmen, thanes, and those who are nearest, know, We shall establish our estate upon our eldest Malcolm, whom we name hereafter, Prince of Cumberland.  King Duncan is using the Royal “We”

37  Sons, kinsmen, thanes, and those who are nearest, know, We shall establish our estate upon our eldest Malcolm, whom we name hereafter, Prince of Cumberland.  King Duncan is using the Royal “We” ◦ King as representing all of Scotland

38  Sons, kinsmen, thanes, and those who are nearest, know, We shall establish our estate upon our eldest Malcolm, whom we name hereafter, Prince of Cumberland.  King Duncan is using the Royal “We” ◦ King as representing all of Scotland ◦ King indicating a bit of a union with the divine.

39  He is too full of the ____ of _____ ________ to catch the nearest way. (to the throne via murder)

40  He is too full of the Milk of Human Kindness to catch the nearest way. (to the throne via murder)  Lady Macbeth, about her husband.

41  Look like the innocent flower, but be the _______ under it.

42  Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it.  Lady Macbeth

43  Your face, my thane is like a ____ where men may read strange matters.

44  Your face, my thane is like a book where men may read strange matters.  Lady Macbeth

45  Awake, awake! Ring the alarum-bell. Murder and treason! Banquo and Donalbain! Malcolm! awake! Shake off this downy s____, death's counterfeit, And look on d____ itself! up, up, and see The great doom's image!

46  Awake, awake! Ring the alarum-bell. Murder and treason! Banquo and Donalbain! Malcolm! awake! Shake off this downy sleep, death's counterfeit, And look on death itself! up, up, and see The great doom's image!  Macduff

47  To Ireland, I; our separated fortune Shall keep us both the safer: where we are, There's d_____s in men's s_____: the near in blood, the nearer bloody

48  To Ireland, I; our separated fortune Shall keep us both the safer: where we are, There's daggers in men's smiles: the near in blood, the nearer bloody  Donalbain





















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