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Plate Tectonics Review Use the descriptions of each area to determine the process that is causing geologic formations and events. This is just like the.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics Review Use the descriptions of each area to determine the process that is causing geologic formations and events. This is just like the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Tectonics Review Use the descriptions of each area to determine the process that is causing geologic formations and events. This is just like the quiz you will be taking on Wed., 2/27.

2 Location #1 Sea-floor Spreading occurs Igneous Rock is present Small volcanic mountains, or a ridge is there New rocks is formed Underwater geysers, called thermal vents are found all along the ridge, signaling volcanic activity Identify the process causing these geologic formations and events, as well as three key pieces of evidence that supports your decision.

3 Location #1 is... A Divergent Plate Boundary In particular The Atlantic Ocean (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) Look back to the evidence... What points to a divergent boundary?

4 Location #2 Tall volcanic mountains Mountains made of mostly igneous rock Deep oceanic trench off the coast underwater Earthquakes frequent the area Land is folded around the mountains Identify the process causing these geologic formations and events, as well as three key pieces of evidence that supports your decision.

5 Location #2 is... A Convergent Plate Boundary In particular Andes Mountains Look back to the evidence... What points to a convergent boundary?

6 Location #3 No mountains around No volcanoes near Earthquakes occur often in this area Metamorphic and sedimentary rock are the dominant kinds found in this area Large cracks (faults) can be seen Identify the process causing these geologic formations and events, as well as three key pieces of evidence that supports your decision.

7 Location #3 is... A Transform Plate Boundary In particular San Andreas Fault Look back to the evidence... What points to a transform boundary?

8 Location #4 Tall mountains No volcanoes Frequent earthquakes Folding along the mountains Faults or cracks where the Earth shifts Identify the process causing these geologic formations and events, as well as three key pieces of evidence that supports your decision.

9 Location #4 is... A Convergent Plate Boundary In particular The Himalayas Look back to the evidence... What points to a convergent boundary?

10 Location #5 Chain of volcanic islands There is only one active volcanic site, all of the others are extinct Small, frequent earthquakes Faults in the land as Earth shifts Igneous rock makes up all of the islands Identify the process causing these geologic formations and events, as well as three key pieces of evidence that supports your decision.

11 Location #5 is... A Hotspot In particular Hawaii Look back to the evidence... What points to a hotspot?

12 Location #6 Islands that formed in the shape of an arc, or semi-circle Islands are volcanic (actually formed along the base of the ocean and rose to become islands) Strong mega-thrust earthquakes are common Igneous rock is present on all islands A large trench follows the island arc underwater Identify the process causing these geologic formations and events, as well as three key pieces of evidence that supports your decision.

13 Location #6 is... A Convergent Plate Boundary In particular Aleutian Islands Look back to the evidence... What points to a convergent boundary?

14 Review Task Your task is to write four more questions in this format. You may not use any of the locations that were shown in this review (Atlantic O., Andes Mts., San Andreas, Himalayas, Hawaii, or Aleutian Is.), although your clues may be similar since there are similarities around the world. You will need to include four characteristics of a location; at least one should be “the one” that differentiates it from the other processes (think which feature/event identifies the process of convergent, definitely ruling out the other three). Use the research from your blue/yellow chart and the “Uncovering Patterns…” activity you completed with your partner/group. Complete this work on a separate sheet of paper. – Write the characteristics on one side and the answers on the other. – We will use these in class for a share/review activity.

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