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Do Now: Open to page 669, read “Different Viewpoints” Section and write down who you agree with and why? Objectives: Students will be able to...(1) explain.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Open to page 669, read “Different Viewpoints” Section and write down who you agree with and why? Objectives: Students will be able to...(1) explain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Open to page 669, read “Different Viewpoints” Section and write down who you agree with and why? Objectives: Students will be able to...(1) explain the economic and social policies of Herbert Hoover (2) describe the various viewpoints on how to fix issues in the country.

2  Meeting of the minds – Heads of banks, railroads, and other big businesses, labor and government officials.  Promised to keep factories open and not slash wages  That lasted until 1931….  Next step was to increase public works  He urged governors and mayors to increase spending Voluntary Efforts and Public Works

3  Someone had to pay for the projects  If he increased taxes, it hurt consumers pockets and hurt businesses  If kept taxes low and run budget deficit (Spending more $ than bringing in) it would have to borrow from banks  less $ for businesses to borrow for loans Hoover’s in a ‘Pickle’

4  Hoover asks to print more $ (NOPE! Wouldn’t do it!)  National Credit Corporation (NCC): Pool of money put in by banks to loan to other banks (NOPE! Not enough $)  1932: Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC): Loans to banks, railroads, and agricultural institutions  Gave out $238 Mill, to 160 banks, and 18 building-and-loan organizations (NOPE NOT ENOUGH Pumping $$$ Into the Economy (Banks)

5  Hoover opposed Governments participation in relief  Thought that only states and cities should dole out relief  Congress passed Emergency Relief and Construction Act – Hoover reluctant to pass  $1.5 Billion for public works, and $300 million in loans to states for relief Direct Help for Citizens

6  December 5 th, 1932 – 1,200 “Hunger Marchers” assembled in Washington  “Feed the hungry, tax the rich!”  Police blocked them off and denied food, water, and medical treatment (Slept on sidewalk and trucks)  Eventually members of Congress insisted on their right to protest and they were let go Hunger Strikes

7  What did farmers do during the boom days of World War I?  What happened after the war?  Couldn’t make money back let alone profit  Banks foreclosed on land (Taking and evicting families)  Some farmers destroyed crops to lower supply….  Nebraska they burned corn  Iowa food growers prevented the delivery of veggies  Georgia dairy farmers blocked milk trucks and emptied into ditch Farmers Revolt

8  Watch the short video clip and write down 2 CCQ’s on it The Bonus Marchers

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