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Technological Applications as Used in the Agricultural Industry Rachel Ostrander Prepared for CIST 3000 4/23/14.

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Presentation on theme: "Technological Applications as Used in the Agricultural Industry Rachel Ostrander Prepared for CIST 3000 4/23/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technological Applications as Used in the Agricultural Industry Rachel Ostrander Prepared for CIST 3000 4/23/14

2 Contents Definition of agriculture software Uses of agriculture software Success stories Concerns and solutions for agriculture software Examples of software Conclusion

3 DEFINITION OF AGRICULTURE SOFTWARE What is it? Source: Rachel Ostrander Computers and Ranching Are Not Exclusive

4 What is it? A program built to accomplish some task using technology. The programs can operate on these platforms: Desktop computers Smart phones PDAs Laptops The programs often work with hardware such as: Automatic tractors Automatic milking stations Electronic ID scanners

5 USES OF AGRICULTURE SOFTWARE What good is it? Source: Meredith Brownlee Ranchers Ultrasounding Cattle

6 What good is it? Records Automation and monitoring Inventory Data analysis Decision making Cost savings

7 SUCCESS STORIES Has it worked for anyone else? Source: Meredith Brownlee Using an EID Scanner to Read Cattle Numbers

8 Has it worked for anyone else? Farms use precision farming systems. Matthew Bradford, Senior Vice-President of Agriculture at Telvent DTN, said that he believes agriculture software “will prove itself over time”. Ranches use records and data analysis. Dairy farms use milking parlor automation systems and compliance software. Matt Bradford was interviewed on April 3, 2014.

9 CONCERNS AND SOLUTIONS FOR AGRICULTURE SOFTWARE What about these issues? What can be done? Source: Meredith Brownlee Ranchers Ultrasounding Heifers

10 What about this? Our business has never needed technology before and it does not need it now. Agriculture technology is too expensive. Agriculture technology is too difficult to use. Our business has no access to the Internet or cellular services.

11 What can be done? Agriculture was the first technology. The growing need for an increase in profit and production still exists. Agriculture software frequently costs between $5 a month and $100 a month. Agriculture software is built by people in the industry and is easy to use. Internet and cellular service increase yearly and many applications do not require Internet access to operate.

12 EXAMPLES OF AGRICULTURE SOFTWARE What are some specific examples? Source: CattleMax Website CattleMax Website

13 What are some specific examples? FarmSoft CattleMax DairyLive Poultry Manager Porcitech EasyKeeper

14 Features Detailed Records Report Generation InventoryTask Assignment FarmSoft Yes DairyLive Yes No Poultry Manager Yes Porcitech Yes No EasyKeeper Yes No

15 CONCLUSION What is the bottom line? Source: Meredith Brownlee Using Excel to Manage Artificial Insemination Numbers

16 What is the bottom line? Stay competitive! Be more efficient, profitable, and productive. Many programs exist to address a variety of needs. It is the future. If interested, conduct more research: Read the full report “Technological Applications as Used in the Agricultural Industry”. Contact local equipment dealers to see what software their companies offer. Search the internet for specific solutions.

17 QUESTIONS Please email or call 308-360-0584 with any questions you may

18 Citations Brownlee, M. (n.d.). [Image] Ostrander, R. (n.d.). [Image]

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