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MID-TERM REVIEW Student Version. 1. How many milliliters are in 15 kL? A. 1,500 B. 0.0015mL C. 15,000,000 mL D. 15,000 mL.

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Presentation on theme: "MID-TERM REVIEW Student Version. 1. How many milliliters are in 15 kL? A. 1,500 B. 0.0015mL C. 15,000,000 mL D. 15,000 mL."— Presentation transcript:

1 MID-TERM REVIEW Student Version

2 1. How many milliliters are in 15 kL? A. 1,500 B. 0.0015mL C. 15,000,000 mL D. 15,000 mL

3 2. In the element Carbon, there are 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons, what is Carbon’s mass number? A. 6 B. 18 C. 12 D. 66

4 3. Density = mass volume Mass = 12g A. 0.5g/cm 3 B. 1.0g/cm 3 C. 1.5g/cm 3 D. 2.0g/cm 3 3cm 2cm 4cm

5 4. Your weight could be expressed in which of the following SI units? A. Pounds B. Newtons C. Grams D. Kilograms

6 5. The mass of the space shuttle on earth would be A. Less than it would be on Mars B. More than it would be on Mars C. The same as its weight on the moon D. Does not change regardless of location

7 6. Students measured and recorded the density of 4 samples. Using the density column and the data shown below, which of the samples will probably float on the oil? Densities ofSome unknowns LiquidsDensity (g/mL) Sample A1.02 Sample B0.96 Sample C1.15 Sample D0.82 Oil density 0.85 g/mL Water density 1.00 g/mL Corn syrup density 1.02 g/mL Sample A Sample B Sample C Sample D

8 7. During physical changes, matter always retains its A. Size B. Identity C. State D. Texture

9 8.Which of the following describes what happens as the temperature of gas in a balloon increases? A. The speed of the particles decreases. B. The volume of the gas increases and the speed of the particles increases. C. The volume decreases. D. The pressure decreases.

10 9. Energy is released by a substance during A. An exothermic change B. An endothermic change C. Freezing D. Condensation

11 10. An ice cube melting on a warm day is an example of A. An exothermic change B. An endothermic change C. Freezing D. Condensation

12 11. Gravity affects an object’s A. Mass B. Weight C. Volume D. Density

13 12. An atom has no overall charge if it contains equal number of A. Protons and neutrons B. Neutrons and electrons C. Electrons and protons D. None of the above

14 13. _______ circle the nucleus on an atom in a cloud. A. Electrons B. Neutrons C. Protons D. Organelles

15 14. A proton has which of the following charges? A. Negative B. Neutral C. Positive D. Magnetic

16 15. The volume of an object is A. determined by dividing mass by volume. B. the amount of space an object takes up. C. the amount of matter an object contains. D. the same as the weight of an object.

17 16. Between points 2 and 3, energy is being used to change water from a - A. Solid to a liquidC. Liquid to gas B. Liquid to a gasD. Solid to gas 120 110 100 90 20 0 -10 -20 10 20… 80 90 110… 180 190 200… 720 730 740 750 23 4 5 6 1 TemperatureoCTemperatureoC Heat (Kcal)

18 17. Using the graph below at what temperature does a liquid become a gas (vaporization)? A. 0 Kelvin B. 0 o Celsius C. 100 o Celsius 120 110 100 90 20 0 -10 -20 10 20… 80 90 110… 180 190 200… 720 730 740 750 23 4 5 6 1 TemperatureoCTemperatureoC Heat (Kcal)

19 18. Nonmetals are A. Good conductors of thermal energy B. Shiny C. Not malleable and dull D. Ductile

20 19. The three categories of elements are A. Akali family, akaline metals, noble gases B. Metal, Nonmetal, Alloys C. Metals, Nonmetals, Metalloids D. Colloids, Mixtures and Suspensions

21 20. Where on the periodic table would you locate metalloids? A.On the left side of the zig zag line/stair case C. None of the elements are metalloids B.On the right side of the zig zag line/stair case D. Touching the zig zag line/stair case

22 21. Name two elements that have the same number of valence electrons, because they are found in the same group.

23 22. Which of the following molecules has six atoms? A. 4H 2 O B. H 2 O C. 3H 2 O D. 2H 2 O

24 23. In an experiment combining water, sunlight and carbon dioxide to create glucose and oxygen. The sunlight, carbon dioxide and water are A. products B. elements C. suspensions D. reactants

25 24. In an experiment combining water, sunlight and carbon dioxide to create glucose and oxygen. The glucose and oxygen are A. products B. elements C. suspensions D. reactants

26 25. Balance the following equation: Na + Cl  Na 2 Cl 2 A. 2Na + Cl  Na 2 Cl 2 B. 2Na + 2Cl  Na 2 Cl 2 C. Na + 2Cl  Na 2 Cl 2 D. This equation cannot be balanced

27 28. When an atom of iron (Fe) gains two electrons it is now A. Fe-2, a negative ion B. Fe+2, a positive ion C. Fe D. FeO 2, a compound

28 29. What are the three most reactive groups/families? A. Alkali metals, alkaline earth and noble gases B. Alkali metals, noble gases and halogens C. Alkali metals, alkaline earth and halogens

29 30. What type of chemical bond is illustrated below? a. Covalent b. Ionic C. Bond between two nonmetals d. Bond between metals and nonmetals = electron transfer positive ion negative ion

30 31. Which of the elements has more protons than Oxygen? A. Aluminum B. Boron C. Neon D. Carbon

31 32. Name 3 metalloids?

32 33. Which of the following is a chemical property? Reactivity with oxygen Malleability color Size Flammability

33 34. Which scientist theorized that electrons travelled in set orbits around the nucleus? A. Thomson C. Rutherford B. Bohr D. Modern Theory

34 35. Which model of an atom theorized that electrons travelled in a cloud around the nucleus? A. Thomson C. Rutherford B. Bohr D. Modern Theory

35 36. Which of the following is a chemical change? A. A piece of paper is ripped into two pieces. B. Water boils C. Copper interacts with water and air and forms rust D. An ice cream cone melts

36 37. During condensation A. The molecules move faster as they cool. B. The molecules become less ordered and move about more as they cool. C. The molecules stop moving. D. The molecules become more orderly as they slow down.

37 38. ______ is when a solid turns to a liquid, regardless of the temperature. A. Condensation B. Freezing C. Evaporating D. Melting

38 39. A phase change in which a solid becomes a gas without first becoming a liquid is A. Sublimation B. Freezing C. Evaporating D. Melting

39 40. If an element has an atomic number of 12 we know that A. it has 14 neutrons B. it has 12 electrons and 12 protons C. it is Sodium D. It is a nonmetal

40 41. Which of the following can only be separated into a simpler substance by chemical means? A. water (H 2 O) B. salt water C. a mixture D. gold

41 42. Which of the following can only be separated into a simpler substance by physical means? A. water B. salt water C. carbon dioxide D. gold

42 43. How is a compound different from a mixture? A. Compounds form new substances with new properties. B. Solids, liquids and gases can form compounds C. Compounds have two or more components. D. Compounds are only found in nature

43 44. A period on the periodic table of elements is located A. on vertical columns B. on horizontal rows C. on the zig-zag line between metals and nonmetals D. on both vertical columns and on horizontal rows

44 45. Noble gases do not form compounds because A. they need one more valence electron in their outer shell. B. they need six more valence electrons in their outer shell. C. they need four more valence electrons in their outer shell. D. they have a complete set of valence electrons in their outer shell.

45 46. What type of bond does Fluorine (F) and Chlorine (Cl) create? A. Covalent bond B. Ionic bond C. Metallic bond D. Neutral bond

46 47. Nuclear fusion is A. the splitting of one nuclei B. the splitting of one electron C. the joining of two small electrons to form one very large nucleus with a massive nucleus D. the joining of two nuclei with small masses to form one nuclei with a more massive nucleus

47 48. The splitting of a nucleus to form two nuclei of lesser mass is A. nuclear fission B. nuclear fusion C. radioactive waster D. half-life

48 49. An isotope is A. an atom with the same number of protons but a different number of electrons. B. the products of a chemical reaction. C. The reactant in a chemical reaction. D. an atom with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.

49 50. Which of the following in equal concentrations has the lowest pH? A. a weak base B. a neutral salt C. a strong acid D. a strong base

50 51. Which of the following would neutralize lemon juice with a pH of 2? A. house hold ammonia with a pH of 12 B. a citric juice with a pH of 2 C. sea water with a pH of 8 D. tap water with a pH of 7.5

51 52. A salt forms when A. an acid reacts with another acid B. a base reacts with another base C. a neutral substance reacts with an acid D. an acid reacts with a base

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