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Physical Education Gallego Intermediate. Grades Students will earn two assignment grades per week. 1. Cognitive understanding 2. Physical understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Education Gallego Intermediate. Grades Students will earn two assignment grades per week. 1. Cognitive understanding 2. Physical understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Education Gallego Intermediate

2 Grades Students will earn two assignment grades per week. 1. Cognitive understanding 2. Physical understanding

3 Class Rules Treat others the way you want to be treated. Safety first, then teamwork.

4 Class Objective: Students will work to achieve TOTAL FITNESS. What is Total Fitness? FITT Guidelines Health-related components Basic training principals Skill-related components

5 FITT Guidelines Frequency: How often Intensity: How hard Time: How long Type: What kind

6 Health Related Components Aerobic Fitness Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Flexibility Body Composition

7 Basic Training Principles Overload: Push beyond your capacity Progression: gradually increase the level of exercise Specificity: target the areas you want to train Regularity: use it or loose it Individuality: everybody adapts differently to exercise.

8 Skill-related Components Agility Balance Coordination Power Reaction Time Speed

9 Class Procedures Enter the gym prepared and focused. Sign in. Dress out and line up.

10 SQUADS: In line and in order

11 Teacher Led Instruction Explanation of content and activity.

12 Student Led Demonstration Squad Leaders: Demonstrate movement skills and answer core questions. Students who demonstrate their knowledge get to "drop some knowledge".

13 Core Questions How can you use the FITT guidelines to get the most out of this activity? What component(s) of physical fitness does this activity target? How can you use the basic training principals to get the most out of this activity? What skill related components of physical fitness are being trained in this activity?

14 Drop Some Knowledge Each correct answer earns 1-3 marbles (depending on the completeness of response) which will be dropped into their class jug. This knowledge can be exchanged for class rewards.

15 Alternative assignment Students who choose to not participate in the activity can complete an alternative assignment. Alternative assignment includes answering the core questions in paragraph form as it pertains to the concept/activity being taught in class. Alternative assignments are turned in at the end of the period.

16 Students then complete the activity according to instruction. Remember that the objective of the activity is to work towards total fitness.

17 Whistle Signals One whistle means GO! Two whistles means STOP! Five or more whistles means EMERGENCY STOP!

18 Closure On the signal, everybody will help clean up. All students will return to squads. Students then have the opportunity to drop some more knowledge. This round is open to the entire class.

19 Dress out and wait in the hall for dismissal. Please do not handle equipment outside of the activity time.

20 Questions?

21 Drop Some Knowledge What does the FITT acronym stand for? What are the five health related components? What are the five basic training principals? What are the six skill related components of fitness?

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