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Forestry in Georgia Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Dr. Frank Flanders and Scott Register April 2006.

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1 Forestry in Georgia Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Dr. Frank Flanders and Scott Register April 2006

2 Objectives Students will be able to: Explain the importance of the forestry industry to Georgia. Name two main species of trees that are harvested for forestry needs in Georgia. Name one product that comes directly from trees and one product that is indirectly made from trees. Identify and explain ways to conserve the forest land and protect it while harvesting trees. Distinguish between and explain natural and artificial reforestation. Rank the forestry industry compared to other Georgia commodities. Rank Georgia’s forestry industry to that of other states.

3 Why is forestry important Georgia is home to nearly 1,500 forest product manufacturers. Georgia consistently ranks near the top in pulp and paper production and in the top five lumber- producing states. Georgia is the number one producer of naval stores in the nation. Georgia’s forest economy directly and indirectly employs 177,000 Georgians. Georgia forestry is a $19.5 billion a year industry.

4 Tree Species Georgia has 200 native trees, but only a few are routinely harvested for forestry needs. Trees are generally grouped into two different categories. conifers broadleaf trees The major type that is harvested in Georgia is the conifers, commonly known as pines. The major species of pines that are harvested are: Loblolly Slash Longleaf (somewhat less due to abundance) Broadleaf trees are harvested for more specialty items, since they take much longer to grow to marketable sizes.

5 Forestry Products There are many things that come from Georgia’s forests, wood and paper products, are the well known items but there are more. There are many things that come from Georgia’s forests, wood and paper products, are the well known items but there are more. Biomass from the trees can be used as an alternative energy source. Biomass from the trees can be used as an alternative energy source. Lipstick and perfumes are created from chemical ingredients found in trees. Lipstick and perfumes are created from chemical ingredients found in trees.

6 Forest Conservation Forest stewardship is the most important thing to consider when dealing with forests. Forest stewardship is the most important thing to consider when dealing with forests. With proper management the same land can be used for multiple plans such as: timber, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, and aesthetics. With proper management the same land can be used for multiple plans such as: timber, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, and aesthetics. Proper plans and suggestions can be obtained from the Georgia Forestry Commission. Proper plans and suggestions can be obtained from the Georgia Forestry Commission.

7 Conservation In line with the actual tree conservation are the conservation of the water that is in and surrounding the forest. In line with the actual tree conservation are the conservation of the water that is in and surrounding the forest. Water conservation is extremely important to ensure that everything continues to thrive. Water conservation is extremely important to ensure that everything continues to thrive. Some of the best management techniques to ensure water quality are Best Management Practices (BMP’s) Some of the best management techniques to ensure water quality are Best Management Practices (BMP’s) The focus of BMP’s are to minimize erosion and stream sedimentation from forestry practices. The focus of BMP’s are to minimize erosion and stream sedimentation from forestry practices.

8 Conservation Cont. Another extremely important aspect of forestry conservation is prescribed burning. Prescribed burning is NOT the same thing as a forest fire. Prescribed burning is a necessary tool for forest management.

9 Conservation Cont. There are several reasons to perform these burnings: There are several reasons to perform these burnings: Reduce hazardous fuels Prepare sites for seeding and planting Improve wildlife habitat Manage competing vegetation Control insects and disease Improve forage for grazing Enhance appearance Improve access These burnings should only be done by professionals and with the directions and/or knowledge of the Forestry Commission. These burnings should only be done by professionals and with the directions and/or knowledge of the Forestry Commission.

10 Reforestation Reforestation - is the process of restoring and recreating areas of woodlands or forest that once existed but were deforested, otherwise removed or destroyed at some point in the past. It is distinguished from tree farming because it has purely ecological intentions. There are two types of reforestation. Artificial Reforestation – is a measurement that requires the use of deliberate, human-initiated measures to re-grow vegetation and is used when conditions or activities prohibit natural reforestation Natural Reforestation – is the restoration of forests that have been reduced by fire, cutting, or natural occurring events, the forest itself conducts this to survive.

11 Timber Production 1Wayne$18,502,500 2Clinch$17,488,322 3Laurens$13,344,181 4Glynn$12,317,910 5Washington$11,933,237 6Ware$11,691,620 7Wilkes$11,573,889 8Echols$11,371,966 9Early$9,897,030 10Charlton$9,797,8 1Wayne$20,760,000 2Clinch$17,578,322 3Laurens$16,569,181 4Washington$12,893,237 5Glynn$12,317,910 6Ware$11,734,370 7Wilkes$11,581,389 8Echols$11,374,216 9Bulloch$11,157,500 10Burke$9,990,652 Forestry and Products

12 Interesting Facts One acre of healthy trees produces enough oxygen for 18 people per day. In one year, an acre of trees absorbs the amount of carbon dioxide you produce when you drive your car 26,000 miles. Trees placed strategically around a home or building can reduce heating and cooling costs from 10-50%. Georgia forests, located in the heart of the nation's "wood basket," cover 23.8 million acres. In the past 10 years, total forestland increased by more than 1%. Forests now cover 66% of the land area statewide Georgia is the largest timber-producing state in the eastern United States.

13 Assessment 1. Name one reason the forestry industry is so important to Georgia. 2. Name two categories of trees. 3. Name the most common species of pine trees in Georgia. 4. Name five products that come from forestry products. 5. What agency should be consulted on matters of forest management? A. UGA Forestry AgencyB. Department of Education C. Georgia Tree Service D. Georgia Forestry Commission 6. The focus of ______ are to minimize erosion and stream sedimentation from forestry practices. A. SMZ’s B. BMP’s C. QMP’s D. GPS’s 7. Why is a prescribed burn not a forest fire? 8. Give two reasons to perform a prescribed burn. 9. Distinguish between Natural Reforestation and Artificial Reforestation. 10. Which of the following is not a top 5 county in Georgia in timber production? A. Wayne B. Clinch C. Murray D. Washington

14 Assessment Key 1. Georgia - is home to nearly 1,500 forest products manufacturers. - ranks near the top in pulp and paper production and - is in the top five lumber-producing states. - is the number one producer of naval stores in the nation. - forests directly and indirect employs 177,000 - forestry industries are a $19.5 billion a year industry 2. Conifers and broadleaf trees 3. Loblolly, Slash, and Longleaf 4. Any of the products from the previous slides among others. (at the digression of the instructor) 5. D. Georgia Forestry Commission 6. B. BMP’s 7. A prescribed burn is a supervised, controlled, planned, and calculated burn, where a forest fire is an uncontrolled and typically unsupervised burn. 8. reduce hazardous fuels, prepare sites for seeding and planting, improve wildlife habitat, manage competing vegetation, control insects and disease, improve forage for grazing, enhance appearance, and improve access 9. Artificial is preformed by man or machine, and natural is a natural occurring event that is preformed by the forest. 10. C. Murray

15 References

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