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SOCIAL CHANGE AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT By Olivia Daniel, Brooke Roaten, and Audrey Garrett 2 nd Period.

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2 SOCIAL CHANGE AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT By Olivia Daniel, Brooke Roaten, and Audrey Garrett 2 nd Period

3 Religious Transformation  1 st Amendment – separation of church and state  Many religious revivals  Start of the revolution: congregationalists, Anglicans, and Quakers  By 1800s: Evangelical Methodists and Baptists

4 The Second Great Awakening  Rise of evangelical churches  “free-will”  Populist orientations  Ordinary people over elites  Revivals led many people to convert  U.S became more Protestant  Social activism in the church

5 Red River Meeting House Location for the Revival of 1800 – Logan County, Kentucky Led by Presbyterian minister James McGready, John Rankin, Rev. William Hodge, and John and William McGee 4 day communion service Several hundred Christians – 100 mile radius

6 Charles Grandison Finney  Ordained Presbyterian minister 1824  Connected to Andrew Jackson – belief in free- will and self-governance  Rochester, New York: preached 98 sermons between September 10, 1830-March 6, 1831  “New Measures” made popular by Charles Finney “I have a retainer from the Lord Jesus Christ to plead his cause, I cannot plead yours.” (Memoirs 24)

7 “A Patriot’s History of the United States”  Larry Schweikart  Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara  Michael Patrick Allen  Professor at Stetson University  Industrial Revolution helped start the new changes in Revolution  Caused huge changes in lives of Americans  Urgency in people to find spiritual salvation

8 Cultural Independence What does it meant to be an American?  Major contributors  Noah Webster - Writer Webster’s Dictionary  Washington Irving – Writer The Sketch Book of Geoffery Crayon, Gent

9 Cultural Independence  Major contributors  Thomas Cole – Painter Landscape paintings Founder of Hudson River School

10 Cultural Independence  Culture in the west  Migration west threatened nature’s beauty  Some artists and writer tried to help the west James Fenimore Cooper – Writer The Leatherstoking Series George Catlin – Painter Sold Indian Paintings to raise money for the Native Americans

11 The Beginning of A Change for Women  Beginning of a long battle for women’s equality began in the mid 1800s  New Republican ideals of America emphasized independence which started to help women’s arguments  1820s-1830s: Women begin taking jobs as school teachers  Women still limited to domestic lifestyle

12 The Beginning of A Change for Women  1840- Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott take roles as U.S. delegates in World Antislavery Conference  Most women still hesitant or disapproving of women’s rights activists  First wave of feminism: 1900s-1920s  Women really begin taking action in society and in political issues  Role of women began to change

13 The Beginning of A Change for Women  America depends on women during World War I  “nearly three million new women workers were employed in food, textile, and war industries”(Yale- NewHaven Teachers Institute)  Women took up the role of providing to the soldiers what the army could not

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