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1/14/16 and 1/15/16 1.Warm Up 2.The Exploration of the Ocean Floor (Activity 2.2) 3.Google Forms Lesson 2/Lesson 3 4.The Theory of Plate Tectonics (Activity.

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Presentation on theme: "1/14/16 and 1/15/16 1.Warm Up 2.The Exploration of the Ocean Floor (Activity 2.2) 3.Google Forms Lesson 2/Lesson 3 4.The Theory of Plate Tectonics (Activity."— Presentation transcript:


2 1/14/16 and 1/15/16 1.Warm Up 2.The Exploration of the Ocean Floor (Activity 2.2) 3.Google Forms Lesson 2/Lesson 3 4.The Theory of Plate Tectonics (Activity 3.1) 5.Google Forms Lesson 3 6.Quiz (notebook paper) HOMEWORK: Review: lessons 1-3-assessment Thursday and Friday of next week. Check GC 1/15/16 for a study guide.

3 F The shape of the orbit G The closeness of Mars H The presence of a moon I The distance from the Sun


5 A bones B earsD lungs C heart


7 Learning Goals Explain the evidence that led to the development of the theory of plate tectonics. Explain continental drift. Present a phenomena that led to continental drift theory.

8 Continental Drift Video discoveries/videos/100-greatest-discoveries-continental-drift/ discoveries/videos/100-greatest-discoveries-continental-drift/

9 Activity 2.2-The Exploration of the Ocean Floor Use Activity 2.2 in IQWST handout.



12 Activity 2.2-The Exploration of the Ocean Floor Where on the map are mountains located?



15 Activity 2.2-The Exploration of the Ocean Floor Mark where the ocean floor is youngest and where it is oldest.



18 Activity 2.2-The Exploration of the Ocean Floor Why do you think the trenches are located in certain spots on Earth?

19 Activity 2.2-The Exploration of the Ocean Floor Summarize three conclusions the scientist reached as a result of the awareness of these new phenomena and data.

20 Activity 2.2-The Exploration of the Ocean Floor What do you think scientist concluded about the ocean floors after discovering these three new ideas?

21 Demonstrating Ocean Floor Spreading Table demo: 1.You need two sheets of notebook paper 2.Position the two pieces of paper vertically between the tables, so they are hanging in the space between them. 3.Draw a continent (circle or blob) where the two pieces of paper are touching, so that half is on each piece. 4.Two students take hold of the top of one of the pieces of paper toward their body, with the paper resting on the desk.

22 Sea Floor Spreading Video discoveries/videos/100-greatest-discoveries-sea-floor-spreading/

23 Wrapping Up the Lesson Wegener believed that the continents were one large landmass called Pangea. The continents moved apart, and this is called continental drift. Wegener had no mechanism for this to have happened. The ocean floor rock is volcanic (specifically basalt) and is much younger than the continental rock. The ages of the ocean floor rock were found to vary significantly depending on the location. New material is constantly being added to the edges of some plants. This creates new ocean floor between continents or forces them together.

24 Google Classroom Rate what you know! The same form will be completed at the end of this lesson.

25 Learning Goals Explain continental drift. Present phenomena that led to continental drift theory.

26 Activity 3.1-The Theory of Plate Tectonics Use Activity 3.1 in IQWST. Answer Background Information questions. Review the procedures on the card given to you by your teacher. Construct your models. Complete Making Sense question #1 Present models as a table to the class. Answer Making Sense questions #2-#4.


28 Google Classroom Rate what you know! The same form will be completed at the end of this lesson.

29 Pack everything up. Please put markers/crayons/col ored pencils back where they belong.

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