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GENESIS Groundwater and dependent ecosystems: new scientific basis on climate change and land-use impacts Björn Klöve Catchment.

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Presentation on theme: "GENESIS Groundwater and dependent ecosystems: new scientific basis on climate change and land-use impacts Björn Klöve Catchment."— Presentation transcript:

1 GENESIS Groundwater and dependent ecosystems: new scientific basis on climate change and land-use impacts Björn Klöve Catchment Management: Impact of climate change on risks and investment costs 21 st November 2013, Oxford

2 Content of presentation GENESIS project main tasks and work packages (WPs) Outcome Scientific papers Deliverables Policy briefs Toolbox PhD course 3-4 March 2013, Prague Final conference 5-7 March 2013, Prague 13 June 20162 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

3 3 Case Study Aquifers

4 4 GENESIS Work Packages

5 WP2 Groundwater flow characterization System understanding : - Derive conceptual model - Design measurement programmes - Assess vulnerability GW and GDE Hydrogeology Hydrology Ecology METHODS -e.g. tracers 13 June 2016 5 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

6 Work Package 2 Groundwater flow characterization Innovative studies, combining a variety of methods, on: – infiltration in and vulnerability of cold/mountainous regions affected by frost and snowmelt, -interactions between groundwater and surface water and dependent ecosystems, -unsaturated zone processes (heterogeneity, leaching of contaminants)

7 Work Package 2 Groundwater flow characterization MAIN RESULTS: two deliverables Provides guidance on characterization of the physical aspects of groundwater systems functioning particularly in relation to time scales of water flow and contaminant transport. Includes the Decision Tree aimed at assisting groundwater practitioners in physically-based assessments of the intrinsic vulnerability of groundwater systems

8 Work Package 2 Groundwater flow characterization Tracer methods help overcome challenges in characterization of groundwater systems and in assessments of their vulnerability – Deliverables 2.2, 2.3: -Unsaturated zone processes -Wide spectrum of spatial and temporal scales -Flow heterogeneity -Groundwater flow vs groundwater transport -Flow of DNAPLs MESSAGE:

9 Work Package 2 Groundwater flow characterization Tracers as an indispensable part of conceptual model development - Deliverable 2.2 Mean Transit Time of water as an operational and objective indicator of groundwater (or GDE) vulnerability – Deliverable 2.3 Both issues not sufficiently recognized in the WFD, GWD and CIS Guidance Documents MESSAGE:

10 WP3 Pollutant leaching 13 June 201610 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU Groundwater

11 WP3 Pollutant input and leaching to groundwater aquifers D3.1: Pollutant input, leaching and background loads D3.2: Assessment methods to detect pollutant leaching to groundwater D3.3: Report on sustainable measures to protect groundwater bodies D3.4: Final report on pollutant and leaching to groundwater : Rules to perform diagnostics of pollutants load in the soil system and to characterize and to quantify sources and pathways of contamination, including validation, sensitivity and uncertainty for the case studies. Biogeochemical processes in leaching assessment methods. Impact of future scenarios considering climatic and land-use changes. Tools to assess the pollutants leaching at different scales and results of application to different case study. 13 June 201611 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

12 D3.2: Assessment methods to detect pollutant leaching to groundwater Alterra Coordination Highlights : The directives, guidelines and working documents related to pollutant leaching to groundwater are reviewed. Processes which are currently not well described in leaching models are addressed. The present regulations and procedures for leaching assessment are assessed for nitrate, pesticides and organic compounds. Tools for leaching are discussed at field scale, catchment / aquifer scale and EU- scale GENESIS innovation benchmark of 6 Nitrate Leaching models based on the Wagna lysimeter data-set for testing leaching models, frequently used by European researchers benchmark of 3 Pesticide Leaching models with a data-set of the GRUE- case study EU-scale modelling of water flow and nitrate leaching by the SWAT-model Nitrate Leaching Transfer Function derived from results of deterministic model Example for 1 location 10 locations x 4 crops x 3 dosages x 2 fertilizer types x 4 application times

13 Leaching of metribuzin from field with cold winter climate under conventional cropping practices in Norway, simulated with MACRO, PEARL and PRZM. A benchmark study. Soil temperatures dynamics were successfully simulated by the three models except in the winter spring period Neither models captured its dynamic during frost-thawing period The three models simulated quite well the dynamics of bromide concentration PRZM simulation of pesticide transfer differed largely from MACRO and PEARL.

14 D3.3: Proposal of sustainable measures to protect groundwater bodies INRA Coordination Highlights : potential risk mitigation measures reviewed and analyzed from a scientific point of view but also regarding their implementation in practice. quantitative evaluation on mitigation strategies in the reduction of groundwater impacts. improvement of risk mitigation measures currently used in order to come to better harmonized approaches Some case studies as demonstrative situations To test some mitigation strategies at different scales for different kinds of contamination To estimate the effects at the regional/catchment scale du to the implementation of a given mitigation measure To assess the feasibility of mitigation strategies, i.e practicability and cost-effectiveness, and propose some recommendation for those considered both effective and feasible for implementation at the farm and catchment scale Nitrate Wagna case study (Austria) Vosvozis case study (Greece) Fontanili case study (Greece) Mancha oriental (Spain) Pesticides Grue case study (Norway) Fontanili case study (Italy) Trace metals Feucherolles case study (France) Organic contaminants Bitterfeld case study (Germany)

15 15 Groundwater dependent ecosystems

16 GDE 13 June 201616 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU Aquifer Aquitard GWDAE GWDTE Increasing surface water dependency

17 Peatland Hillslope hydrology?

18 WP4 GDE Hydrology ManagementEcology 13 June 201618 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU Processes in GDEs Design of relevant observations campaign Develompent of conceptual models Knowledge on impact- responses to presures Vulnerability of GDEs

19 Deliverables WP4 D4.1: Baseline study on GDE ecohydrology D4.2: Groundwater surface water interaction in GDE D4.3: New indicators for assessing GDE vulnerability D4.4: Report on GDE protection D4.5: Land-use and climate change effects on GDE 13 June 201619 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

20 Review papers produced 13 June 201620 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU Kløve, B. Ala-Aho, P. Bertrand, G. Gurdak, J. J. Kupfersberger, H. Kvœrner, J. Muotka, T. Mykrä, H. Preda, E. Rossi, P. Bertacchi Uvo, C. Velasco, E. Wachniew, P. Pulido-Velázquez, M. 2013. Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems. Journal of Hydrology (accepted). Kløve B., Ala-aho P., Bertrand G., Boukalova Z., Ertürk A., Goldscheider N., Ilmonen J., Karakaya N., Kupfersberger H., Kværner J., Lundberg A., Mileusnić M., Moszczynska A., Muotka T., Preda E., Rossi P., Siergieiev D., Šimek J., Wachniew P., Widerlund A. 2011. Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems: Part I - Hydroecology, threats and status of ecosystems. Environmental Science and Policy 14, 770 – 781. Kløve B., Ala-aho P., Allan A., Bertrand G., Druzynska E., Ertürk A., Goldscheider N., Henry S., Karakaya N., Karjalainen T.P.,Koundouri P., Kværner J., Lundberg A.., Muotka T., Preda E., Pulido Velázquez M., Schipper P. 2011. Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems: Part II - Ecosystem services and management under risk of climate Change and Land-Use Management. Environmental Science and Policy 14, 782-793.

21 WP 5 Modelling Numerical models Aquifers and GDEs Land use and climate change Partner knowledge Resources etc 13 June 201621 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU Selected approach Modelling approaches and experiences Good examples Modelling methods Impact of land use practices and climate change How to deal with GDEs

22 WP5: final results and outcomes Options and scope for coupling of numerical models Significance of conceptual models Modeling guidance to consider climate and land use change effects on groundwater systems

23 WP5: final results and outcomes Relating land use and climate change projections to groundwater impact studies by model chains –Uncertainty along the modeling path Comparing impacts of land use and climate change projections across European groundwater systems and inferring recommendations Highlights (showing integration): –Combination with socio-economic framework –Inclusion of cc and lu effects on substances leaching and subsequently groundwater quality –Extension to ecological assessment

24 WP 6 Groundwater systems management: economic, legal and institutional aspects 13 June 201624 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

25 WP 6 Groundwater systems management: economic, legal and institutional aspects MAIN OBJECTIVES:  Integrated socio-hydro-economic modelling framework for selecting sustainable cost-efficient measures & management strategies to achieve good GW status in an uncertain environment  Analysis of scenarios, policies, legal & institutional framework  Application to selected case studies

26 Work Package 6 Groundwater systems management: economic, legal and institutional aspects CONTEX: T HE EU WFD-GWD CHALLENGE Increasing role of economics in water policy. Application of  Economic principles (e.g. cost-recovery, the polluter pays principle, environmental and resource costs, etc.)  Economic tools & methods (e.g. CEA, CBA)  Economic instruments (water pricing policy)

27 TESTED APPROACHES:  NONMARKET VALUATION TECHNIQUES (policies /events with no market prices; choice experiments): Czestochowa, Vosvozis, Zagreb, Rokua  ECONOMETRIC METHODS / survey-based PRODUCTION FUNCTIONS in agriculture : Vosvozis, Dalyan  HYDRO-ECONOMIC MODELLING explicit combination of economics-engineering-hydrology : Mancha Oriental  BAYESIAN NETWORKS / uncertain / multiple issues/ ≠ data sources / missing qualitative data: Mancha Oriental  MAVT approach to assess stakeholder preferences  Legal assessment WORKSHOPS & focus meetings with experts and stakeholders

28 MAIN RESULTS: 6 deliverables Principles, concepts, methods, & tools for integrating economics & science for decision-making on GW systems management Work Package 6 Groundwater systems management: economic, legal and institutional aspects Contribution of economics, hydro- economic and Bayesian network modelling to the analysis of sustainable management policies at 6 selected case studies. Approaches, implementation to the case studies, and relevance of the results to the implementation of the EU WFD and GWD.

29 Legal issues related to implementation of WFD-GWD & supporting regulatory environment and institutions. Multicriteria (MAVT) analysis of stakeholder preferences and ranking of management alternatives. Integrated framework of analysis for the use of economic valuation methods (non- market valuation, market-based production and demand, hydro-economic modeling) and their results in the implementation of G-WFD. Original DATABASE of existing applications of env. valuation and production side studies to value gw benefits Integrate economic / legal / stakeholder preference work done in WP6 and other legally-relevant findings from other deliverables in the project DELIVERABLE 6.5: Synthesis and policy recommendations Integrate economic / legal / stakeholder preference work done in WP6 and other legally-relevant findings from other deliverables in the project

30  Value of integrated multidisciplinary approach to address challenges of EU WFD & GWD  Broad range of economic, hydro-economic and multicriteria techniques to tackle GW management issues  No single standard approach for GW economic & management issues / specific approaches (scope, policy issues, data, physical setting, drivers, legal & inst. framework, etc.)  Complementary information (HEM – opt. policies & impacts; EcValuation – benefits from improving GW status; MAVT – ranking of alternatives)  High potential for the use of economic instruments in groundwater management. Still quite unexplored. KEY MESSAGES: Work Package 6 Groundwater systems management: economic, legal and institutional aspects

31 Summary Groundwater and ecosystems studied in a multidisciplinary context in GENESIS Some approaches used for the first time New results on ecosystems, leaching and methods such as use of tracers, models and socio-economic methods Integration of results from different scientific fields result in a more integrated magement for groundwater systems 13 June 201631 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

32 Final conference 5-8 March, Prague Short course for PhD students ”Hydrogeology of groundwater dependent ecosystem (GDEs): novel techniques for hydrological and ecological monitoring and analysis” 13 June 201632 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

33 Journal special issues 2014 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) special issues on “Groundwater resources and their ecosystem services: new methods and management practices” submission of papers end of May 2014. Science of The Total Environment (STOTEN) special issues on “From the assessment of the of pollutant input into groundwater systems to the measures for protecting them, via the assessment of the effect of climate and land-use change» submission of papers end of February 2014. 13 June 201633 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU Manuscripts welcome

34 13 June 201634 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU Thank you for your attention

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