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Friends of Brownhill Surgery Patient Participation Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Friends of Brownhill Surgery Patient Participation Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friends of Brownhill Surgery Patient Participation Group

2  There are over 200 types of cancer.  One in three people will develop a cancer during their lifetime.  The risk of developing cancer increases with age. FACTS

3  30% of cancers in women are due to breast cancer.  12% are lung cancers  11% are bowel cancers  5% are cancer of the womb

4  25% of all cancers in men are due to prostate cancer  14% are bowel cancers  4% are bladder cancers

5  Certain signs or symptoms suggest there could be a cancer.  Each of the following signs or symptoms could be nothing to do with cancer.  However if anything persists get checked.

6  Change in personality / mood changes  Unusual headaches  Loss of hearing on one side  Visual change on one side

7  A mouth or tongue ulcer lasting more than three weeks  Difficulty swallowing solid foods  Heartburn or indigestion that starts after the age of 60

8  Hoarse voice or a cough lasting more than three weeks  Coughing up blood  Shortness of breath

9  A change in bowel habit lasting more than six weeks, constipation, going more often, looser stools  Passing blood in the urine or in the stool  Problems passing urine

10  A change in size, shape or colour of a mole  A sore that won’t heal  An unexplained lump or swelling  Unexplained weight loss  Heavy night sweats

11  Changes in passing urine  Hesitancy  Dribbling  Incomplete emptying  Getting up in the night to pass urine

12  Breast changes change in size, shape or feel skin puckering or rashes inversion of nipples a lump or thickening of one part of the breast pain or discomfort in one breast only

13  Vaginal bleeding Bleeding in-between period Bleeding after sex Any spotting or bleeding once the periods have stopped for one year or more  Vaginal discharge more than usual or smelling

14  Abdominal symptoms Bloating persistent tummy or pelvic pain difficulty eating or feeling full quickly

15  Healthy eating (reduce salt, reduce processed foods)  Reduce alcohol intake  Stop smoking  Keep active

16  Cervical screening  Breast screening  Bowel screening  Health checks – remember to take a urine sample


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