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Https:// CPR.

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2 Three C’S CHECK the scene THEN the victim CALL 911 CARE until help arrives

3 First thing you want to do... Check the ____ then the ______ Call_______ Care__________

4 Checking an unconscious person After 911 has been called find out if there are conditions that threaten the persons life..such as -Has an open air way -Shows signs of life -Is bleeding severely KNOW YOUR ABC A-AIRWAY-open airway B-BREATHING-check for movement or breathing C-CIRCULATION – check for signs of life (pulse)

5 A-AIRWAY When someone is unconscious and lying on his or her back the tongue may fall to the back of the throat and block the airway. To open an unconscious persons airway push down on his or her jaw with two or three fingers of your hand to life the chin. This is called the head-tilt/chin lift technique. This moves the tongue away from the back of the throat allowing air to enter the lungs.

6 B-BREATHING After opening the airway check for signals of breathing. Position yourself correctly LOOOK LISTEN AND FEEL for movement and breathing for no more then10 seconds If not breathing you would give 2 rescue breaths with each breath lasting 1 second.

7 C-CIRCULATION You must keep blood circulation in the persons body until emergency help arrives To do this you perform CPR CPR stands for- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

8 ADULT CPR 8 and UP 1.Check the victim for unresponsiveness. 2. If the person is not responsive and not breathing or not breathing normally. Call 911 and return to the victim. In most locations the emergency dispatcher can assist you with CPR instructions. 2. Push down in the center of the chest 2 inches 30 times. Pump hard and fast at the rate of at least 100/minute, faster than once per second.

9 3. Tilt the head back and lift the chin. Pinch nose and cover the mouth with yours and blow until you see the chest rise. Give 2 breaths. Each breath should take 1 second. If the victim is still not breathing normally, coughing or moving, begin chest compressions. NOTE: This ratio is the same for one- person & two-person CPR. In two- person CPR the person pumping the chest stops while the other gives mouth-to-mouth breathing. CONTINUE WITH 30 PUMPS AND 2 BREATHS UNTIL HELP ARRIVES

10 Chest compressions HANDS 1. Place the heel of one hand on the victims sternum (breastbone) 2. Place your other hand directly on top to apply pressure on the sternum and interlock fingers. (breastbone) 3. Do not apply pressure with fingertips - 1 ½ 2inches BODY POSITION 1. Kneel beside the victim with your hands in the correct position. 2. Straighten your arms and interlock your elbow also that your shoulders are directly over your hands. 3. Lock your elbows, keep your arms straight.


12 What to do if the person refuses care Tell them your qualification Stay with them and if they are not looking well call 911. DO NOT GIVE CARE IF THEY REFUSE Wait until someone with higher qualification arrive

13 CPR TRAINING VIDEO  e=related e=related

14 Unresponsive and Breathing Place the victim in the recovery position. Extend arm nearest to you up alongside the head. Bring far arm across chest and place back of their hand against cheek. Grasp far leg above knee and pull up so foot is on the ground. Grasp shoulder and hip and gently roll victim toward you Roll in single motion keeping the head, shoulders and torso from twisting.

15 CPR FOR A CHILD 1-8 OR 55 Pounds -Locate proper hand positioning same an an adult -Use one hand to place on the child check and the other hand on the forehead to maintain an open airway -Have your shoulders over the hands 1 to 1 ½ inches

16 CPR FOR AN INFANT up to 1 Imaginary line running across the chest between the nipples Place 2 or 3 fingers If your feel the sternum move your finger tips up Compress a ½ inch to 1 inch 30 compressions 2 breaths When giving the breaths cover the infants nose and mouth with your mouth


18 Choking adult Step 1. Determine if the person can speak or cough. If not, proceed to the next step. Step 2. Perform an abdominal thrust (Heimlich Maneuver) repeatedly until the foreign body is expelled. Step 3. A chest thrust may be used for markedly obese persons or in late stages of pregnancy. If the adult or child becomes unresponsive perform CPR. If you see an object in the throat or mouth, remove it.

19 Heimlich Maneuver on a pregnant women

20 What is an AED? AED- Automated External Defibrillator What does it do?... It can analyze heart rhythm, recognize if a shock is needed and administer a shock when ready.

21 AED- Automated External Defibrillator 1. Turn on AED 2.Wipe victims chest and dry any sweat or liquids 3. Apply pads to bare chest 4. Once on stand clear and do not touch victim 5. A shock will be given to the victim -If the AED says no shock delivered begin CPR

22 When using an AED be careful with... DO NOT touch the victim DO NOT use alcohol to whip the victim (alcohol is flammable) DO NOT use around combustible materials DO NOT use in a moving vehicle DO NOT use if victim is around water DO NOT use if a victim is younger then 8 or weighs less then 55 pounds DO NOT use phone or radio within 6 feet of an AED


24 Signals of a heart attack -Chest pain spreading to shoulders, neck, jaw, stomach, back or arms -Shortness of breath or trouble breathing -Nausea or vomiting -Dizziness, light headed or fainting -Pale, grayish or blueish skin -Sweating -Denial WOMEN ARE MORE LIKELY TO EXPERIENCE -Shortness of breath -Nausea or vomiting -Back or jaw pain

25 Care for a heart attack -Recognize signals -Call 911 -Help victim rest comfortably -Loosen any restrictive clothing -Assist the victim if they have any prescribed medication -Monitor breathing and signs of life -Be prepared to perform CPR or use an AED if a victims heart stops beating

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