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ENGLISH I September 22, 2014. Prefix: Mal- = bad, ill, wrong Sentence Example: The angry patient sued the incompetent doctor for malpractice.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGLISH I September 22, 2014. Prefix: Mal- = bad, ill, wrong Sentence Example: The angry patient sued the incompetent doctor for malpractice."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGLISH I September 22, 2014

2 Prefix: Mal- = bad, ill, wrong Sentence Example: The angry patient sued the incompetent doctor for malpractice.

3 Grammar Pattern of the Week Adjectives describe a noun or pronoun to give more specific meaning. They answer the questions: “What kind? Which one? How many? How much?” Necessary to provide more specific information.

4 1 st -5th ◦ Take English I/Unit 1Test ◦ If you finish, you can read a book or work on your comic script and sketch ◦ DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST!!!

5 6 th ◦ Work on comic book script and sketch ◦ I will continue to have conferences with you.

6 ENGLISH I September 23, 2014

7 Prefix: Mis- = wrong, badly Sentence Example: Copy and identify the adjectives with “adj” and adverbs with “adv”. Joe loudly mistreated his sweet girlfriend in the main hall.

8 Prefix: Mis- = wrong, badly Sentence Example: Copy and identify the adjectives with “adj” and adverbs with “adv”. Joe loudly mistreated his sweet girlfriend in the main hall.

9 Reminders ◦ We will be in the computer lab tomorrow and Friday ◦ Progress reports are going out tomorrow ◦ Reflection Assignment and Peer Evaluations due Monday

10 1 st -5 th : Mini Project ◦ Today you will begin the last part of Unit 1, a mini project ◦ You will receive a rubric and planning sheet

11 Immigration advocates want to oversee U.S. deportations, Washington Times September 9, 2014 Immigrant advocates on Monday wantto step in and oversee the Obama administration’s deportation policies, saying the U.S. is violating international standards. Advocates said the administration treats illegal immigrants like criminals when it detains them. “They’re chasing us down as if we were animals,” Saul Merlos, a father from New Orleans who is slated to be deported in December after 18 years in the U.S., told commissioners. Asking to monitor U.S. deportation efforts is the latest move by advocates eager to shame President Obama, who they argue has set new records by deporting about 400,000 immigrants every year.

12 1 st -6 th ◦ We will be in the computer lab working on our comics. ◦ We will use ToonDoo to create the comics ◦ You are REQUIRED to have the first 6 panels completed

13 ENGLISH I September 24, 2014

14 Prefix: Non- = not, the reverse of Sentence Example: The non-profit organization badly needs money for its expensive projects.

15 Prefix: Non- = not, the reverse of Sentence Example: The non-profit organization badly needs money for its expensive projects. ADJ ADV

16 1 st -6 th ◦ We will be in the computer lab working on our comics. ◦ We will use ToonDoo to create the comics

17 ENGLISH I September 25,2014

18 Prefix: Mono- = one, alone, single Sentence Example: Copy and identify the adjectives with “adj” and adverbs with “adv”. The boring teacher talked slowly in a monotone voice.

19 Prefix: Mono- = one, alone, single Sentence Example: Copy and identify the adjectives with “adj” and adverbs with “adv”. The boring teacher talked slowly in a monotone voice.

20 1 st -5 th ◦ Complete Planning Sheet and Plot Mountain of Post-Narrative Assignment ◦ SWRP

21 6th ◦ Review of Unit 1 Test on Monday ◦ Jeopardy Game ◦ Study Guide

22 ENGLISH I September 26, 2014

23 Warm Up Quiz 5 1.What does “malfunction” mean? 2. What does “noncommittal” mean? 3. How are the roots “mis-” and “mal-” similar? 4. If theism is a belief in a god, what does “monotheism” mean? 5. What is the adverb in the sentence: “The loud kids loudly slammed their books on the desks”?

24 1 st -6 th ◦ 1 st -5 th : Complete Post-Assessment Narrative ◦ We will be in the computer lab working on our comics. ◦ We will use ToonDoo to create the comics

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