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AutoHotkey User Survey May 19, 2016 Joe GlinesJoe ConnectConnect with me on LinkedIn Jackie SztukJackie Sztuk.

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Presentation on theme: "AutoHotkey User Survey May 19, 2016 Joe GlinesJoe ConnectConnect with me on LinkedIn Jackie SztukJackie Sztuk."— Presentation transcript:

1 AutoHotkey User Survey May 19, 2016 Joe GlinesJoe Glines @ ConnectConnect with me on LinkedIn Jackie SztukJackie Sztuk @ ConnectConnect with me on LinkedIn

2 Global study with 408 Completes 58 countries represented! Nearly ½ in United States

3 How First Heard about AutoHotkey N=417How did you first hear about AutoHotkey? Half of people find AutoHotkey from performing Internet Search

4 Time using AutoHotkey N=463 Approximately how long have you been using AutoHotkey? One in Three respondents have been using AutoHotkey for 5+ years

5 AutoHotkey Usage N=463 Below are some of the main uses of AutoHotkey. Please select the options/functionality you regularly rely / use the software Mean6.5 Median6 Mode3 Hotkeys are the most frequently cites use

6 Additive Tree- AHK Functionality Webpage Manipulation Web Scraping Text Manipulation Re-mapping of keys Hotstrings Hotkeys Video playback / editing Audio playback / editing Image viewing / editing Mouse manipulation Gaming Registry editing Windows Send & Post Messages DLL calls Manipulate other programs/objects w/COM Regular expressions Object oriented GUIs File manipulation / Disk management N=463 Additive trees examine response patterns and display correlations in the form of a tree. The closer items appear, the higher the correlation between them. The further apart they are, the lower the correlation. Coloring is subjective and meant to aide interpretation

7 Favorite AutoHotkey Functionality N=420 Earlier you selected the following functionality that you use in AutoHotkey. Which is your favorite / most used functionality? Nearly 1/3 rd of respondent state Hotkeys are favorite functionality

8 Willing to Pay for AutoHotkey Support N=114 Would you pay someone else to write a script for you / train you? N=462 N=335 Which of the following best reflect why you did/would pay someone? Which of the following reasons best summarize why you would not pay someone?

9 Preferred IDE for AutoHotkey N=463 What IDE / editor do you prefer to use with AutoHotkey? Notepad++ and SciTE4AutoHotkey are dominant IDEs

10 Favorite Functionality for IDE N=316 In your opinion what type of functionality does [question7]have that makes it better than the others?

11 Sources use for Learning AutoHotkey N=425 Which of the following do you use frequently for learning about AutoHotkey? Common mentions Google search IRC AutoHotkey Documentation and Forum heavily relied on

12 Additive Tree: Sites Used to Learn AHK Reddit Stack Overflow GitHub YouTube ComputorEdge the-Automator com Rosetta Code JSZApp com (Blackholyman) AutoHotKey Documentation AutoHotKey Forums N=425

13 Scripts Use / Write in an average week N=419 Please think about the following questions for an average week How many different AutoHotkey scripts do you use? How many different AutoHotkey scripts have you written? Most users Use more than 6 per week and write more than 11

14 AutoHotkey Training N=413 Please state how interested you are in the following AutoHotkey related learning / training (1=Not Interested 7=Extremely Interested) Percent selecting 5 thru 7 Nearly 1/3 rd show significant interest in free monthly webinar

15 Competitive Tools Used N=425 What competitive tools do you use / Have you used? Common mentions VBA Dos / Batch files MacroExpress PhraseExpress PowerShell most common used competitive tool Over 1/3 rd haven’t used other competitive tools.

16 Additive Tree: Competitive Tools Windows PowerShell ReMouse KeyboardExpress iMacros JitBit AutoIt qliner MouseRecorder com Hot Keyboard Autocorrect (MS office) N=425

17 Other Frequently used Programming Languages N=434 What languages do you frequently program in? Common mentions VBA HTML / CSS Dos / Batch LUA Mean2.2 Median2 JavaScript, SQL and Visual Basic most often cited as also frequently used

18 Additive Tree: Regularly Program In Ruby Java Perl ActionScript PHP JavaScript SQL Visual Basic ASP C#.NET Python Pascal FORTRAN COBOL C++ C N=434

19 Desired Functionality N=316 If you could choose to add new functionality to AutoHotkey, what would you like added?

20 Demographics / Corpographics

21 Job Function N=410 Which best describes your job function? IT shows strong prominence of Job function

22 Gender N=405 Are you.. Typically women are more likely to complete surveys than men. Given that, what percentage of respondents do you believe “self identify” as Female?

23 Age Group N=407 Of the following, which best represents your age? One in two respondents was over 35

24 Years of Work Experience N=408 Approximately how many years of work experience do you have? Over half of respondent have 10+ years of work experience Approximately 1 in 5 have less than 3 years of work experience

25 Company Industry N=396 Which best describes the industry of your company? One in Five respondents work at “High Tech” company

26 # of Employees at Company N=396 Which best describes the number of employees at your company? Respondents work at all sizes of companies however there is a dominance of being either Self employed or working for large companies

27 Source of Respondents N=475 Not surprisingly the AutoHotkey forum was largest source of respondents Recruitment from LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, Stack Overflow was poor

28 Can follow-up with additional questions N=402 If there are questions about your responses, may we contact you with follow-up questions? Over 2/3rds of respondents were willing to have follow-up conversations around their responses. (Shows High involvement / interest in AutoHotkey & the study)


30 Difference in Usage by Source Min N=44 Below indicate where there are significant differences in AutoHotkey usage by source of respondent

31 AHK Usage by Source (no differences) Min N=44 Below indicate where there were not statistically significant differences in AutoHotkey usage by source of respondent

32 Differences in Usage by Years using AutoHotkey Min N=42 The below graph shows where there are significant differences by the # of years using AutoHotkey

33 Usage w/o Differences by Years using AutoHotkey Min N=42 Below indicate where there are not significant differences in AutoHotkey usage by years of using AutoHotkey

34 Number of AutoHotkey Functions used & AHK Tenure Min N=42 Not surprisingly the longer respondents have been using AutoHotkey, the more functionality they use

35 Sources used by AHK Tenure Min N=46 Respondent tenure differed in where they go for more information on the below sources Getting noobs to use documentation more is probably a worthy goal! YouTube videos are relied upon more for noobs

36 Sources used by AHK Tenure (no differences) Min N=46 Sources were (statistically) evenly used across AutoHotkey tenure for the below sources

37 Average # of Sources used by AHK Tenure Min N=46 Unlike functionality, the number of sources used to learn about AutoHotkey does not differ by AutoHotkey Tenure

38 Interest in Training by AutoHotkey Tenure Min N=44 Interest varied in future training / events by AutoHotkey Tenure

39 Conclusion Drawing for Amazon Gift Card Ben: Coraopolis, PA, United States ID=369

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