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Extension task: Music review double page spread and promotion poster.

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1 Extension task: Music review double page spread and promotion poster

2 Examples of promotion posters

3 Poster analysis This group ‘BigBang’ have created this promotion poster for a song they were releasing at the time. The creator of this poster has made the song title stand out because for one it is what the audience need to remember. Secondly, the word ‘BANG’ is usually used for dramatic atmospheres therefore they put the font in bold because its dramatic. They have also put in at the bottom the album name so it is not only promoting their new single, its promoting their album too. The creator has stuck to a colour theme which is red/purple. I think that they have made everything such a bold dramatic colour because the song/music video is going to be intense. I personally like how they have made everything on the poster red and purple theme however, when it comes to the song title its in a bold white font therefore it attracts you to the song name first. This is good promotional skills because if a viewer sees the song name first and it stands out to everything else it makes them remember it.

4 Poster analysis This group ‘Tonight alive’ created this promotion poster to advertise themselves and also where they were holding a gig. The creator of this poster has made the poster simple yet effective. They have made the place where they are performing in a different, more bold font because that is what people are interested in so they will know if they will have to travel far or not. I personally like that the creator has made the text bold and not the picture so that us as readers are not too distracted by the picture as that’s what we usually head to when it comes to posters.

5 Poster analysis This artist ‘Taylor Swift’ created this poster along many others to promote her hit song ‘Bad Blood’. The creator of this poster has made the song title stand out by putting it in a bold font and choosing red as the colour while everything else is black and white. The red font symbolises the blood due to the song being called ‘Bad Blood’. I personally like how the creator has made sure all the information is on the posters such as the release date, the artist and producer/director. I also like how they have made everything black and white apart from some writing because to me it just makes the poster stand out by having just a little bit of colour and not one big mess.

6 References – kpop promotion posters - Google Search. (2016). [online] Available at: ms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwigreXpvq7LAhXJqxoKHX2FA0EQ_AUIBigB#newwindow=1&safe=strict&tbm=isch&q=big bang+kpop+promotion+posters+&imgrc=iS00sds5o8_EaM%3A [Accessed 7 Mar. 2016]. – kpop promotion posters - Google Search. (2016). [online] Available at: ms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwigreXpvq7LAhXJqxoKHX2FA0EQ_AUIBigB#newwindow=1&safe=strict&tbm=isch&q=toni ght+alive+promotion+posters+&imgrc=0Js4OQaUT9qg7M%3A [Accessed 7 Mar. 2016]. – kpop promotion posters - Google Search. (2016). [online] Available at: ms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwigreXpvq7LAhXJqxoKHX2FA0EQ_AUIBigB#newwindow=1&safe=strict&tbm=isch&q=mus ic+promotion+posters&imgdii=CAitlOnud-c6lM%3A%3BCAitlOnud-c6lM%3A%3B0yW7o-Cc92p-cM%3A&imgrc=CAitlOnud- c6lM%3A [Accessed 7 Mar. 2016].

7 Music Reviews

8 Lana del rey – ‘Ultraviolence’ review The page starts with a picture of the album cover which shows the audience what they are looking for and straight away they know what/who the article is going to be about. In the first sentence of the review the writer tells us who inspired Lana del rey for the style of her sound and appearance. They also explain to us the viewers how you can notice this in her work. For example, all her idols are from a different era so that’s why her visual of the album is black and white. In the second paragraph the writer analyses the title and simply says: ‘It doesn’t prickle, or poke.’ however her saying this the writer says something decent about the singer where she states that Lana is a ‘legitimate pop superstar.’ by her adding this at the end of this paragraph will let the viewers check her out as most people check out artists who are very well known and are known as superstars. From there the writer then writes a paragraph for each analysis of the song also stating who helped her produce the songs. The writer puts her opinion into the way Lana sings by saying: ‘Lana sings like she’s calling to the stars themselves.’ and the ‘stars’ the writer is talking about are the ones who has inspired Lana to be who she is today which kind of tells the viewers that Lana puts a lot of passion, which music fans want to hear during the songs as it shows that the singer truly cares about her career and music. Half way through the track list they have place and image of Lana to break up the article and give it some visuals because if there were no visuals it will make the viewers bored which will then lead them to go off the page. Once the writer has added the image she carries on analysing each song from the album which she then adds a hyperlink to another article about Lana which talks about who she is and why she is the way she is etc. After analysing each song and being very specific the writer tells the audience a rating out of 10 of which he thinks the album is. He rated it 7/10 which lets the audience have a rough idea of how good the album is. However, this is only one opinion and everyone has different music tastes so this rating could be a completely different rating of which the audience will give the album.

9 BTS – ‘Dope’ review The page starts with the image which the group had used to promote their new single which gives the viewers who don’t know you the group are a little insight of what the group look like before reading the interview. This is good because people tend to express their self through body gestures and clothing, which will let the audience who don’t know the group see how they act just by one picture. Below the picture there is a paragraph starting with who they are and that they are a south Korean group. Following after the first sentence they start talking about the groups new mini album and giving details such as when it was going to be released and the first song they are going to release as a single from the album. They then state that the group have posted teaser images of the music video/album and how the pictures make sense. After this paragraph they have inserted a little paragraph talking about the meaning of their song ‘Dope’. Which allows international fans a chance to understand what the song is about without having to learn their language (Korean). The second whole paragraph talks about how committed the group members are committed by saying: ‘stay up all night practicing in the studio while kids their age are off at parties or doing other things more appropriate for their age.’ Beneath this paragraph is another photo which is a print screen of a scene from the music video of one of the members with subtitles underneath so that international fans know what they are on about. I think that it is good that they have added loads of pictures because it makes the article more visual which wont bore readers and also its up-beat just like the group so its in a way expressing what the group are like. They then do a separate paragraph for each theme: the overall song, videography, choreography and overall thoughts. To break each of these paragraphs up the editor added a photo of each member which shows the audience what they look like individually and also gives them a break from reading. Then at the bottom of the article they have added the music video they were reviewing/promoting.

10 Tonight Alive- ‘Limitless’ review The page starts with a picture of the album cover which shows the audience what they are looking for and straight away they know what/who the article is going to be about. In the first sentence the writer states that the band keep ‘genre hopping’ which tells the audience that the band are still experimenting with their music type which could put off future fans because they might like the genre of one album they do yet their next album/song will be different, so I like that the writer has stated this. This review is a very short review which I guess Is good because readers wont get bored with all the text. However, some people may want a full description about the album and an analysis of each song, so it is not a good review if you want information about each song. I like how at the end of the review they have added the groups latest single because they are still giving the viewers a chance to give the band a chance there and then while they are on the page.

11 References – Foo, S. (2015). BTS ‘Dope’ Music Video & Song Review - KultScene. [online] KultScene. Available at: [Accessed 7 Mar. 2016]. – Lana Del Rey - Ultraviolence. (2016). [online] Clash Magazine. Available at: [Accessed 7 Mar. 2016] – BTS dope - Google Search. (2016). [online] Available at: m=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwib8IS9nbHLAhXIXBoKHUzPAFIQ_AUIBigB#imgdii=fVOv2hDmsMdzqM%3A%3BfVOv2h DmsMdzqM%3A%3BGzj-1OJKAt0EeM%3A&imgrc=fVOv2hDmsMdzqM%3A [Accessed 8 Mar. 2016]. – Tonight Alive - Limitless. (2016). [online] Clash Magazine. Available at: [Accessed 8 Mar. 2016]. – Tonight Alive - Google Search. (2016). [online] Available at: &tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjx8PX7o7HLAhVFHxoKHaZOAu8Q_AUIBygC#newwindow=1&safe=strict&tbm=isc h&q=tonight+alive&imgrc=beQnZfTn5HBbFM%3A [Accessed 8 Mar. 2016].

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