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{ The Presidents of the United States of America #1-#44.

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1 { The Presidents of the United States of America #1-#44

2 #1 George Washington  George Washington  1st President of the United States (April 30, 1789 to March 3, 1797)  Nickname: "Father of His Country“  No Political Party- never ran for president for any political party  Notable Events:  1791- Bill of Rights added to Constitution  A national banking system established by the Bank Act.  1793- War breaks against between Britain and France- U.S. declares neutrality.  Whiskey Rebellion over excise tax in western Pennsylvania. Federal troops called in to suppress rebellion  1795- Jay Treaty-ratified. British troops required to withdraw from the U.S.

3 #2: John Adams  2nd President of the United States (March 4, 1797 to March 3, 1801)  Political Party: Federalist  1797- XYZ Affair with France  Federalists support the Alien and Sedition Acts  Defeated by Jefferson

4 #3 Thomas Jefferson  3rd President of the United States (March 4, 1801 to March 3, 1809)  Political Party: Democratic- Republican  1803- Marbury vs. Madison  1803- Louisiana Purchase from France for $15 million  1804- 12th Amendment changed Presidential election rules  Meriwether Lewis and Wm. Clark began exploration of the Northwest  Vice President Aaron Burr kills Alexander Hamilton  1807- Embargo Act- forbids American ships to leave American waters

5 #4 James Madison  4th President of the United States (March 4, 1809 to March 3, 1817)  Political Party- Democratic-Republican  1811- Madison allows 20-year charter of Bank of U.S. to lapse.  1812- War declared on England  1814- City of Washington captured and burned by British  1814- Francis Scott Key- Fort Mc Henry at Baltimore- Star- Spangled Banner  1814-Treaty of Ghent-ended War of 1812  1815- Battle of New Orleans  1816- Second Bank of the U.S. chartered

6 #5 James Monroe  5th President of the United States (March 4, 1817 to March 3, 1825)  Political Party: Democratic-Republican  1818  Congress fixed the number of stripes on the U.S. flag at 13 to honor the original colonies, April 4. Anglo-American Convention set the 49th parallel as the border with Canada.  1819  Florida ceded by Spain to the United States on February 22. In exchange the U.S. cancelled $5 million in Spanish debts.  1820  The Missouri Compromise, forbade slavery above 36 degrees 30 minutes latitude. Monroe reelected.  1823  On December 2, Monroe Doctrine delivered to Congress

7  Political Party: Democrat-Republican  1825-1829  Selected by the House of Representatives in the election of 1824  Selected Henry Clay to be the Secretary of State  Erie Canal Completed  Baltimore-Ohio Railroad completed #6 John Quincy Adams

8  1829-1837  Political Party: Democrats  Nickname: “Old Hickory”  “Kitchen Cabinet”- gave many of his supporters government jobs  Indian Removal Act of 1830  Sent federal troops to S.C. over tariff nullification #7 Andrew Jackson

9  1837-1841  Political Party: Democrat  Panic of 1837- Banks closed/economic crisis  Trail of Tears #8 Martin Van Buren

10  9th president  Political Party: Whig  Dates of Administration: 1841  He delivered the longest inaugural address (105 minutes) and contracted pneumonia.  He died at the White House one month later. #9 William Henry Harrison

11  10th President  1841-1845  Political Party: Whig  Achievements/Events:  Tyler’s Cabinet resigned after he vetoed a banking bill supported by Whigs.  Texas annexed followed by war with Mexico #10 John Tyler

12  11th President  1845-1849  Political Party: Democrats  Achievements/Events:  1. Dispute with Britain over Oregon Territory settled  2. Treaty of 1848 with Mexico- California, New Mexico, and Utah  3. Gold discovered in California in Dec. 1849 #11 James K. Polk

13  President #12  1849-1850  Political Party: Whig  Achievement:  The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty signed with Britain that guaranteed that any future canal across Central America would be available to all nations. #12 Zachary Taylor

14  President # 13  1850-1853  Political Party: Whig  Achievement:  Congress passed the Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Law #13 Millard Fillmore

15  President # 14  1853-1857  Political Party: Democrat  Achievement:  Gadsden Purchase: purchased a strip of land from Mexico (southern Arizona and New Mexico) from Pres. Santa Anna  Kansas-Nebraska Act- allowed the people in the territories (Kansas-Nebraska) to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery #14 Franklin Pierce

16  1857-1861  Political Party: Democrats  Only president who never married  The Dred Scott decision was handed down during his administration  Oregon is admitted to the Union as the 33rd state. #15 James Buchanan

17  1861-1865  Republican Party  The Civil War  He issued the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863 Abraham Lincoln #16

18  1865-1869  Democrat  Lincoln’s V.P.  1st president to be impeached #17 Andrew Johnson

19  1869-1877  Republican  Allowed radical reconstruction to run its course in South/military force  Transcontinental Railroad completed-”Golden Spike” in Utah  Scandals in his presidential Cabinet #18 Ulysses Grant

20  1877-1881  Republican  Federal troops withdrawn from the South ending Reconstruction  Bland-Allison Silver Act #19 Rutherford Hayes

21  Republican  1881  By a margin of only 10,000 popular votes, Garfield defeated the Democratic nominee, Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock  On July 2, 1881, Pres. Garfield was shot at a train station.  Mortally wounded, Garfield lay in the White House for weeks. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, tried unsuccessfully to find the bullet with an induction-balance electrical device which he had designed. On September 6, Garfield was taken to the New Jersey seaside. For a few days he seemed to be recuperating, but on September 19, 1881, he died from an infection and internal hemorrhage #20 James Garfield

22  Republican  1881-1885  In 1883, Congress passed the Pendleton Act- civil servant system  Enacted the first Federal immigration law- excluded “paupers, criminals, and lunatics”  Not re-nominated by the Republicans #21 Chester Arthur

23  1885-1889  Democrat- first elected since the Civil War  The only President to leave the White House and return for a second term four years later.  In June 1886 Cleveland was married and he was the only President to be married in the White House.  Dedication of the Statue of Liberty #22 Grover Cleveland

24  Republican  1889-1893  Only 5 foot and 6 inches and Democrats called him “Little Ben”  Naval expansion  Grandson of Pres. William Henry Harrison  Faced tariff issue #23 Benjamin Harrison

25 #24 Grover Cleveland

26  1897-1901  Republican  Spanish-American War- annexed the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico  Elected to a second term but shot by an anarchist standing in a receiving line in New York in 1901-died 8 days later. #25 William McKinley

27  1901-1909  Republican  With the assassination of Pres. McKinley, Roosevelt became the youngest U.S. president, not quite 43 years old.  “Trust buster”  Panama Canal  Conservation- reserved land for public use #26 Theodore Roosevelt

28  1909-1913  Republican  Defended the Payne-Aldrich Act- continued the use of high tariff rates  Under his administration, Congress submitted to the States amendments for a federal income tax and for the direct election of U.S. Senators. #27 William H. Taft

29  1913-1921  Democrat  Underwood Act- lower the tariff rate  The Federal Reserve Act  Established the Federal Trade Commission- to prohibit unfair business practices  WWI #28 Woodrow Wilson

30 1921-1923Republican Ohio Gang Teapot Scandal The first newspaper publisher to be elected President # 29 Warren G. Harding

31  1923-1929  Republican  Isolation in foreign policy  Frugality with words, “silent Cal”  Revenue Act of 1926- slashed high income and estate taxes  Reduced the government’s control over the economy #30 Calvin Coolidge

32  Republican  1929-1933  Oct. 1929- The Stock Market Crash  Glass-Steagall Act of 1932- help American banks meet the demands of European depositors  The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) made $ 2 billion available in loans to ailing banks and to corporations #31 Herbert Hoover

33  Democrat  1933-1945  The only U.S. president to be elected to 4 terms  Bank holiday-closed all the banks and took the U.S. off the gold standard  Initiation of economic relief program known as the New Deal  WWII #32 Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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