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….well really in just Angiospermophytes 9.2 Plant Transport.

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1 ….well really in just Angiospermophytes 9.2 Plant Transport

2 Root systems in Angiosperms Dicot vs Monocot Dicot roots have a branching structure comprised of several different types of roots Shallow roots are responsible for collecting nutrients close to the surface Tap roots are responsible for reaching the deeper nutrients found within the soil Branching roots allow for maximum surfaces area to volume ratio for diffusion of nutrients Root hairs increase the rate even further Monocot roots are termed “adventitious” because each of the roots goes on its own journey Monocots have root hairs to increase the rate of absorption Monocots have surface roots and tap roots as well Close up image showing the vast number of root hairs on each root tip

3 Transport of materials to the root system Diffusion of Mineral Ions – as minerals are absorbed, a small concentration gradient is generated. This causes minerals to diffuse very slowly towards the root system Fungal Hyphae – Plants can integrate their root system with the fungal mycelium around them. Mycelium is basically a network of fungus roots that allows them to draw nutrients, much like the root system. So it is a symbiotic relationship where the mushrooms get sugars from the plant, while the plants get increased surface area from the mushrooms Mass Flow – as water flows through the soil, it carries minerals with it in solution – This creates a small hydrostatic gradient at the tips of the roots, and it allows the water and minerals to be sucked up as a result H2O + minerals





8 Remember: water has cohesive properties due to its hydrogen bonds. Water is heated in the sunlight and becomes vapor. This vapor transpires out of the stomata – pores in the leaf.






14 Pressure flow model of Phloem Transport


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