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Weeds: Friends or Foes? Original Power Point Created by Danny Silva Modified by the GA Agricultural Education Curriculum Office July 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Weeds: Friends or Foes? Original Power Point Created by Danny Silva Modified by the GA Agricultural Education Curriculum Office July 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weeds: Friends or Foes? Original Power Point Created by Danny Silva Modified by the GA Agricultural Education Curriculum Office July 2002

2 Weeds: Benefits Weeds are controversial plants that are neither all good nor all bad, depending on one’s outlook. 1. Many weeds can be enjoyed for their attractive flowers and interesting seed pods. 2. Weeds quickly grow to cover unsightly scars on the landscape made by man or by nature.

3 Harmful Weeds 1. Weeds reduce crop yield and increase the cost of production. 2. Some weeds are poisonous and others may cause allergies.

4 Don’t Let Weeds Ruin Your Day! For a farmer or gardener to do an effective job of controlling troublesome weeds, exact identification of the weed is important. The selection of the most effective control method depends on one’s ability to properly identify the problem species.

5 Identification Is The Key The purpose of a weed collection is to help the person making the collection more adept at identifying weeds: 1. A simple way to begin identifying common weeds is to compare your specimens against drawings and colored photographs from references.

6 Identification Is The Key (cont.) a. The use of weed keys, such as those found in field guides and references, do require a specialized knowledge of weeds. b. Specialists like farm advisors, agricultural commissioners, or college/university faculty can be contacted for help with identifying plant species.

7 Weed Classification II. The classification of weeds is achieved by grouping together those weeds whose similarities are greater than their differences. a. Most weeds can be placed into two convenient groups: narrow-leafed or broad-leafed. 1) Narrow-leafed weeds include: grasses, sedges, rushes and cattails. All have parallel veins running throughout their leaves. 2) Broad-leafed weeds include: most others, such as mustards, dock, pigweed, purslane, and morning glory. All have a net-like pattern of veins running throughout the leaves.

8 Weed Classification (cont.) b. Like other plants, weeds have varying types of life cycles: 1) Annual weeds live for one year or less. 2) Biannual weeds live for two growing seasons. 3) Perennial weeds live for 3 or more years.

9 What’s Your Name? c. Weeds have unique physical features which can be used for identification. 1) Flowers and certain sexual reproductive organs vary among species: a) Flowers can appear singly or as a compound inflorescence. b) Different names such as catkin, head, panicle, raceme, spike, and umbel describe how flowers are arranged in an inflorescence. c) The arrangement, shape, vein patterns, or presence of hairs/spines on leaves may vary between species.

10 What’s Your Name? (cont.) d) Stem variations such as rhizomes, stolons, and tubers are helpful in identification. e) Taproots of the broad-leafed weeds differentiate them from the fibrous roots of grasses. f) The fruits and seeds of weeds are all unique in their shape, size, markings, and color.

11 The Cotyledon Stage III. It is especially helpful to identify weeds while they are in the cotyledon stage because: a. The weed can be controlled before it competes with the crops. b. Control measures are more effective and less costly when the weeds are treated during this immature stage of their life cycle.

12 A Chance To Practice IV. The following 25 slides are examples of several common weeds: –The first line is the common name. –The second line is the scientific name. –The third line gives the life cycle. –The fourth line is the growing season.

13 Annual Bluegrass Poa Annua Annual Cool season

14 Bermuda Grass Cynodon dactylon Perennial Dormant in the cool season

15 Bristly Oxtongue Picris echioides Biennial

16 Broadleaf Plantain Plantago major Perennial

17 Bur Clover Medicago polymorpha Annual Cool season

18 Cheeseweed or Mallow Malva parviflora Biennel

19 Common Goundsel Senecio vulgaris Annual Cool season

20 Crabgrass Digitaria ischaemum Annual Warm season

21 Cudweed or Cotton Batting Gnaphalium chilense Biennial

22 Curly Dock Rumex crispus Perennial

23 Dandelion Taraxacum officinale Perennial

24 Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Perennial

25 Filaree Erodium spp. Annual Cool season

26 Knotweed Polygonum aviculare Annual Warm season

27 Lambsquarters Chenopodium album Annual Warm season

28 Narrowleaf Plantain Plantago lanceolata Perennial

29 Oxalis Oxalis spp. Perennial

30 Petty Spurge Euphorbia peplus Annual Cool season

31 Prostrate Spurge Euphorbia maculata Annual Warm season

32 Purslane Portulaca oleraceae Annual Warm season

33 Scarlet Pimpernel Anagallis arvensis Annual Cool season

34 Shepherd’s Purse Capsella bursa- paston’s Annual Cool Season

35 Sow Thistle Sonchus oleraceus Annual Cool season

36 Yellow Mustard Brassica species Annual Cool season

37 Yellow Nutsedge Cyperus esculentus Perennial

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