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TundraTaigaTemperate GrasslandsDesert Temperate/Deciduous ForestTropical Grasslands (Savanna) Semi-arid Desert Alpine Chaparrel GrasslandsRainforest Write.

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Presentation on theme: "TundraTaigaTemperate GrasslandsDesert Temperate/Deciduous ForestTropical Grasslands (Savanna) Semi-arid Desert Alpine Chaparrel GrasslandsRainforest Write."— Presentation transcript:

1 TundraTaigaTemperate GrasslandsDesert Temperate/Deciduous ForestTropical Grasslands (Savanna) Semi-arid Desert Alpine Chaparrel GrasslandsRainforest Write in your notes: I can describe the characteristics of Earth’s terrestrial Grasslands biome.

2 Grassland Biome Characteristics Grasslands are dominated by grasses rather than trees and shrubs. Grassland plants often have deep tap roots to reach water that is found deep in the ground during the dry season. Grasslands receive approximately 30-40 inches of precipitation per year. Grasslands are dominated by grazing, hooved animals known as ungulates and other small mammals. The savanna grasslands of east Africa are particularly diverse because these grasslands get as much as twice as much rain as other grasslands. These savannas also support large grazers like elephants and giraffes and large predatory mammals such as lions, cheetahs, hyenas, and leopards. (Note: the Veldt grasslands of South Africa are similar to the Great Plains of the central U.S. in many ways.) The soil of grasslands is generally thick and rich in nutrients and organic material. Fires are important for maintaining the overall health of grasslands. Steppes are grasslands found in Asia that have warm summers and cold winters.

3 Temperate Grasslands

4 In North America, grasslands are commonly referred to as plains or prairies. Because the soil of grasslands is thick and rich, most of the grasslands in North America have been converted to farmland. So much grain (wheat, corn, barley, oats, etc.) is grown in the grasslands of the central United States that this region has earned the nickname “Breadbasket to the World.”



7 Large Herbivores Native to the Great Plains American BisonPronghorn Antelope Mule Deer Large herds of grazers are migratory. They must stay on the move. Grazing in one area too long could result in a depletion of food and even desertification.

8 Predators of the Great Plains Gray Wolf Coyote (in fairness, I can be found just about everywhere in the US.) Black-footed FerretBadger

9 Like coyotes, Gray Foxes, Red Foxes, and bobcats inhabit a wide range of biomes including grasslands, semi-arid deserts, and temperate deciduous forest.

10 Burrowing Rodents of the Great Plains That’s waaay too much pda. Prairie Dog Ground Squirrel Y9gc

11 Tropical Grasslands

12 Tropical grasslands like the African savannas generally receive more annual precipitation than temperate grasslands and is therefore able to support a greater diversity of plants (including some trees) and animals. However, most of this precipitation comes during a brief rainy season (about two months.) Because of this, savanna plant life must be highly adapted to hot and dry desert-like climate. Many plants are able to go dormant, have deep roots, or are able to store water. wng0 wng0

13 Large herds of grazers constantly migrate from one area of the savanna to another to find food. Each specializes in eating certain types of grass. This decreases competition.

14 Large Herbivores (Grazers) of the African Savanna Giraffe Rhino Wildebeest Impala Springbok Thompson’s Gazelle

15 Zebra African Elephant Hippo Warthogs can be omnivorous at times. Cape Buffalo Baboons are always omnivores.

16 Major Savanna Predators The Cats

17 Major Savanna Predators The Canids Hyenas can hunt, but they are better at Wild Dogs scavenging.

18 The King of African Savanna’s Burrowing Rodents Meerkats

19 As is true with many other grassland areas around the world, human encroachment has resulted in a disturbance of the natural ecosystem. Desertification due to overgrazing or over-farming is taking place along the edges of the grasslands. Poaching has also taken a toll on the population of elephants and rhinos which are killed to supply the booming ivory market and traditional medicine market of Asia.

20 Ivory poachers do not often concern themselves with the meat. They need to get in and out of an area quickly, so carrying large amounts of meat would hinder them.

21 The chaparral grasslands are found on a number of different continents. Chaparral grasslands are really just a few inches of precipitation away from being classified as semi-arid desert. The plants and the animals of the chaparral are very similar to those found in semi-arid deserts, though in greater numbers. Coastal chaparral grasslands may receive a great deal of their precipitation in the form of fog that rolls off the cold ocean each morning and condenses on the plants. Large areas of chaparral are located in California.


23 Which numbers identify areas of grassland? #3.

24 What primary factors determine the type of biome that can become established in a geographic location? Average annual temperatures Latitude Annual Precipitation Altitude

25 What types of animals generally dominate grassland biomes? Large grazers/ungulates and the predators that feed on them, burrowing rodents.

26 Name two animals that are native to the biome shown in this image? Bison Prairie Dogs Pronghorn Antelope Mule Deer Pheasant other

27 The most important limiting factor in any terrestrial biome is the amount of precipitation the area receives.

28 Why are tropical grasslands like the African Serengeti able to support mores species of plants and animals (even some areas with trees) than the temperate grasslands of North America and Asia? More precipitation and a warmer climate (longer growing season.)

29 What is the primary reason animals migrate? To find food. For example, geese might be able to survive the cold of the tundra, but they wouldn’t be able to find food.

30 What is the process of desertification and what factors are resulting in the transformation of certain areas of grassland into desert? Desertification is the gradual geographical process where grasslands transform into desert. Overgrazing, overpopulation, and climate change are the factors most responsible for the desertification of grasslands.

31 What are grasslands referred as in: North America? Plains and prairies Central Asia? Steppes Tropical Africa? Savannas

32 What is the best explanation for why grassland areas cannot support large groves of trees? They generally do not receive enough precipitation.

33 If the African savannas receive so much more precipitation than temperate grasslands, what is the best explanation for why large areas of the savanna appear as dry and desert-like as is seen in this image?

34 What is the best explanation for why large herds of grazing animals like bison, wildebeest, or Saiga antelope stay on the move almost constantly? The grass in one area can become depleted very quickly. The herds move on to prevent overgrazing and to find more food up ahead.

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