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Epidemics Explained By zhanglan. Nowadays, people all over the world are concerned about a disease, which has caused 149 was first discovered.

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Presentation on theme: "Epidemics Explained By zhanglan. Nowadays, people all over the world are concerned about a disease, which has caused 149 was first discovered."— Presentation transcript:

1 Epidemics Explained By zhanglan

2 Nowadays, people all over the world are concerned about a disease, which has caused 149 was first discovered in Mexico.people are advised to wear a surgical mask when going out. Students are dismissed from schools. What is it?


4 Cristina Trejo, who works at the Mexican airlines counter, wears a surgical mask with a butterfly painted by herself at Mexico City's international airport Benito Juarez April 27, 2009.

5 A street performer wears a surgical mask painted with an image of teeth in Mexico City April 28, 2009.

6 A woman wears a surgical mask with a smile drawn on it in Mexico City April 30, 2009.

7 Besides swine flu, what other diseases can be epidemic? AIDS, flu, TB=Tuberculosis, Bird flu, SARS

8 Epidemics throughout history

9 Reading strategies: Sequencing of information 1.Read the text with gaps to get the general idea and see how it develops 2.Read the sentences before and after the gaps to give you an idea of what the beginning or end of the missing paragraph might refer to 3. Read the missing paragraphs and look for these references. 4. If a paragraph doesn’t seem to fit, you may have made a mistake, so carefully reread each paragraph.

10 Match the five paragraphs (A-E) with gaps 3,5, 8, 10 and 12 in the text. ABCDEABCDE Paragraph 3 Paragraph5 Paragraph 8 Paragraph 10 Paragraph 12 Task1

11 How many epidemics are mentioned in the passage? What are they? Bird Flu Justinian’s Plague =the earliest epidemic on record (Paragraphs 3 and 4) Black Death (paragraphs 5 and 6) Spanish Flu (paragraphs 7 and 8) SARS (paragraphs 9, 10 and 11)

12 Divide the passage into 3 parts. Part1 Part2 Part3 The importance of looking at the spread of diseases throughout history. International cooperation and effort (1-2) (3-11) (12-13) Task2 Epidemics throughout history

13 Fill in the blanks Work in a group of four, first fill in the blanks, and then describe the four kinds of epidemics by using the given phrases in the table below.

14 timeepidemicareasnumber of the people died 500- 550AD The Black Death The whole world 774

15 It broke out/appeared/occurred /happened /took place in The year ------ saw/witnessed (见证 / 目睹) the outbreak of the ----------- It struck /hit /swept through---- It began in----and then spread to---- it killed----- ----died from it ----was lost to it It caused -----deaths

16 timeepidemicareasnumber of the people died 500- 550 AD The Black Death The whole world 774 Justinian’s Plague North Africa The Mid East Europe Up to 50 percent of the population In the 1330’s Asia –Europe- worldwide one half of the population 1918 The Great Flu Epidemic The Spanish Flu Up to 50 million 2002- 2003 SARS China - worldwide

17 Detailed reading

18 Less populated areas were less severely affected (5points) Perfect conditions were provided for the disease to spread (3points) One symptom was black spots on the body. (1points) It spread rapidly in Urban areas all over Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. (2points) The Black Death

19 The Great Flu Epidemic The most acute worldwide Epidemic (5points) It is also called the Spanish Flu (1points) It struck near the end of the First World War (2points) More people died of the flu than died in the war (4points) Yet, it has been forgotten by history (3points)

20 It is one of the earliest on record (1points) It was one of the key causes of the fall of an empire (2points) Justinian’s Plague / the earliest epidemic It swept through North Africa, the Middle East and Europe (5points) Up to 50% of the area’s population died from it. (3points)

21 It was completely new to physicians (4points) It was also harmful to the doctors and nurses (3points) Most people had no natural defenses against the disease (6points) It began with an abnormal lungs disease (2points) It proved how teamwork among nations can save lives (5points) SARS It spread from HongKong to Canada, Vietnam and Singapore. (1points)

22 Task 3

23 Bacteria and viruses, which cause and spread diseases, have_________ several epidemics which have had serious effects on human history. One of the earliest epidemics _________took place in the Roman Empire between 500-550AD. The death of half of Rome’s population partly________ the fall of the empire. In the 1330’s, the Black Death spread rapidly through Europe, Asia, and Africa ___________ poor living conditions. Some cities__________ as much as one half of their population. Shortly after World War One_________ in 1918, Brought about Led to / resulted in As result of/ because of lost ended on record

24 an epidemic_____________ the Spanish Flu_________. ______ killed up to 50 million people, which was more than the deaths caused by the war. In 2002, SARS, a completely new disease________. It was so new and spread so quickly _________ no cure could be found at the beginning, and one-tenth of the 8,000 global cases died. The latest edpdemic to _______is called Bird Flu,it has claimed a number of __________nowadays. But we’re sure to overcome it in the future. It has been proved that__________international cooperation and effort we’ll undoubtedly _________any epidemic. called It that Victims with broke out occurred appear take control of

25 Task4 Discussion After a devastating quake rocked southwestern Sichuan Province, epidemics are likely to hit the stricken areas.nowdays, there is another epidemic called swine flu. Everyone can play a role in dealing with the epidemic and as students,What should we do to fight against epidemics in our daily life? Or what should we do to prevent us from being infected with epidemic? Your suggestions are welcome. Talk freely

26 every one of us need to wash our hands before each meals. When you have to go out, wear a surgical mask. take more rest and drink more clean and safe water. Open the windows and let in fresh air. Avoid having direct contact with infective tissues 纸巾, or avoid being exposed to patients or animals with epidemic. we should disinfect 消毒 items touched by, and rooms visited by the patients. take precautions against flea bites, take control of disease-spreading animals.

27 Tissue paper used by patients should be careful disposed of, thrown into dustbins with lids or flushed down the toilets. Be aware of the areas where epidemics are active, keep away from it. Do not share towels or toothbrushes and other daily necessities with others. report the epidemic to the local disease prevention and control institutes, patients should be treated in quarantine 隔离 in the hospital. make people know about epidemics by giving out leaflets 宣传册 to people. raise people’s awareness of protecting themselves.

28 Task 5 Discussion Imagine you are Chairman of the Students’ Union.Now you make an announcement over the radio,introducing the swine flu ---- when and where did it appear, the spreading, its effects and the suggestions to the students in school. Try to use as many words and expressions you have learnt in the passage as possible. -------May I have your attention please, boys and girls.--------------thank you!


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