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FAWCO and Your Club: Past, Present and Future. “Your Federation has, for over fifty years, been working to promote peace and to foster friendship. An.

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Presentation on theme: "FAWCO and Your Club: Past, Present and Future. “Your Federation has, for over fifty years, been working to promote peace and to foster friendship. An."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAWCO and Your Club: Past, Present and Future

2 “Your Federation has, for over fifty years, been working to promote peace and to foster friendship. An admirable cause. And it is the more admirable because it is organized and run by volunteers. By people who care about people.” Jehan Sadat keynote speaker, 1983 FAWCO Conference

3 The Beginning “An association of women’s clubs working towards international goodwill and the preservation of world peace, to help one another solve problems common to them all and to aid women whose citizenship rights were being ignored or restricted.”

4 InternationalAmerican Honoring the Past: Milestones and Successes 1995: Recognized by the UN as an NGO. 1997: Awarded consultative status to the ECOSOC*. 2008: recognized by the WHO for our work in eradicating malaria 2011: co-sponsored a UN Human Rights Council High-level Panel on “Women & the Right to Water” * United Nations Economic and Social Council FAWCO is the oldest and largest network of independent, volunteer organizations representing private-sector American citizens overseas. 1931-present: Championed US voting and citizenship rights. 2007: Instrumental in the creation of the Americans Abroad Caucus**. ** *group of Congresspersons with a special interest in the concerns of U.S. citizens living overseas, current membership 29 1931: Founded by seven clubs in Europe. 1967: Created the FAWCO Foundation (its philanthropic arm).

5 Living the Present: Sharing, growing, thriving 76 clubs from 40 countries, with 15,000+ members,76 clubs from 40 countries, with 15,000+ members, An interactive website, an annual conference, regional meetings, task forces, regular newsletters and bulletins on a wide variety of topics. Sharing expertise and best practices, Working together for a better world, Standing up for our rights with a bigger voice.

6 FAWCO Today Dues: approx. $1 USD/ per person Member Club Support U.S. Issues Philanthropy Global Issues

7 Web hosting Sharing best practices: informally formally Enlarging our circle of influence: to the region and the world Member Club Support Practical support through skill building and sharing best practices Educational Awards Development Grants

8 U.S. Issues advocating for the rights of Americans overseas and their families Past and ongoing issues: U.S. citizenship rights U.S. voting from overseas Hot current issues: U.S. taxation U.S. banking for Americans overseas Resources U.S. education resource (ACE/Americana)

9 Global Issues FAWCO Task Forces link to UN Millennium Goals FAWCO Task Forces: Education Ending Violence to Women & Children Environment Global Aging Health Issues Sharing Cultures United Nations

10 FAWCO Task Forces are a rich resource of information, best practices, ideas, tools, links, global perspective, and latest news. BRING these back to your club JOIN a Task Force to work on issues at a global level. Global Issues Task Forces Link your local club initiatives to FAWCO Task Forces

11 FAWCO philanthropy Make a difference globally ! FUN-raising Club and individual sponsorship and donations Corporate Benefactors Development Grants Education Awards Target Program Emergency Relief Emergency Relief Fund Founder’s Circle

12 FAWCO Philanthropy Make a difference globally ! Development Grants There are 7 categories of Development Grants of $4500 each. Member clubs propose candidate projects for the DGs and Member clubs vote on the recipients. Deadline January, announcement at the annual conference. Education Awards Education Awards are open to members and their children and grandchildren ($1500 - $5000). Deadline January, announcement at annual conference.

13 FAWCO Target Program Women United for Sustainable Clean Water! In 2009, a four-year program was launched to bring a critical global issue to the attention of FAWCO Clubs, their members and the world. In 2010, Water was selected as Target issue, and Tambodia Cambodia Wells for Clean Water was selected as Target project to receive financial support. Global awareness raising began. In 2011: FAWCO Co-Sponsored a UN Human Rights Council High-Level Panel on “Women & The Right to Water”. Fundraising goal of $80,000 (in honor of FAWCO’s 80 th anniversary) was set in March 2011, and already achieved by December 2011. Fundraising will continue until end of 2012.

14 Increasing the relevance of FAWCO membership to clubs, Using new technology to share, grow and thrive together, Supporting the UN Millennium Goals … working towards a better world, Continue to advocate the rights of Americans living overseas during these changing times. Moving into the Future

15 The FAWCO Mission FAWCO (The Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas, Inc.) is an international network of independent organizations whose mission is: * To serve as a resource and channel of information among its members; * To contribute actively to the global community with a specific focus on education, the natural and human environment, multicultural understanding and international goodwill. * To provide a voice for American women abroad and to support the rights of all Americans worldwide;


17 CRITICAL HEALTH CONCERNS ($4500) Projects providing medical treatment, diagnostic services, preventative care or medical counseling THE RIGHT TO FOOD AND WATER ($4500) Projects addressing the basic needs of a community by providing water, food or shelter PAM DAHLGREN EDUCATING AFRICA'S CHILDREN ($4500) HOPE THROUGH EDUCATION ($4500) Projects promoting literacy, support academic studies, build or provide classrooms, libraries or general learning facilities for disadvantaged children in non-African countries SKILLS FOR LIFE ($4500) sponsored in part by AILO Florence Projects providing vocational training, teach practical skills and promote social entrepreneurial initiatives for at-risk/marginalized population groups AROUND THE CORNER, A WORLD AWAY ($4500) Projects addressing the critical problems of violence, food and shelter, healthcare, education or cultural understanding in a FAWCO Member Club’s host country PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF HIV/AIDS, MALARIA AND TUBERCULOSIS ($4500) Projects that will assist in halting and reversing the spread HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis, a UN Millennium Goal, through education, prevention, or treatment 2012 Development Grants Make a difference globally !

18 ARTS AWARD ($3000) This award is for study in the performing (dance, voice, instrumental, etc.) and visual (painting, sculpture, etc.) arts, architecture and graphic arts. Both graduate and undergraduate students are eligible. SCIENCES AWARD ($3000) This award is for the study of scientific subjects (i.e. biology, chemistry, etc.), mathematics, medicine, engineering, environmental studies, computer science, economics, business administration, etc. Both graduate and undergraduate students are eligible. HUMANITIES AWARD ($3000) This award is for study in the field of education, law, social studies, history, languages, etc. Both graduate and undergraduate students are eligible. DUAL CULTURAL ($1500) This award may be used to attend a semester of American high school or an academic or structured educational summer program in the United States. MEMBER’S AWARD - UNIVERSITY DEGREE STUDY PROGRAMS ($5000) This award is for continuing or resuming studies in an undergraduate or graduate level university degree program. The candidate may be of any nationality and may study in any country. MEMBER’S AWARD - SKILLS ENHANCEMENT AWARD ($3000) This award is for acquiring new skills or enhancing already existing ones. The candidate may be of any nationality and study in any country. 2012 Education Awards Giving back to our members and their family

19 FAWCO Target Program Women Unite to Support Sustainable Access to Water a four-year program to bring a critical global issue to the attention of FAWCO Clubs, their members and the world Launch Target Program March 2009 March 2010November 2010 Water is selected as issue Tabitha Cambodia Wells for Clean Water is selected as Project Awareness raising March 2011 Kick off 2-yr Fundraising $80,000 goal was set Dec 2012 March 2013 Publish Results and Review End of Fundraising Dec 2011 $80,000 raised

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