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Presentation on theme: "W RITING F IVE P ARAGRAPH E SSAYS Using the HATT, TAPES, and CATT Model."— Presentation transcript:



3 W RITING S TRONG I NTRODUCTIONS H= Hook Sentence A = Address the T = Topic T = Thesis Statement/ Controlling Idea Start with an anecdote (story) A vivid description With dialogue An “ing” word or something happening Use a question END with your thesis statement (your position on the matter); Give your three reasons or explanations

4 W RITING S TRONG B ODY P ARAGRAPHS 2,3,4 T= Topic Sentence A = Answer a Reader's Question P = Provide Proof E = Explain Proof S = Summary Transition Transitional word Followed by your topic sentence -reason 1 or explanation 1 Give details using figurative language; make the reader see, hear, taste, feel what you are talking about Add a personal experience

5 W RITING S TRONG C ONCLUSIONS C= Controlling Idea/Thesis Statement A = Address the T = Topic T = Thought for the Audience (AH-HA!) Restate your position Restate your 3 main reasons without being redundant Conclude with an AH-HA Tell something you learned about the situation End with a call to action

6 N EVER, EVER BEGIN OR END LIKE THIS Never begin like this…. My paper is about.... In this essay, I am going to discuss... This paper will cover... I am going to write about... Hi, my name is…… Never end like this…. That is what I think This is the end. That is all for now, bye.

7 T HE BASIC S TRUCTURE OF AN E SSAY Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1: Introduction (Attention Getter) - HOOK (Attention Getter) - - Thesis statement with your 3 Reasons Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4: Body Reason 1(topic sentence) - Reason 1(topic sentence) + at least 3 supporting details) Reason 2(topic sentence) - Reason 2(topic sentence) + at least 3 supporting details) Reason 3(topic sentence - Reason 3(topic sentence )+ at least 3 supporting details) Paragraph 5 Paragraph 5: Conclusion - Statement reflecting back on thesis - Restatement of key points - Concluding Statement- AH-Ha

8 MAKE YOUR ESSAY LIKE A HAMBURGER WITH LARGE FRIES FRIES STATISTICSEXAMPLESINCIDENTSREASONSFACTS ( The Top Bun) Topic Sentence (meat), Detail 1 (lettuce), Detail 2 (tomato), Detail 3 (cheese) Topic Sentence (meat), Detail 1 (lettuce), Detail 2 (tomato), Detail 3 (cheese) Topic Sentence (meat), Detail 1 (lettuce), Detail 2 (tomato), Detail 3 (cheese) (The Bottom Bun)

9 S AMPLE E SSAY : T HE H AZARDS OF M OVIEGOING Introduction: I am a movie fanatic. When friends want to know what picture won the Oscar in 1980 or who played the police chief in Jaws, they ask me. My friends, though, have stopped asking me if I want to go out to the movies. Going to the movies has become a hazardous activity for me. I think it is better to stay home I am a movie fanatic. When friends want to know what picture won the Oscar in 1980 or who played the police chief in Jaws, they ask me. My friends, though, have stopped asking me if I want to go out to the movies. Going to the movies has become a hazardous activity for me. The problems in getting to the theater, the theater itself, and the behavior of some patrons are all reasons why I often wait for a movie to show up on TV. I think it is better to stay home. ► HOOK Thesis Statement ► Thesis Statement Reasons ► Reasons Concluding Sentence ► Concluding Sentence

10 S AMPLE E SSAY : T HE H AZARDS OF M OVIEGOING C ONT. Body: Supporting Paragraph # 1 First of all, just getting to the theater presents difficulties.Leaving a home equipped with a TV and a video recorder isn't an attractive idea on a humid, cold, or rainy night.Even if the weather cooperates, there is still a thirty-minute drive to the theater down a congested highway, followed by the hassle of looking for a parking space and then there are the lines. After hooking yourself to the end of a human chain, you worry about whether there will be enough tickets, whether you will get seats together, and whether many people will sneak into the line ahead of you. First of all, just getting to the theater presents difficulties. Leaving a home equipped with a TV and a video recorder isn't an attractive idea on a humid, cold, or rainy night. Even if the weather cooperates, there is still a thirty-minute drive to the theater down a congested highway, followed by the hassle of looking for a parking space and then there are the lines. After hooking yourself to the end of a human chain, you worry about whether there will be enough tickets, whether you will get seats together, and whether many people will sneak into the line ahead of you. ► Transitional Words ► Topic Sentence (Reason 1) ► Supporting Detail # 1 ► Supporting Detail # 2 ► Supporting Detail # 3

11 TYPES OF ESSAYS TYPES OF ESSAYS An Expository Essay is one that explains, analyzes, or shares information. How-to essay ☻ How-to essay Informative essay ☻ Informative essay A Persuasive Essay is one where the writer presents his or her opinion and tries to convince the reader to agree A Persuasive Essay is one where the writer presents his or her opinion and tries to convince the reader to agree. Opinion essay ☻ Opinion essay Problem-solution essay ☻ Problem-solution essay


13 A PROMPT HAS TWO PARTS: The Writing Situation: The Writing Situation: Introduces the topic The Directions For Writing: The Directions For Writing: Helps you to think of a main idea for your essay and directs you to write about it.

14 Writing Situation: Girls and boys often enjoy playing the same sport. Some people believe that girls and boys should be able to play on the same team. However, some people believe that they should remain separate. What is your opinion on this issue? Directions for Writing: Write an essay to our athletics director stating your opinion about whether boys and girls should be able to play on the same team. Be sure to provide convincing reasons and examples that support the way you feel.

15 O UTLINE : YOUR THESIS STATEMENT Take a position: Are you for girls and boys being on the same team or against it? List three reasons why you think or don’t think boys and girls should be able to play on the same team. Position: 1. 2. 3.

16 MAKE YOUR ESSAY LIKE A HAMBURGER WITH LARGE FRIES FRIES STATISTICSEXAMPLESINCIDENTSREASONSFACTS ( The Top Bun) Topic Sentence (meat), Detail 1 (lettuce), Detail 2 (tomato), Detail 3 (cheese) Topic Sentence (meat), Detail 1 (lettuce), Detail 2 (tomato), Detail 3 (cheese) Topic Sentence (meat), Detail 1 (lettuce), Detail 2 (tomato), Detail 3 (cheese) (The Bottom Bun)

17 W RITE Y OUR I NTRODUCTION (T HE T OP B UN ) I. Introduction (HATT) Introductory statement (Hook -Attention Getter): -Question, Quotation, Anecdote, Interesting Fact Thesis statement with three reasons Concluding Sentence

18 O UTLINE : First Reason Paragraph Transition Word + Reason 1 from thesis statement _____________________________________________ Supporting Detail ( F acts, R eason, I ncidents, E xamples, S tatistics) #1 #2 #3

19 O UTLINE : Second Reason Paragraph Transition Word + Reason 2 from thesis statement _____________________________________________ Supporting Detail ( F acts, R eason, I ncidents, E xamples, S tatistics) #1 #2 #3

20 O UTLINE : Third Reason Paragraph Transition Word + Reason 3 from thesis statement _____________________________________________ Supporting Detail ( F acts, R eason, I ncidents, E xamples, S tatistics) #1 #2 #3

21 CATT Conclusion (Wrap up essay and leave reader with interesting thought (AH HA) _________________________________

22 A GOOD ESSAY SHOULD HAVE: A GOOD ESSAY SHOULD HAVE: FOCUS: A AA An essay is focused if the writer maintains the main idea throughout the writing piece. HOW DO YOU ACHIEVE FOCUS? Write a topic sentence that is about the prompt. Repeat key words and phrases related to the topic sentence. Do not include information that does not belong. ORGANIZATION: An essay is organized if it has the appropriate structure-beginning, middle, and end. HOW DO YOU ACHIEVE ORGANIZATION? Write an introduction (beginning), a body (middle), and a conclusion (end). Use transitional words to show a flow of ideas between sentences and paragraphs.

23 A GOOD ESSAY SHOULD HAVE: C ONT. SUPPORT: A AA An essay has support if the writer uses different details to explain, expand, or develop the main idea. HOW CAN YOU ACHIEVE THIS? Use FRIES (Facts, R RR Reasons, I II Incidents, E EE Examples, S SS Statistics ). Use vivid verbs and adjectives. Use dialogue. Use comparisons. CONVENTIONS: A AA An essay that has good conventions is one that demonstrates correct use of grammar and spelling. Use varied sentences. Use standard Written English. Pay attention to your spelling. Pay attention to punctuation and capitalization. Pay attention to usage.

24 T HE B ODY (2,3,4) First Reason Paragraph Transition MEAT topic sentence (MEAT) Lettucetomatocheese Three Supporting Details (Lettuce, tomato, cheese) Remember to addFRIES: Remember to add FRIES: Facts, Reasons, Incidents, Examples, and/or Statistics - Facts, Reasons, Incidents, Examples, and/or Statistics Second Reason Paragraph Transition MEAT topic sentence (MEAT) Lettucetomatocheese Three Supporting Details (Lettuce, tomato, cheese) Remember to addFRIES: Remember to add FRIES: Facts, Reasons, Incidents, Examples, Statistics - Facts, Reasons, Incidents, Examples, Statistics Third Reason Paragraph Transition MEAT topic sentence (MEAT) Lettucetomatocheese Three Supporting Details (Lettuce, tomato, cheese) Remember to addFRIES: Remember to add FRIES: Facts, Reasons, Incidents, Examples, Statistics - Facts, Reasons, Incidents, Examples, Statistics

25 T HE C ONCLUSION (T HE B OTTOM B UN ) III. Conclusion Transition Transition Statement reflecting back on thesis Statement reflecting back on thesis Restatement of key points Restatement of key points Concluding Statements

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