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Campus Turnaround Plan Webinar FEBRUARY 22, 2016 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY.

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Turnaround Plan Webinar FEBRUARY 22, 2016 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Turnaround Plan Webinar FEBRUARY 22, 2016 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY

2 Overview  Campus Turnaround Plan  Timeline Updates  Board Approval  Training and Survey Follow-up  Questions and Answers

3 Questions/Discussion 1) Email: 2) Use question feature on webinar toolbar

4 Ongoing

5 Campus Turnaround Plan


7 TURNAROUND PLAN: Board Approval

8 TURNAROUND PLAN: District Attestation

9 Turnaround Plan Board Approval Submit plan to TEA without board approval between April 15 & May 2 Submit plan to TEA without board approval between April 15 & May 2 Enter anticipated board approval date Enter anticipated board approval date Conduct public hearing and gain board approval by June 17 Conduct public hearing and gain board approval by June 17 Communicate/work with your specialist Communicate/work with your specialist

10 TURNAROUND PLAN: Turnaround Plan Development Team

11 Notification Requirement Clarification  At minimum on district website  Posted for at least 30 school calendar days  For spring 2016 – posted by February 19, 2016

12 TURNAROUND PLAN: District Attestation

13 TURNAROUND PLAN: Systemic Root Cause




17 INPUTPROCESSOUTPUT Knowns Demographics Existing resources Current capacity Human capital How you operate Designed with inputs in mind Designed to produce desired outcomes Must be monitored and changed on an ongoing basis Outcomes or desired results Determined by the effectiveness of systems/processes Signals whether a change is needed Formative/interim/ summative Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Step 2


19 Look for commonalities across each CSF selected



22 TURNAROUND PLAN: Systemic Root Cause Which part(s) of our school system are not functioning effectively and why?

23 Systemic Root Cause Our campus is not maximizing the use of data in instructional decision making for both first-teach and reteach/intervention settings. Current campus culture and structures do not support teacher collaboration, job-embedded teacher support, or data-informed targeted support for struggling learners.

24 TURNAROUND PLAN: Turnaround Initiative and CSFs Which part(s) of our school system are not functioning effectively and why? What the campus will do to comprehensively change the systemic root cause.

25 Turnaround Initiative Criteria A turnaround initiative does: Address most CSFs Impact most staff Impact most grades Impact most students Fundamentally change a campus culture Create a 2 nd order change Address the campus’ systemic root cause A turnaround initiative does not Focus only on professional development Create a program targeted to an isolated student population Rely on one person or one leader to be successful

26 Questions to ask yourself 1.Is it based in research or best practice? 2.Does this go beyond what we have already done? Be bold and creative! 3.Is it reasonable in terms of time and resources? 4.How will this improve student learning? 4 Anne Conzemius and Jan O’Neill, The Handbook for SMART School Teams (Solution Tree, 2002), 214–15.


28 Initiative Description Through Support Systems


30 Processes/Procedures: What processes, procedures, and policies are needed to ensure that the turnaround initiative will be implemented effectively? TURNAROUND PLAN: Processes and Procedures Alignment Efficiency and Effectiveness Continuous Improvement Statutory Requirements

31 Communications: How will you communicate a shared and clear vision for the turnaround initiative that results in a collaborative effort toward student success? TURNAROUND PLAN: Communications Vision Key Stakeholders Two-Way Communication Ongoing Communication

32 Organizational Structure: How will you eliminate barriers to improvement, redefine staff roles and responsibilities as necessary, and empower staff to be responsive in support of the turnaround initiative? TURNAROUND PLAN: Organizational Structure Eliminate Barriers Redefine Roles Empower Staff

33 TURNAROUND PLAN: Capacity and Resources Personnel Outline District Support

34 TURNAROUND PLAN: Capacity and Resources


36 Integration of Plans WHATHOW

37 Guidance and Resources REMINDERS

38 http://tea.texas. gov/pmi/

39 Campus Turnaround Plan resources and guidance documents have been posted to the website in several places Accountability Monitoring

40 Campus Turnaround Plan resources and guidance documents have been posted to the website in several places Campus Turnaround Guidance & Resources



43 Questions and Answers

44 Paired Campuses  One turnaround plan can be created for paired campuses  Local decision  Evidence of all campuses must be included in the turnaround plan if only one is created.

45 Input Prior to DevelopmentFeedback After Development NotificationAt minimum on district website and posted for 30 days Not specified, but must maintain documentation of opportunity for duration of turnaround plan implementation StakeholdersParents, communityCampus-based decision making committee, teachers, parents, and community ModeOral or writtenWritten Submit to Agency Not required. Must maintain documentation of opportunities and actual input for length of turnaround plan implementation. Yes, submit with turnaround plan via ISAM.

46 Questions Resources Next Webinar Wednesday, March 23rd at 4pm

47 Questions/Discussion Email:

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