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Walsall Holiday Childcare Provision Pilot. Project Aims Address and better understand poor take up of holiday childcare Improve business acumen and capability.

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Presentation on theme: "Walsall Holiday Childcare Provision Pilot. Project Aims Address and better understand poor take up of holiday childcare Improve business acumen and capability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walsall Holiday Childcare Provision Pilot

2 Project Aims Address and better understand poor take up of holiday childcare Improve business acumen and capability of voluntary and community childcare providers Explore ways to help low income parents save and pay childcare costs Develop part time childcare ‘employment agency’

3 Specialist Projects  Walsave Credit Union: Encourage parents and carers to save for childcare costs. Provide bill paying service – pay childcare providers directly  Wolverhampton University: in partnership with Hays Recruitment Agency to match students who are looking for holiday jobs to the needs of childcare providers  Black Country Chamber of Commerce: Provides business advice and information to develop business capability …

4 Child Care Scheme Aim of the Scheme. Encourage parents to save for Child Care provision throughout the year including holidays To protect vulnerable children whilst helping you the childcare providers with an effective way of maximising your business through more take up of vacant spaces and improve your cash flow Why not encourage parent to play via Walsave Credit Union.

5 Community Driven  Working with Sure Start’s, Community Centre’s and Private providers to improve cash flow to providers  Easy access to the Saving Scheme by setting up Collections points in Sure Start’s/Community Centre’s  Giving Child Care providers the ability to plan, reduce vacant child places and increase profitability  Understanding what the local issues are:- Loan Sharks / Drug and Alcohol abuse / Domestic Violence / Low aspirations / lack of knowledge of where to find Affordable Credit.

6 Who can apply  Available to everyone who lives or works in the Walsall area  Break the circle of Debt with Affordable Credit  Improve access to Financial Services to everyone  Make a difference to individuals and your community  Sustainable  An easy way to Save, Borrow or both.

7 Consultations Total of 21 consultations Ranged from family fun days and an ‘X-Factor’ event to interactive electronic voting sessions. Engaged with parents directly at large employers such as TK Maxx and Homeserve. Focus given to hard to reach and ethnic minorities communities Included families with children with disabilities Consultations were interactive and engaging for both parent and child.

8 Consultation Event Pictures

9 Feedback Generally quality of childcare provision seen as good Majority of parents see childcare costs seen as the key barrier Type of childcare utilised - full daycare and after school Preferred childcare location – close to home Current operational hours not ‘fit’ with parents’ working hours Parents prefer local and recommended providers

10 Childcare Costs - what parents say…… Cost is a big issue as it prevents people from using this facility Want prices reduced but not the quality Cost is too expensive – more women on state rather than getting work Some parents only willing to pay as low as 50p to £1 for a couple of hours Cost of living and inflation is effecting everyone so parents are dropping days at childcare

11 What our communities say… Want children to have exposure to ‘more culture and different cultures’ Black families use grandparents’ African Caribbean community perceive childcare to be too expensive – use families Provision of halal food is important Do not want to pay for childcare would rather use family and friends

12 What parents say is important to them… There is proper food instead of just sweets Good location and good for work. It was built for that purpose Community spirit and togetherness like family Activities were good, not just games, such as learning opportunities CRB checked, well recognised, local reputation, other children there

13 Barriers – what parents say I need childcare from 7.30am, most don’t start until 8.30am There’s nothing available where I live it takes 40 minutes to walk to the nearest… Most childcare provided by young people, just not enough experience If you see the press stories I prefer to look after them myself rather than work. I’m not aware of anything to use ad hoc due to shifts

14 Project Challenges Business Support – Require a longer period of time to engage and develop greater business development and sustainability skills in voluntary and community childcare providers Project Engagement – Getting providers engaged primarily due to organisational capacity and costs up front

15 Next Steps? Information from consultations to be fed into the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment Share outcomes from consultations with providers Continue support to collection points for Walsave project Further develop relationship with University of Wolverhampton and their in house recruitment agency - Hays

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