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Absolutism, Constitutionalism, and Crisis Life in 17 th -18 th Century.

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Presentation on theme: "Absolutism, Constitutionalism, and Crisis Life in 17 th -18 th Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Absolutism, Constitutionalism, and Crisis Life in 17 th -18 th Century

2 Age of Crisis Little Ice Age – Poor crop yields led to famine and disease. – Population decline – Increase in outrage over government actions Religious Wars – Massive loss of life, destruction of economies – 30 Years War – 1618-1648 Rigid Hierarchical Social Classes – Leads to resentment and upheaval. Consolidation of Absolute Power – Western Europe

3 Of the 450 sick persons whom the inhabitants were unable to relieve, 200 were turned out, and these we saw die one by one as they lay on the roadside. A large number still remain, and to each of them it is only possible to dole out the least scrap of bread. We only give bread to those who would otherwise die. The staple dish here consists of mice, which the inhabitants hunt, so desperate are they from hunger.

4 Report from Normandy, France They devour roots which the animals cannot eat; one can, in fact, not put into words the things one sees… We certify to having ourselves seen herds, not of cattle, but of men and women, wandering about the fields between Rheims and Rhetel, turning up the earth like pigs to find a few roots; and as they can only find rotten ones, and not half enough of them, they become so weak that they have not strength left to seek food!

5 30 Years War Truce of Peace of Augsburg in 1555 slowly deteriorated. Lutheran Princes formed “Protestant Union” and Catholics formed “Catholic League”. Each side attempted to prevent other from religious or territorial gains. Catholic Hapsburg Dynasty – Austrian and Southern Part of Holy Roman Empire and Spain – vs. Protestants in Germany and Religiously neutral France. Overall it was super complicated but… In 1648 the Peace of Westphalia was signed. – Established independent authority of more than 300 German territories. – Began to solidify European nation states as we know them today. Most destructive event in Central European outside WWI and WWII. – 2/5 of rural population died.


7 Achievements in State Building Absolute Monarchs – France, Spain, Central Europe, Russia Constitutional Monarchs – England and Netherlands Each achieved a concentration and solidification of power over their kingdom. Step 1 – Greater Taxation Step 2 - Dominate with a large, professional, permanent army. – Nobles lead it. Step 3 – Build up powerful and efficient bureaucracy. – Control Territories with trusted advisors Step 4 – Compel obedience from subjects. – Force or sometimes social programs and subsidies

8 Popular Political Action Riots were common during this time period. Protests over taxes, prices of bread, lack of political representation. This type of grassroots political action was near constant throughout 17 th century. Slowly, with greater reach through extensive bureaucracy, Kings slowed down the efficacy of these events. By beginning of 18 th century Western Europe was ruled by powerful sovereign leaders who were swift and harsh with punishment.

9 Decline of Absolutist Spain in 17 th Century By the end of 17 th century France and Spain’s positions had flipped. – France – dominant monarchy in Europe – Spain – struggling to maintain relevance in Europe. But Why?

10 List of Spain FAILs 1) Trade fell 60% due to competition from Dutch and British 2) Mines in New World dried up 3) Negative Balance of Trade 4) Bankruptcy, inflation, and terrible national credit 5) Dwindling manufacturing and commerce 6) Tiny Middle Class 7) Elites refused to engage in moneymaking ventures 8) Skilled workers and merchants were all gone because most were Muslims or Jewish. (#Karma) 9) Spanish aristocrats needed money so they increased rent on land – Agricultural production went down. 10) Spain ignored agr. And ind. Innovations from England and Holland because those countries were heretical Protestants. 11) Royal focus on imperialism as the answer led to silly wars that cost money. 12) Losses of territories to France plus revolts from territories. – Belgium (to France), Portugal and Catalonia (to Independence)

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