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HERMOSA BEACH CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT WORKSHOP FEBRUARY 24, 2016 7–9 PM Approaching the School Facilities Bond Election June 7, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "HERMOSA BEACH CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT WORKSHOP FEBRUARY 24, 2016 7–9 PM Approaching the School Facilities Bond Election June 7, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 HERMOSA BEACH CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT WORKSHOP FEBRUARY 24, 2016 7–9 PM Approaching the School Facilities Bond Election June 7, 2016

2 Agenda Brief Overview – How did we get here? Discussion #1 – What is the current proposed plan? Review facilities bond project plan details Input on what’s not yet clear? Further clarity needed? Discussion #2 – What are the financial details? Review of financial implications What questions remain? Discussion #3 – Communication strategies? Input and ideas for best communication methods? Closing Remarks


4 Overcrowded and Aging Schools

5 The Basic Facts From 6 school sites in the 50s down to 3 – only 2 currently in use as public schools (View and Valley) Enrollment fluctuations led to decisions to sell some school properties to the city. Enrollment currently at capacity that once was spread across 6 sites – now bursting at the seams The only remaining school district property is the North School – leased out to Pre-school and Daycare providers Enrollment is projected to stay at current rates for the foreseeable future – a clear “burning platform” to address these crisis for the next generation.

6 Timeline/Milestones to Facilities Solutions Facilities Planning Advisory Committee Studied the overcrowding and facilities issues Recommended rebuild and reopen North School Repair & modernize View and Valley Schools Recommended 5 architecture firms for district facilities master plan School Architecture Firm Selected Long Range Facilities Master Plan for District Completed Provided options for 3-school facilities solutions 33.5mil – 76.4mil total cost range

7 Timeline/Milestones to Facilities Solutions November 2014 Measure Q Bond Election 54mil Rate of $29.50 per 100K of assessed property value/year Bonds must pass by super majority  55% Results were 54.47% “YES”  missing by just 32 votes Post Q Actions Post-election voter survey 4 more Community Envisioning and Engagement meetings Facilities solutions for 2015-2016 school year Worked with City of HB on new before/after school programs Worked to address and mitigate all issues & concerns Initiated early traffic study and options



10 Why Vote “No” on Q?

11 WHAT THE COMMUNITY TOLD US We want more clarity no impact to Valley Park, and a 3-school solution

12 North School Rebuild

13 View School New Construction & Modernization

14 Valley School Modernization

15 Facilities Solutions Costs Detail Total financial costs for all three school locations ranges between $58,314,863 – $67,810,103 Valley School 2016 Estimates Modernization $11,138,458 – $12,809,227 District Office Maint. 2016 Estimates $541,331 – $622,531 View School 2016 Estimates New Construction & Modernization $18,457,972 – $21,226,667 North School 2015 Estimates Underground Parking $28,827,546 – $33,151,678 Surface Parking $28,177,102 – $32,403,667

16 New Proposed Bond

17 Issues & Concerns Addressed $$ 29.50

18 Regarding Traffic… We are hearing you! Board is fully committed to any/all mitigating solutions & ideas: 3rd and 4th graders at North School Using Kiwanis Club as drop-off point Expand the Walking School Bus program Entrance Point at 26th Street for walkers and bikers (drop off on Gould?) Shuttle / School Bus service Parent and Student Education Staggered Bell Schedules Collaborate with the City on any EIR recommendations Remember – Children being dropped off/picked up there now Initial traffic study initiated – to become part of formal EIR process – a continuous work-in-progress over time

19 General Overview of CEQA EIR Process Prepare Initial Study Prepare/Distribute Notice of Preparation (30 days) Scoping Meeting (optional for projects with no statewide, regional, or areawide significance) Prepare Draft EIR Public and Agency Review of Draft EIR (45 days) Public Meeting on Draft EIR (optional) Prepare Final EIR Including Response to Comments Review of Responses by Commenting Agencies (10 days) If Approved, File Notice of Determination Public Hearing/Decision = Opportunities for Public/Agency Input

20 Remaining Deadlines Approaching June 7 th March 11 – Deadline to submit resolution calling election March – Other Activities Prepare Ballot Argument in Favor of Measure Formally and Kick-Off Campaign Committee March – June 6 More District information and community meetings Campaign Committee: ads, mailers, etc. June 7 – Election Day & GOTV!

21 Final Thoughts Schools are the “heartbeat” and foundation of a great community. Great schools are a precious community asset that provides a multitude of real benefits. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to sustain our tradition of excellent HB schools. These are serious challenges. Our children need and deserve 21 st century learning spaces.


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