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Dictators Rise in Europe and Asia – American Isolationism US History B Chapter 16.1.

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1 Dictators Rise in Europe and Asia – American Isolationism US History B Chapter 16.1

2 Hypothesis: Did the Versailles Treaty and unresolved issues lead to World War II? War guilt clause – Germany blamed Humiliation of Germany/revenge by G.B./France Reparations – Germany crippled Restrictions on German military German economy in ruins - hyperinflation Lost colonies by Germany – Austria reduced Weak democratic governments in Easter Europe New boundaries in Europe/Unresolved nationalism –page 400 Loss of territory by Germany and Soviet Union

3 Treaty of Versailles Germany humiliated Germany lost territory Weimar Republic weak Soviets lost territory New democracies struggling

4 Rise of Nationalism Many nations faced revolution following WWI Causes: Communist Parties strong in Germany, Italy; anarchist in Spain Economic depression Rise of dictators/nationalism Democratic values not widely accepted

5 Totalitarian Governments Totalitarian A government that tries to exert complete control over its citizens Individuals have no rights All opposition oppressed Cult like indoctrination

6 Totalitarian State ChurchFamilyEconomySchoolMedia

7 Fascism – Italy – 1920’s Stresses nationalism and puts the state’s interests over the individual’s interests Single, strong leader - Il Duce Military force Totalitarian Roman fascis

8 Benito Mussolini Italy: Unemployment and inflation Post WW I Strikes, Communists, Anarchists, class warfare Mussolini takes advantage of fears Fascist Party Black Shirts March 1922 Revolution Il Duce King and Pope support

9 Create A New Roman Empire?

10 Rise of the Soviet Union A society controlled by workers October Revolution (1917) Vladimir Lenin Dies 1924 Joseph Stalin 1927

11 Joseph Stalin A model communist state Wins power struggle with Trotsky Goals: Grow agriculture Grow industry Collectivization – 1928+ Five Year Plan 1928+

12 Soviet Planned Economy 5 year plan for industry Collectivization of farms

13 USSR Transformation – 1930’s 1.Socialist Realist Image 2.Women factory workers 3.Young pioneers 4.Proud and paranoid society

14 Adolf Hitler – Nazi Germany Depression in Germany Nazi Party Created 1921 National Socialist German Workers’ Party Fascist Failed beer hall Putsch 1923 Mein Kampf Chancellor 1933

15 Hitler’s S.A. – Brown Shirts Protect Nazi rallies Attack Jews, Communists, and workers.. Attract unemployed youth.

16 Hitler Gains Power – 1933 Reichstag fire – Enabling Act

17 Nazism Nationalism Third Reich Racial Purification Master Aryan Race Lebensraum “Living space”

18 Nazi public works projects Build autobahn Put people back to work Create loyal followers Reduce unemployment – quickest recovery of world industrial powers

19 The furthest extent of Nazi conquest at the beginning of 1942

20 Spanish Civil War 1936: Spanish army officers rebels against Spanish Republic - Led by Francisco Franco - Republican forces – leftist coalition or anarchists, syndicalist, socialists and communists Results: Hitler and Mussolini back Franco – Soviets back the Republic Franco & Nationalists win (1939) 500,000 die

21 1930’s Japan Workers and small businesses crushed by zaibatsu’s Depression – unemployment Students, zaibatsu’s and military dream of expansion Kita Ikki’s expansionistic philosophy appeals to many The Japanese army’s “Rape of Nanking”. Chinese babies stacked up

22 Japanese Militarism – Civilian Government Overthrown early1930’s In the name of the emperor – the generals take over – elected government overthrown.

23 Japan Expands Furthest extent of Japanese conquest

24 American Isolationism Kellogg-Briand Pact – 1928 – denounces war Anti-war feelings/isolationism Roosevelt’s foreign policy 1933: Recognizes USSR Good Neighbor Policy – Latin America 1934: Recipricol Trade Agreement Neutrality Acts ( begin 1935) No sale of arms to nations at war

25 Neutrality? Impossible to stay neutral Japan attacks China again (1937) FDR calls for quarantine of aggressive nations Germany attacks our ally Great Britain in 1940 USA lends arms to G.B.

26 1931: The League of Nations does not stop Japan 1933: Germany pulls out of the LON 1935: Hitler begins to rebuild Germany’s military 1936: Hitler reoccupies the Rhineland The League of Nations does nothing to stop Hitler FAILURES OF LEADERSHIP


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