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The Slave Trade in Africa. Here in America we know that the system of slavery existed for close to 250 years as a result of the Transatlantic Slave Trade,

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Presentation on theme: "The Slave Trade in Africa. Here in America we know that the system of slavery existed for close to 250 years as a result of the Transatlantic Slave Trade,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Slave Trade in Africa

2 Here in America we know that the system of slavery existed for close to 250 years as a result of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, but what was going on in Africa during this time period? -This lesson will cover: -How and why were Africans brought into the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Transatlantic Slave Trade. -What was daily life like on the continent of Africa for people involved in the trade? for people involved in the trade? -What type of journey did enslaved Africans have to endure when taken from their villages? endure when taken from their villages?


4 Tool of the “Trade” Slave Schooner – used to sit at anchor on the coast of Africa for months at a time doing business Blunderbuss – a weapon of the Trade Shackles – leg irons used to keep a captive immobile Cat ‘O nines tail – intimidating and painful tool that tore into may captives as well as sailors Cowry shells – at times these were used to purchase captives for enslavement Wooden coffle – used to transport captives on their long journey to the coast to be sold again

5 Chronological Thinking

6 The Four Terrifying Acts 1 - From Village to Vine

7 2- From Vine to Iron

8 3- From Iron to Ship

9 4- From Ship to No Return

10 Research the Slave Trade -Using the Interactive Research PowerPoint, complete the “Take a Closer Look” sheet to examine the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Navigate through the PowerPoint by clicking on the “tools” and the “home” icon.

11 Student Control – Historical Fiction Cape Coast Slave Castle - Ghana

12 From Ship to No Return

13 Suggestions?

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