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What is the focus in Sweden? Steering system Laws and regulations- Goals Inspection framework Inspection instruments Reporting system and consequences.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the focus in Sweden? Steering system Laws and regulations- Goals Inspection framework Inspection instruments Reporting system and consequences."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the focus in Sweden? Steering system Laws and regulations- Goals Inspection framework Inspection instruments Reporting system and consequences Results Outcomes - processes

2 Inhabitants:9.1 milj. Number of municipalities:290 Urban population:85 % Distancy south-north:1567 km Number of schools:7000 Number of students:1.2 mij. School inspectors:250 Regional inspection offices:5




6 State Parliament Government Municipalities (Commune) School LAWS AND REGULATIONS Laws and Regulations: Education act Curriculum Syllabuse ECONOMY Buildings Salaries GOALS

7 Fundamental values Understanding and compassion for others Objectivity and open approaches An equivalent education Rights and obligations

8 Education shall provide the pupils with knowledge and, in cooperation with the homes, promote their harmonious development into responsible human beings and members of the community.

9 All who work in the school should: contribute to developing the pupils’ sense of togetherness and solidarity, and responsibility for people outside the immediate group, in their activities contribute to the school being permeated by the spirit of solidarity between people, actively resist discrimination and degrading treatment of individuals or groups, and show respect for the individual pupil and carry out their daily work in democratic ways… Teachers should: … clarify and discuss with the pupils the basic values of Swedish society and their consequences in terms of individual actions, openly communicate and discuss different values, views and problems…




13 Education anchors the respect for human rights and fundamental democratic values that the Swedish society is based on. Teacher gives students the opportunity to develop the ability to make and express informed ethical choices based on knowledge of human rights and fundamental democratic values as well as personal experiences Teacher gives students the opportunity to develop active citizenship and the ability to participate in society

14 Learning environment is characterized by security Staff works purposefully to prevent abusive treatment of students

15 The head teacher and teachers make the objectives of education, the rights and responsibilities, clear to students and parents Education develops the students´ ability of taking personal responsibility for their learning The attitudes of the students should be clarified as far as possible so that the students have the opportunity to freely express their opinions in relation to their age and maturity The Students are giving an active influence of the training and have a real influence on the working methods, procedures and contents of teaching, and are kept informed of issues affecting them In the school there are one or more forums for consultation with students and their parents

16 Pupil participation– what form does this take and how is it ensured? -Pupil participation in the planning of the activities? -Does the teaching provide pupils with the opportunity to practice working in democratic forms? -Do the pupils get to learn how to influence things here and now, in school and in society? How? -Is pupil participation desirable/realistic within all areas? -Information to pupils and parents? Do class councils/pupil councils/parent meetings take place? -What is the purpose of class councils/pupil councils? Does the principal take part in pupil council meetings? -How are the pupils encouraged to want to participate in making decisions? -How do you take the pupils' views into consideration? How to you know if the pupils think they have enough influence? How do you find out?

17 All pupils' ability to voice their opinion and to speak and be heard – focus on the current situation and how lessons are planned/implemented so that this is ensured? -How is the lesson normally conducted: small groups – the entire class – individually – other? -How is an open and accepting classroom climate achieved? -How do you work so that all pupils get the same amount of attention and the same room for expression? -Are there classroom rules? How have they been developed? Variation between different classes? -What are the attitudes to gender and how does the school work with gender issues?

18 Document analysis Questionnaire Interviews (Observations)

19 A description of the school An overall assessment An assessment of the practice of the school with motivations and evidence on a legal base Description of need for practice change A deadline for the school owners to report back to the inspectors that the practice is changed A summary of the process in the inspection

20 Sanctions: Public schoolsPrivate schools No intervention Remark (critical observation) Injunction Public schoolsPrivate schools Injunction combined with penalty fine State measures for approvalWithdrawal approval Temporary prohibition to operate



23 Grade 5 N=3252

24 DISCUSSION 1. Focus of Norwegian/Swedish/Scottish/Dutch approaches different goals, structures indicators same contents (more or less) and similarities in instruments 2. What are the main results / effects of these approaches? 3. Differences in outcomes and processes   different models: output- or process-oriented 4. Feedback / reflection on different country-approaches & results


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