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ABOUT ME Each child learns differently, and my goal is to find the way your child learns best. Concepts and materials stick best when students are able.

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Presentation on theme: "ABOUT ME Each child learns differently, and my goal is to find the way your child learns best. Concepts and materials stick best when students are able."— Presentation transcript:



3 Each child learns differently, and my goal is to find the way your child learns best. Concepts and materials stick best when students are able to discover and put meaning to their learning. I want to push your child’s thinking to reach his/her highest potential. I want each child to be a independent and capable problem solver. MY PHILOSPHY

4 F.A.I.L First Attempt In Learning F.A.I.L First Attempt In Learning

5 FHSA Administration and Staff Eagle Extravaganza: Title 1 Meeting August 14, 2015

6 School wide program Highly Qualified Program for ALL students –Title 1 funds are provided to assist with providing a quality education for all students. –Title 1 funds also provide resources for parents to assist students and the funding can provide professional development opportunities for parents FHSA Parent Resource Center –Resources are provided for parents and students –Resources are available for checkout Resource Examples: books, adult education resources, access to technology Parent Facilitator –FHSA will have a certified staff member (Teacher or specialist) to coordinate all parental involvement events/activities Purpose of Title 1

7 STEM Components –Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math –PLTW- Project Lead The Way Literacy Math Science Social Studies Description of the Core Curriculum

8 Intervention: Students that need more assistance in a specific subject area will receive interventions to help increase content knowledge. Students can be identified by their teacher based on assessment results or teacher observations. 5 E’s : –Engage –Explore –Explain –Extend/Elaborate –Evaluate Instructional Strategies

9 Parental Involvement Committee –The committee will help the parent facilitator plan school wide events/activities related to student achievement, select quality resources for the parent resource center, and help assist in decision making to help increase student achievement at FHSA PTSA Community Partnerships –UALR Parental and Community Partnerships

10 For all questions and answers regarding Title 1, please speak with FHSA Administration: »Dr. Maurecia Robinson—447-2700 »Ms. Shana Loring—447-2760 »Ms. Pam Dial—447-2747 Questions/Answers

11 Carpool Information Carpool students may not be dropped off prior to 7:15 am. Please do not drop students off before that time. Carpool students may be dropped off in the front of the school ONLY. This is for the safety of your student, please adhere to this procedure.

12 Carpool Procedures- Morning Drop begins at 7:15 am –There is no supervision for students prior to 7:15 a.m. Parents may pull in to the first entrance into the school from Evergreen Street. –This is a one way, entrance only. There will be numbered cones designated for drop off. –This will be the only place students will be allowed to be dropped off. For the safety of all students, please do not drop off anywhere else. –Please prepare students to walk in the rain, snow, etc. to the front entrance (rain coats, boots, heavy jackets, etc.) –Please pull all the up to the cone nearest the front of the line so that other cars may also drop off students.

13 Carpool Procedures- Afternoon Elementary Pick begins at 2:25 pm –The elementary pick up lane is the lane closest to the building, near the curb –The first pick up lane is for elementary students ONLY; parents who also pick up MS students will need to use the outside pick up lane. The middle lane should remain clear for traffic to move through. –Parents should pull all the way to the cones and line up for pick up –Students may only be picked up at the numbered cones; students will not be allowed to go to their rides unless they are at one of the numbered cones Middle School begins at 2:40 pm –Students will not be released before this time –The middle school pick up lane is the lane nearest the parking spaces – the middle lane should remain clear for traffic to move through –Students and parents should follow the directions of the duty personnel when moving to the far pick up lane –Parents should pull all the way to the cones and line up for pick up –Students may only be picked up at the numbered cones; students will not be allowed to go to their rides unless they are at one of the numbered cones

14 What does STEM mean to You?  Kahoot! STEM Kahoot! STEM Or type in:

15 Saving Sam! Background Poor Sam is a worm that has found himself in a rather unfortunate situation. His boat has capsized and his life jacket is trapped underneath it! Poor Sam can’t swim! His oar, his only means of movement, has fallen into the rocky waters as well. He now sits perched on top of his capsized boat and he needs our help!

16 Saving Sam! Here’s the Catch: You can’t touch Sam With your hands. You may only use the paper clips supplied. Keep in mind we wouldn’t want to hurt poor Sam by stabbing him or popping his life jacket by stabbing it! Also, we can’t let him touch the water (floor or desk) because he can’t swim! So Remember…  You can’t touch Sam  Don’t poke Sam or his life jacket with the paper clips  Sam cannot touch the floor or desk

17  A school centered around teaching science, technology, engineering, and mathematics  These are the most important skills students need to succeed in the 21 st century: Centered around Critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity  By 2018, the U.S. will have more than 1.2 million unfilled STEM positions because there will not be enough qualified workers to fill them.  Helps students learn problem-solving skills and apply those skills to real world challenges  It’s a hands on learning experience created through inquiry based learning where students learn to think for themselves What is STEM?


19 *We will explore concepts through hands on activities before digging into the vocabulary and meaning STEM: Inquiry The Five “E’s” 1.Engage 2.Explore 3.Explain 4.Extend 5.Evaluate

20 Project Lead the Way  Project Lead the Way is an engineering and problem solving curriculum.  The project-based aspects of the Project Lead The Way curriculum give students a chance to apply what they know, identify a problem, find unique solutions, and lead their own learning.  When students understand how their education is relevant to their lives and future careers, they get excited!  True STEM is an interdisciplinary approach to learning

21 Project Lead the Way  Material Science Units: Properties of Matter and Form and Function (how materials can be utilized)  The Changing Earth Unit  Grids and Games Unit  Project Lead the Way integrates Fusion Science curriculum to connect hands on learning with our district standards

22 Breakfast in the Classroom!  7:35am-8:00am  All students are provided a healthy breakfast at no charge from 7:35am-8:00am only.  Meals are served in the classroom.  Students concluded that students who eat school breakfast increase their math and reading scores.

23 Ipads  We are one of two schools with the 1:1 initiative  We use them for instructional purposes such as imovie, wordwork, phonics, and so much more!  For financial reasons, ipads will stay at school this year

24 TRANSITION TO TECHNOLOGY All students will be learning appropriate care and maintenance of technology in classrooms. All students will be learning age specific digital citizenship skills in classrooms. Students K-3 will begin using the iPads as noted on the timeline for the PLTW Launch Curriculum

25 TECHNOLOGY Please complete this technology survey by using your smart phone. You can download a QR code reader by searching “QR code “ in the app store. Link to Home Technology Survey: BzjB9vT9- pgrvFKpWV9H42N6o/viewform

26 Changes in 1:1 Technology Policies K-3 rd grade students assigned iPads will stay at school for instructional use –Increases ability to sustain 1:1 iPad program by reducing breakage. –K-3 technology projects are conducted and supervised by classroom teachers. 4 th -8 th grade students assigned Chromebooks can continue to take device home. Parents will be strongly encouraged to purchase insurance for students using Chromebooks. Those who paid $25 last year at FHSA can apply the $25 toward the $29 Chromebook insurance fee (for this year only). –30% of Chromebooks required repairs/replacement

27 Changes in 1:1 Technology Policies Without insurance parent/guardian will be financially responsible for device, chargers and/or bags There are no replacement or loaner devices available. Students will have to wait for insurance provider to repair if insurance has been purchased. This process will be forthcoming. If student does not have insurance payment from the parent/guardian has to be received repair/replacement to be initiated. FHSA has made changes in our 1:1 program to ensure the sustainability with the current and future budget constraints of the LRSD.

28 PROGRESS  Homework -  Homework - Homework packets are given on Mondays and need to be completed and returned by the following Friday. Work will be assessed and used for future instruction.  Newsletters- Newsletters are also given to students on Mondays. A list of spelling words, upcoming events, and helpful tips for helping your student will be included.  Spelling Tests- Spelling tests are completed in a folder that is placed in the B.E.E. binder on Fridays. Please INITIAL the graph and RETURN on Monday. This will ensure you have seen the grade and that the folder is not lost.

29 Grades  Grades Each Week -  Grades Each Week - Students will normally have at least two grades for each subject per week that you can view on Edline. If we are in the middle of a unit or project, it may be less.  Writing and Reading Grades- All writing and reading grades are not weighted equally. This is a LRSD policy. Writing Writing  Grammar- 20%  Spelling- 20%  Writing- 60% Reading Reading  Fluency- 20%  Vocabulary- 20%  Comprehension- 60%

30 CLASS EXPECTATIONS 1. Be Respectful 2. Be Responsible 3. Be Prepared 4. Follow Hand Signals 5. Work Hard!

31 BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS CLASS DOJO: Class Dojo uses a point system. Your student will bring home a login and password so that you can access their behavior either by computer or smartphone. The online access will provide you with detailed information. Points will add up throughout the month. The current goal is for students to earn 2 points each day. Each student with a 90% average by Friday will have reward choices from the treasure box.

32 GENERAL INFORMATION  Actual class work begins promptly at 7:35 a.m. Please have your child arrive BEFORE 7:35 a.m. to pick up breakfast  Birthday invitations may be brought for ENTIRE class or ALL boys /ALL girls.  Winter Holiday and Valentine’s Day party are our only designated parties. We will have a special day in December and February to celebrate.  Healthy snacks are at 2:00 in the afternoon- you can sign up to provide snacks for your class on the back of your pamphlet

33 B.E.E. Binder Bring Everything Everyday Binder The B.E.E. binder is a binder that your second grader will use every day to develop organizational skills and learn responsibility. Second grade is a foundational year, and it is important to teach children how to keep up with homework, tests, and important notes. This binder is a way of maintaining effective communication between home and school. It aims to eliminate lost notes, newsletters, calendars, and homework as well as keep parents and students informed of important events and academic progress. So if you want to know what the "buzz" is in Mrs. Barnett’s second grade class, check out your child's B.E.E. Folder!academic School Calendar This will help you know what Holidays the school district will be out as well as Parent-Teacher and Student conferences! Class Schedules/Contact Information/Class List This section is designed as a help to you! If you need to get a hold of me and you can’t remember my email address, check here! If you are wondering the best time to pull your child out of school for an appointment, look here! I highly suggest arranging it around music and P.E. or lunch and recess. If at all possible try to schedule appointments for after our morning!

34 B.E.E. Binder Weekly Newsletter Our weekly newsletter will give you information on what our learning goals are for the week. Bee-havior I want us to work as a team in rewarding our students on their best behavior therefore putting our focus on learning and exploration. We use a program called Class Dojo. You may sign up for your student’s behavior progress to be sent via text!! Please log in each day to see how your student is shining in our class. Class Dojo awards students with a point system for their behavior. The goal for each student is to have a 90% or higher average by the end of the week for good citizenship.

35 B.E.E. Binder Bring Back to School Each week your child will receive homework and other important information that may need to come back to school. If you see it in the front of the folder it most likely needs to come back. In the beginning it does take the students a few tries to put papers in the correct side! Please check this section daily. Keep at home This pocket contains graded schoolwork that may be kept and admired at home. Display your child's work on the fridge, in the bathroom, or another special home art and schoolwork gallery. Sometimes kids forget to take things home and it falls into the “black hole" meaning their desk! If you see a large amount of paper come home from time to time chances are......we cleaned out our desks! Please check this section daily and remove all items from the the bathroom

36 MYSTERY READER  Parents, grandparents, etc. will have the opportunity to sign up as mystery readers.  We have a Mystery Reader on Friday from 1:50-2:15 beginning in the month of January.  Mystery readers may select a book of their choice or have the teacher assist them in their selections. Mystery readers will also be required to list five clues about themselves in order for the students to predict who each Mystery Reader might be.  I will send home a sign up sheet at the beginning of January.

37 COMMUNICATION Second grade is a huge year for you and your child. Each student will be growing as an independent and responsible student. I value your help and want to hear your questions and concerns. Together we can make sure your child has an excellent year! Email… School…447-2700 Weebly:


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