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Local Action on Climate Change Russell Reefer, Policy Consultant, LGA CFOA Autumn Conference 11 November 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Action on Climate Change Russell Reefer, Policy Consultant, LGA CFOA Autumn Conference 11 November 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Action on Climate Change Russell Reefer, Policy Consultant, LGA CFOA Autumn Conference 11 November 2009

2 Local action on climate change This session will cover:- The LGA Group – who we are and how we fit together Introduction to local government through a climate change lens Where we see the key developments in climate change happening, and some discussion points.

3 Local government in Britain is big business…. 424 councils in England & Wales Over 20,000 elected councillors Local councils spend over £70 billion each year One of the largest UK employers - employs over 2 million people

4 The LGA Group The Local Government Association (LGA) is the national voice for local authorities and works alongside a range of partner organisations to promote better local government: –Improvement and Development Agency for local government (IDeA) –Local Government Employers (LGE) –Local Partnerships (LP) –Local Authorities Coordinators of Regulatory Services (LACORS) –The Leadership Centre for Local Government

5 Recession Improvement and the reputation of local government Our vision Efficiency and value for money Every councillor acting as a local community champion

6 6 Source Met Office Hadley Centre Observed temperatures Simulated temperatures 2040s 2060s 2003 We are already committed to this The changing climate…

7 The impacts…

8 An example of the types of responses… Protect (e.g. install air con in schools) Retreat (close schools when too hot) Live with (put up with higher temps in school) Increase resilience (build new schools with better ventilation)

9 Community context… 77% of people say councils have a key role to play in tackling climate change 62% of people say they are more likely to vote for a candidate with policies to tackle climate change 70% think climate change should be one of their councils top 5 priorities 53% support penalties to reduce carbon emissions Source: LGA 2008

10 Policy landscape… National targets for GH gas emissions 80% by 2050 and 34% by 2020 LAs to deliver quantified reductions of emissions consistent with national targets Adaptation Policy Framework / UKCP09 CAA assessments of national indicators and sustainable use of resources Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme – April 2010 To follow: Carbon budgeting & renewable energy generation.

11 A climate of change / LGA CCC –Dec 2007 “Local government is uniquely placed to tackle climate change with a democratic mandate for action, close proximity to citizens, and a strategic role leading other public, private and voluntary sector partners…few [councils] have systematically built carbon reduction and resilience into their organisational DNA.”

12 Examples of local action

13 The LGA record and next steps The Climate Change Commission Small change, big difference Copenhagen to Croydon Where next? Lobbying for local action Challenging councils Making the case for action

14 Some issues… More powers and duties? More or less? How do we encourage & empower local authorities to tackle climate change is successfully delivered at a local level? Skills and Capacity- How do we plug the skills & funding gap to ensure adaptation to & mitigation of climate change is successfully delivered at a local level? Local risk analysis and policy appraisal? Does local government understand climate change? How does LGA Group support take up? Institutional coherence & Avoiding duplication. How do we encourage better partnership working & institutional coherence at the LSP & Category 1 level? Fairness - How should the ‘fairness’ of different adaptation / mitigation responses be considered? Local vs national. What is our policy here? What does ‘success’ look like?

15 More information…. LGA Climate Change publications

16 How the LGA can help regular briefings and updates via sharing good practice via case studies on the environment community of practice, LGA emergency planning annual conference, 11 - 12 January 2010, Stratford Upon Avon. LGA, IDeA and EST Climate Change annual conference, 27-28 January 2010, Liverpool. Any queries via or 020 7664

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