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The Greenhouse Effect & Global Warming Lesson Debrief.

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Presentation on theme: "The Greenhouse Effect & Global Warming Lesson Debrief."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Greenhouse Effect & Global Warming Lesson Debrief

2 The Greenhouse Effect is a Good Thing?? (Q#1)  Earth’s greenhouse gases trap enough heat to make Earth a warm and hospitable place, perfect for life as we know it. Earth’s average temperature is 60°F warmer due to the GH effect! Mars lacks a CO 2 rich atmosphere; its temperature ranges wildly…average temperature is -67°F!! Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect. The average temperature on Venus is 864°F!!!

3 The Greenhouse Gases of Earth (Q#2) Greenhouse Gas% of TotalSources Strength (compared to CO 2 ) Longevity CO 2 53% burning fossil fuels; deforestation; cement production ___________ 100 years CH 4 17% burning fossil fuels; anaerobic decomposition 25X stronger10 years N2O N2O 12% burning fossil fuels; chemical fertilizers; sewage treatment 300X stronger 100 years

4 Chlorofluorocarbons…the “other” Greenhouse Gases (Q#3)  Compose 18% of the atmosphere.  1000X better than CO 2 at reflecting heat back to earth.  Sources include: Refrigerants & coolants Aluminum smelting Propellants (aerosols)

5 Statements such as “Global Warming has made a hole in the ozone” or…. “Global Warming is caused by a hole in the ozone” (Q#4)  Are a MISCONCEPTION!!!  CFC’s damage the Earth’s protective ozone layer.  Therefore, thin areas of ozone exist…especially above Antarctica.  By 1996, CFC’s were banned and the ozone has rebounded but it may take 50 years to see total improvement in the ozone.

6 Effects of Global Warming (Q#5)  warming/gw-impacts-interactive/ warming/gw-impacts-interactive/

7 Ocean Acidification (Q #7)  Ocean pH has dropped from 8.2 to 8.1, although in some areas the decrease is greater. Small and shelled organisms are the most impacted. Research in this area is ongoing. Ocean absorption of CO 2 has delayed Global Warming. Oceans will eventually become saturated with CO 2 and will be unable to absorb any more.

8 Leverage Actions… (Q #8)  What realistic things can you and your family do?

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