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Other Early Civilizations India Located in India (ASIA) & began around 3700 B.C.

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Presentation on theme: "Other Early Civilizations India Located in India (ASIA) & began around 3700 B.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Other Early Civilizations India Located in India (ASIA) & began around 3700 B.C.

2 Other Early Civilizations India India is surrounded by mountains and water. Q. Why is this significant? A. Geographic Isolation

3 Other Early Civilizations Indus River Valley Were the largest cities in India. They had many developments such as, city planning, indoor plumbing and straight wide roads Exported valuable metals and lumber Mohenjo-Daro & Harappa

4 Other Early Civilizations India: Aryans The Aryans were warriors from the north Brought ideas that would later become Hinduism They had a strict social class system Beginnings of an Empire: 1500 B.C.

5 Other Early Civilizations India: Aryrans Caste System People were born into a caste and you remain in it for life. You can not move up into a higher caste in your lifetime, only down.

6 Other Early Civilizations India: Mauryan Empire 326 B.C. Aryans get conquered by Greeks. When the Greeks leave, a strong native military family conquers most of Northern India. This began the Mauryan Empire and remained a Dynasty for 600 years. The Mauryan Empire Begins

7 He promoted Buddhist ideas such as:  non-violence  religious toleration  humane treatment of others Other Early Civilizations India: Mauryan Empire Asoka Established hospitals, veterinary clinics, good roads with wells

8 Other Early Civilizations India: Gupta Empire 320 A.D. Golden Age of Classical Indian Culture: During this peaceful time the Gupta Empire was able to accomplish many things.

9 They invented the number zero, decimal system and pi They divided the day into hours Adopted a 7 day week Proved that the earth is round Other Early Civilizations India: Gupta Empire Math and Astronomy:

10 Other Early Civilizations India: Gupta Empire Medical advancements: Learn how to re-set broken bones. Learned to inoculate (Vaccinate) people to protect from disease. Began to perform surgeries.

11 Other Early Civilizations India: Gupta Empire Trade and culture: Trade: They learned about the Silk Road and realized they could set up trading outposts to make money. They started to produce silk and other textiles for trading. Literature: Fairy tales-Influenced the Brothers Grimm Poems Drama

12 Quiz Yourself Q. Why is India geographically isolated? A. Because it is surrounded by the Kush and Himalayan Mountains, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. Q. What are the 2 earliest Indus River Valley cities? A. Mohenjo-Daro & Harappa Q. What was the social system that the Aryans developed called? A. Caste System Q. Who was the great leader of the Mauryan Empire? A. Asoka Q. List advancements that the Gupta Empire achieved? A. The number zero, decimal system and pi, calendar, proved that the earth was round, re-set broken bones, learned to inoculate, The started to produce silk and other textiles for trading.

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