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제 3 강 제목 추론 (1) - 18p It's 24 ℃ in the office and 32 ℃ outside. It takes a lot of electricity/ to cool the entire building. Air flows in and out of a building/

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Presentation on theme: "제 3 강 제목 추론 (1) - 18p It's 24 ℃ in the office and 32 ℃ outside. It takes a lot of electricity/ to cool the entire building. Air flows in and out of a building/"— Presentation transcript:

1 제 3 강 제목 추론 (1) - 18p It's 24 ℃ in the office and 32 ℃ outside. It takes a lot of electricity/ to cool the entire building. Air flows in and out of a building/ because of differences in air pressure. If outside air flows into the building, it takes more energy/ to cool down the inside air. Cool 식히다 pressure 압력

2 Regular foot traffic in a large office building/ can result in a lot of air leaks. That presents a challenge for engineers: How do you allow people and things to move in and out of a building/ while minimizing unwanted air flow? The revolving door can be presented as a solution for this problem. Result in ~ 을 초래하다 leak 샘, 누설 Present 제공하다 revolving door 회전문

3 A revolving door isn't airtight, but it makes air pressure differences smaller. Every time the door spins, some air will leave the building and some will come in, but overall, much less passes. Airtight 밀폐한, 공기가 통하지 않게 한 Spin 돌다 overall 전체적으로

4 문제 1 번 Queen Anne's Lace, a pretty, lacy-looking plant, may have white flowers in its natural state, but with your help, it can make an amazing transformation. Prepare some Queen Anne's Lace and cut off several blossoms with scissors, placing the flower stems directly into a jar with a little water in it.

5 Next, gather some small containers and various shades of food coloring. In each container put about one part food coloring and two parts water. Shade 색조, 명암 Food coloring 식용 색소

6 Once you've mixed the food coloring and water, place the stems of several blossoms of Queen Anne's Lace into each container of colored water and let them stand/ for several hours. Once the flowers are colored, you can make a bouquet by arranging your colored flowers in a vase with clear water.

7 문제 2 번 –p20 A Japanese airline, All Nippon Airways(ANA), has started asking its passengers/ to visit the bathroom before boarding. ANA reasons that it can make passengers lighter, which in turn means lighter aircraft and reduced fuel use. The airline started the unusual policy on October 1st. Boarding 탑승 reason 판단하다, 설득하다 In turn 차례로, 번갈아 policy 정책

8 ANA says that the policy was initially intended/ as an experiment/ lasting one month/ but it may expand the trial/ if results are positive. Flying is the fastest- growing source of carbon dioxide emissions, accounting for more than 600 million tons of the greenhouse gas per year. Expand 넓히다, 확장하다 Emission 방출, 배출 account for ~ 의 원인이 되다, 차지하다

9 A flight between London Heathrow and New York's John F Kennedy airport/ creates around 1.35 tons of CO ₂ per passenger - � more than one-third of the yearly emissions of an average person worldwide.

10 문제 3 번 -p21 How do you measure the value of a candle? You can't measure its value by light output, since the candle has lost its function/ as a means of lighting a room. The years/ that followed Thomas Alva Edison's invention of the lamp/ might have been called "the fall of the candle and the rise of the light bulb.“ Output 산출, 출력 light bulb 백열전구

11 Yet every night/ all over America millions of candles/ are burning. No romantic dinner is complete without candles on the table. Individual candles are sold for $20 or $30 each, much more than a light bulb. Complete 완전한

12 Unlike an electric bulb, the value of a candle has no relationship to its light output. Like the fireplace and the sailing ship, the candle has lost its function and turned into art. Fireplace 벽난로 Sailing ship 범선 Function 기능

13 문제 4 번 –p22 Everyone knows a school bus when they see one ― mainly by its color. That particular yellow has been the official school bus color/ for quite a long time. It dates back to 1939, when a professor named Frank W. Cyr, of Teachers College in New York City, organized a conference. Date back to ~ ~ 로 거슬러 올라가다 Conference 협의회, 회의, 회담

14 His mission was to establish national safety standards for school buses. At that time, children were being transported to school/ in all sorts of vehicles, including trucks and horse-drawn wagons. Cyr's conference attracted transportation specialists from all across the country. Specialists from some paint companies came as well. Standard 기준, 표준 transport 운송하다

15 After a week of discussion, the participants agreed on standards for bus construction and safety ― and also for color. They determined/ that a particular shade of yellow-orange with black letters/ was the most visible combination/ in the early morning and late afternoon hours. They named that yellow color National School Bus Chrome. Determine 결정하다 shade 색조 Chrome 황색 그림 물감, ( 금속 ) 크롬

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