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Основные итоги летних сессий ПКК ОИЯИ Н.Русакович, НТС ОИЯИ 06.07.09.

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1 Основные итоги летних сессий ПКК ОИЯИ Н.Русакович, НТС ОИЯИ 06.07.09

2 Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 31st meeting, 10–11 June 2009 The PAC takes note of the draft Seven-Year Plan for the development of JINR for 2010–2016 in the field of particle physics research presented by JINR Vice-Director R. Lednický. The PAC appreciates the large amount of work accomplished by the JINR Directorate to elaborate a competitive long-term programme of the Institute, and looks forward at its future meeting to regular progress reports concerning implementation of the seven-year plan. The PAC recommends that the JINR Directorate take into account the remarks and suggestions made at this session for preparing the final version of the seven-year plan to be presented at the next session of the Scientific Council.

3 Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 31st meeting, 10–11 June 2009 The PAC shares the high appreciation by the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the work of JINR teams in the external experiments, in particular on neutrino physics (NEMO-3), on charged kaon decays (NA48/2, CERN), and on the detection of a new particle –– the Ω b baryon (D0, FNAL). The PAC highly appreciates the active work of the JINR Directorate to involve new partner countries in the activities of JINR. It notes with satisfaction the recent conclusion of the government-level agreement with the Arab Republic of Egypt and the signature of the Letter of Intent with the Hungarian Republic concerning intensification of joint basic and applied research at JINR as well as the intention of the Hungarian Republic to consider the possibility of restoration of its full membership at JINR.

4 Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 31st meeting, 10–11 June 2009 The PAC takes note of the report on the progress towards realization of the Nuclotron-M/NICA projects presented by JINR Deputy Chief Engineer G. Trubnikov. The PAC appreciates the significant advances that have been made in upgrading the VBLHEP accelerator complex and in the preparation of the NICA project. The PAC recommends that the JINR Directorate consolidate the manpower and financial resources on the NICA realization steps in order to keep the project schedule and support the R&D work related to the design and construction of the future complex elements. The PAC emphasizes the importance of an in-person meeting of the Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) at JINR within the next six months so that in addition to in-depth discussion, the members of the MAC can visit the Nuclotron as well as other important engineering sites relevant to the Nuclotron-M and NICA/MPD projects.

5 Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 31st meeting, 10–11 June 2009 The PAC takes note of the report by BLTP Deputy Director A. Sorin on the ongoing preparation of a white paper for the NICA/MPD programme on the mixed phase and spin physics. The PAC notes the progress achieved in this direction, the noticeable effort to internationalize this activity, and recommends continuation of the work to elaborate a competitive research programme in view of its complementarity with studies planned at CERN, RHIC, and FAIR. The PAC emphasizes the near-term priority of introducing a chapter in the MPD Conceptual Design Report or the forthcoming NICA physics white paper which shows, based on first order calculations, the feasibility, taking into account essential characteristics such as the expected luminosity and the detector acceptance, of measuring key observables related to the main physics themes of the project. These calculations should be followed up with detailed modeling of the detector capability.

6 Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 31st meeting, 10–11 June 2009 The PAC appreciates the first draft of the Conceptual Design Report for the MPD detector presented by VBLHEP Acting Director V. Kekelidze. The PAC congratulates the MPD development team on producing a professional, well organized document, and encourages the team to continue this activity to completion prior to the next meeting of the Scientific Council. The PAC endorses the proposed concept and supports the strategy of stage-by-stage construction of this detector. The PAC notes the necessity of a critical assessment of the physics ideas presented in the white paper for simulations of the relevant physics channels. The PAC emphasizes the importance of close collaboration between the MPD and NICA development teams to insure the needs of the detector are incorporated into the design of the NICA complex and the physics capabilities of MPD are not compromised. The PAC looks forward to an integrated plan for the location of the MPD detector by the end of 2009.

7 Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 31st meeting, 10–11 June 2009 The PAC is pleased to note the report on the proposal to begin consolidation of the VBLHEP physics programme presented by VBLHEP Acting Director V. Kekelidze. The PAC notes the large amount of work done on the preparation of the scientific research programmes at the JINR basic facilities and at the world’s largest accelerator centres. It endorses the proposal of the Laboratory to consolidate its physics programme, and recommends that the JINR Directorate support the implementation of this programme. In particular, the PAC notes the incentives in progress directed to attract physicists to the NICA/MPD project.

8 Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 31st meeting, 10–11 June 2009 The PAC notes with interest the report presented by JINR Chief Engineer G. Shirkov on the progress for ongoing developments at JINR related to the ILC which were centered on the geological investigation of the ILC possibly being sited in the Moscow Region. The PAC emphasizes strongly that to maximize the possibility of the ILC being sited in the Moscow Region, a continuous vigorous effort by the JINR Directorate is necessary to establish the ILC as a Russian national priority through dialogue with the Russian national authority. The PAC recommends that the important work being carried out at JINR be highly visible to the ILC GDE.

9 Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 31st meeting, 10–11 June 2009 The PAC has considered the proposals of new projects presented at the session, and has the following recommendations. 1. The PAC recommends approval of JINR’s participation in the NA62 project until the end of 2012. 2. The PAC recommends approval of the project “Strangeness in nucleons and nuclei” (HyperNIS project) for execution until the end of 2012. 3. The PAC recommends approval of the project “Deuteron spin structure” (DSS project) for execution until the end of 2012. 4. The PAC recommends approval of the ALPOM-2 project for execution until the end of 2012. 5. The PAC recommends approval of the project “Development of prototype units for a Complex of Carbon Radiotherapy” for execution until the end of 2012.

10 Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 31st meeting, 10–11 June 2009 The PAC takes note of the information about readiness of the JINR groups participating in the ALICE, ATLAS, and CMS experiments for data taking and analysis. The PAC notes the presence of PhD and diploma students and encourages the groups to attract further students. The PAC looks forward at the next meeting to receiving documented projects for JINR’s further participation in the ALICE, ATLAS, and CMS experiments that should be prepared according to the JINR standard procedure.

11 Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 31st meeting, 10–11 June 2009 The PAC highly appreciates the LIT activity on the commissioning of the high-speed 20 Gbps telecommunication channel JINR–Moscow and notes the availability of the implemented technological solutions for the further extension of the channel bandwidth. The PAC welcomes the realization by LIT of the plans to increase the performance of the JINR Central Information and Computing Complex (CICC) up to 2200 KSI2K and the data storage capacity up to 400 TB. It also appreciates the large amount of work accomplished to optimize the CICC network infrastructure and notes the results obtained in testing this infrastructure within the preparation for real data processing in the LHC experiments.

12 Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 31st meeting, 10–11 June 2009 1. The PAC takes note of the report on JINR’s participation in the OPERA project, and it highly appreciates the results obtained in this experiment with important contributions by JINR physicists. The PAC recommends continuation of this activity until the end of 2012. 2. The PAC takes note of the written report on the project “Preparation of proposals for JINR’s participation in the design, manufacturing and testing of the prototypes of linear collider elements”, and notes the high quality of the accomplished work. The PAC recommends continuation of this activity until the end of 2012. 3. The PAC takes note of the written report on JINR’s participation in the BOREXINO project and highly appreciates the important first results obtained in this experiment. The PAC recommends continuation of this activity until the end of 2012. 4. The PAC takes note of the written report on the SANC project. It notes the leading role of JINR physicists in this project, the high quality of the work under way, and its special importance prior to LHC start-up and the design of the ILC. The PAC recommends continuation of this activity until the end of 2012.

13 Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 31st meeting, 10–11 June 2009 1. The PAC takes note of the written report on JINR’s participation in the HERMES experiment and highly appreciates the obtained results. The PAC recommends closing this project and supports the VBLHEP proposal to complete the HERMES data analysis under the theme “Study of the nucleon and baryon structure at CERN (COMPASS) and DESY (HERMES, H1)”. 2. The PAC takes note of the written report on JINR’s participation in the H1 experiment and highly appreciates the obtained results. The PAC recommends closing this project and supports the VBLHEP proposal to complete the H1 data analysis under the theme “Study of the nucleon and baryon structure at CERN (COMPASS) and DESY (HERMES, H1)”. 3. The PAC takes note of the written report on the KLOD project and notes the high quality of the work accomplished at JINR. The PAC recommends closing the KLOD project for the sole reason that concrete financing and a schedule for implementing this project cannot be defined now due to the absence of the necessary quality of kaon beams at the U-70 accelerator (Protvino).

14 Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics 30th meeting, 22–23 June 2009 The PAC discussed in detail the report on the closing theme “Synthesis of New Nuclei and Study of Nuclear Properties and Heavy-Ion Reaction Mechanisms” (03-5-1004-94/2009) and the scientific programme of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions proposed for the next five years. The PAC notes the significance and high efficiency of the studies of nuclei far from the stability line, which have been performed in the Flerov Laboratory. Recommendation 1. The theme “Synthesis of New Nuclei and Study of Nuclear Properties and Heavy-Ion Reaction Mechanisms” should be completed by the end of 2009. Recommendation 2. The PAC recommends continuation of the studies within the new theme “Synthesis and Properties of Nuclei at the Stability Limits” for the period 2010–2014 with first priority.

15 Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics 30th meeting, 22–23 June 2009 The PAC took note of the report on the closing themes “Development of the FLNR Cyclotron Complex for Producing Intense Beams of Accelerated Ions of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes” (03-5-1014-96/2009) and “Development and Construction of the Accelerator Complex for Producing Radioactive Ion Beams (Project DRIBs)” (03-0-0002-2000/2009). Recommendation 1. The PAC recommends completion of the themes “Development of the FLNR Cyclotron Complex for Producing Intense Beams of Accelerated Ions of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes” and “Development and Construction of the Accelerator Complex for Producing Radioactive Ion Beams (Project DRIBs)” by the end of 2009. Recommendation 2. The PAC recommends approval of the new theme “Accelerator Complex of Ion Beams of Stable and Radioactive Nuclides (DRIBs-III)” for the period 2010–2014 with first priority. Recommendation 3. The PAC is in full agreement with the seven-year plan stating the need of construction of a high-intensity accelerator of heavy ions. In particular, it is of great interest to provide acceleration of ions from carbon to uranium up to the energy range 5-10 MeV/n with stepwise and smooth variation.

16 Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics 30th meeting, 22–23 June 2009 The PAC heard with interest the report on the results of numerous activities within the closing theme “Improvement and Development of the JINR Phasotron for Fundamental and Applied Research” (03-2-1038- 2001/2009). Medical or biological and clinical research for the treatment of cancer with proton beams at the JINR Phasotron is very important. Accelerators dedicated to these activities are also desirable. Therefore, the effort of DLNP accelerator physicists is particularly focused on the design and improvement of cyclotrons for hadron therapy applications. Recommendation 1. The PAC recommends completion of the theme “Improvement and Development of the JINR Phasotron for Fundamental and Applied Research” by the end of 2009. Recommendation 2. The PAC recommends continuation of this programme within the new theme “Improvement of the JINR Phasotron and Development of Cyclotrons for Fundamental and Applied Research” in 2010–2012 with first priority.

17 Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics 30th meeting, 22–23 June 2009 The PAC heard with great attention the set of projects of DLNP proposed for the seven-year plan for 2010–2016 aimed at the study of neutrino physics and dark matter (double-beta decay and neutrino magnetic moment: projects NEMO, GERDA&MAJORANA, GEMMA-II) and astrophysics (projects LESI, EDELWEISS-II). these projects have made in recent years great progress in investigation of neutrino masses, especially in double-beta searches of elements 76 Ge, 100 Mo, and 82 Se; in search for a neutrino magnetic moment and for dark matter signals, as well as the measurement of basic cross sections for pd and dd reactions at the lowest energies, important for understanding the burning of the Sun and the stars. With the proposed improvements of the new stages, there lies in the future a great discovery potential. Recommendation. The PAC recommends supporting the projects NEMO-3 (SUPERNEMO), EDELWEISS-II, GERDA&MAJORANA, GEMMA-II, and LESI for 2010–2012 with first priority.

18 Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics 30th meeting, 22–23 June 2009 Projects under the new theme “Physics of Light Mesons” SPRING (Spin Physics at Storage Rings) The PAC recognizes the fundamental importance of polarization studies proposed in the project. The SPRING project combines investigations of short-range NN properties using the ANKE facility at COSY and preparatory work for the future PAX experiment at GSI/FAIR. The latter opens a completely new field of research using an intense polarized antiproton beam and by measuring transversity, the last missing piece in QCD description of the nucleon structure. The expertise of the DLNP group in the field of the project is recognized. Recommendation. The PAC recommends approval of the SPRING project for 2010–2012 with first priority.

19 Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics 30th meeting, 22–23 June 2009 PEN-MEG (Precise Investigation of Rare Pion Decays and Search for Forbidden Muon Decays) The PAC heard with interest the information on DLNP’s participation in two ambitious experiments at PSI on the decays  +  e + and  +  e +  which will provide a precision test of  -e universality and a search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. Both experiments received significant experimental support from DLNP scientists. At present, both of these experiments are in the stage of data taking. Recommendation. The PAC considers the PEN-MEG project to be very important for DLNP and recommends its approval for 2010–2012 with first priority.

20 Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics 30th meeting, 22–23 June 2009 PAINUC (A Study of Pion Interactions with Helium Nuclei at Intermediate Energies) The PAC heard with interest the information on the programme of studies of pion interactions with helium nuclei at intermediate pion energies (below the Δ-resonance). The project will reveal whether the production of single γs (akin to prompt photons) in π ±4 He interactions depends on the incident pion energy and whether there is influence of the nuclear matter density on the Δ-resonance excitation. The programme also includes studies of three-prong reaction channels, in particular pion absorption, involving low-energy strongly ionizing secondaries. The collaboration also intends to study the possibility of improving the direct measurement of the ν μ mass, given the small number of such direct measurements. The proposed method is unique and very promising, if good energy resolution of the emerging muon can be demonstrated. Recommendation. The PAC considers the PAINUC project to be very important for DLNP and recommends its approval for 2010–2012 with first priority.

21 Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics 30th meeting, 22–23 June 2009 Experiments at the Nuclotron FASA-3 The PAC heard with interest a report on the experimental study of the dynamics of thermal nuclear multifragmentation performed with the modified 4π set-up FASA-3 on the Nuclotron beam. The new data on the relative velocity correlations of intermediate mass fragments in collisions of 5 GeV deuterons with the gold target give the fragment emission time less than 50 fm/c (or 1.5·10 –22 s). These experiments are considered to be part of the programme of first measurements of the time scale of the expansion process of hot nuclei and could contribute to understanding the nuclear phase transitions of the liquid-fog and liquid-gas types. Recommendation. The PAC appreciates the results obtained in the FASA-3 project and recommends continuation of this programme in 2010–2011.

22 Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics 30th meeting, 22–23 June 2009 Poster session The PAC was particularly pleased with the presentations of new results and proposals by young scientists in the field of nuclear and particle physics research. This type of presentations should be continued in future. The PAC appreciates the fact that direct responsibilities for set-ups and data analysis have been given to young scientists –– an important move to increase their confidence and to guarantee their strong future involvement in research.

23 Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics 30th meeting, 25–26 June 2009 The PAC heard with much interest the report presented by G. Mitsyn about the closing theme “Further development of Methods and Instrumentation for Radiotherapy and Associated Diagnostics with the JINR Hadron Beams" (04-2-1035-2001/2009). The PAC welcomes the efforts taken by the JINR Directorate for the establishment at Dubna of a Centre for Radiation Medicine as well as the collaboration with the Belgian company IBA in the development of advanced technologies in the proton therapy field. At the same time, the PAC considers it necessary that the medical and biological research using the DLNP Phasotron proton beams should be continued. Recommendation 1. The PAC recommends completion of the theme “Further development of Methods and Instrumentation for Radiotherapy and Associated Diagnostics with the JINR Hadron Beams” by the end of 2009. Recommendation 2. The PAC recommends continuation of this research within the new theme "Medical and Biological Research with the JINR Hadron Beams" in 2010–2012.

24 Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics 30th meeting, 25–26 June 2009 The PAC was informed by A. Vinogradov about the work already accomplished and about the main goals to be achieved in 2009 on the modernization of the IBR-2 reactor, and is pleased to note that this work is proceeding in accordance with the technical financial plans. Thus, the mounting of the IBR-2M vessel was completed; the installation of the movable reflector MR-3 at the working place will be finished soon; the installation of the executive mechanisms of the automatic safety and control system (ASCS), the assembly of ASCS cabinets and of the control panel in the main control room as well as electronic equipment in the reserve control room are being realized according to the schedule. Recommendation. The PAC recommends arranging a visit of PAC members to the IBR-2 reactor in order to familiarize them on site with the modernization work under way at FLNP.

25 Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics 30th meeting, 25–26 June 2009 The PAC took note of the report, presented by D. Kozlenko, on the modernization of the spectrometer complex of the IBR-2M reactor in the short-range (three years) and long-range (seven years) periods. In particular, attention should be paid to the second-priority spectrometers to finance repairs requested for their start at the same time as IBR-2. Also, one should consider that equipment be installed in some areas whose access will be forbidden after the reactor re-start. The concentration of available resources on the first-priority topics (DN-6, GRAINS, SKAT/EPSILON) in the short-range period is essential for their realization according to the schedule. The PAC notes the importance of modernization of the YuMO spectrometer as the most user requested instrument at IBR-2. Recommendation. The PAC recommends continuation of the modernization of FLNP instruments for the nearest three-year period with a step-by-step realization of the performed activities and preparation of the background for the long-term seven-year period.

26 Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics 30th meeting, 25–26 June 2009 The PAC was informed about proposals of the University Centre (UC) concerning of creation of the system of several pilot module courses in English (on nuclear physics, neutron physics, etc.), which can be offered as educational blocks to the students from the Member States. The PAC appreciates the collaboration of the UC with the Plenipotentiaries of the Member States in the development of a special system of scholarships/grants in order to engage students from a larger number of Member States to the postgraduate studies at JINR. Recommendation 1. The PAC supports the UC’s efforts to establish bilateral agreements with educational bodies of the Member States in order that the UC courses and activities become formally recognized. Recommendation 2. The PAC recommends intensification of contacts with the Plenipotentiaries in order to organize regular visits to the UC of natural science teachers and school pupils from Member States.

27 Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics 30th meeting, 25–26 June 2009 The PAC heard with interest the scientific reports on physical and biological themes: “Interfaces in amphiphilic systems” presented by М. Belushkin, “Response of mice retina to exposure of γ-irradiation, accelerated protons and N-nitroso-N-methylurea” presented by М. Loguinova, “Crystallographic preferred orientation and properties of quartz: a neutron diffraction study of Earth’s crust rocks” presented by R. Vasin, and “Modeling the high critical temperature superconducting phase transition in cuprates within the two-band Hubbard model” presented by Gh. Adam. The PAC notes the high level of the reports and recommends that the JINR Directorate present these materials on the web site of the Institute. The PAC looks forward to hearing new scientific reports of JINR researchers at its future meetings.

28 Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics 30th meeting, 25–26 June 2009 The PAC was pleased with the poster presentations by young scientists form LIT, DLNP, and BLTP in the fields of physics, biology, nanotechnology, and software development, and with the conclusive reports by V. Ivanov and G. Mitsyn. The PAC appreciates the increased number of high-quality scientific reports and poster presentations and recommends that these activities be continued.

29 All PAC’s have been invited (and agreed) to make comments and proposals concerned 7- years plan by mid-July 2009

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