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Science for the Year 3 rd Grade Jenna Grodzicki 2008-2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Science for the Year 3 rd Grade Jenna Grodzicki 2008-2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science for the Year 3 rd Grade Jenna Grodzicki 2008-2009

2 1.5 V Light Bulb Battery

3 Astronomy

4 SE W Noon 12:00

5 ES W Morning 12:00 am

6 E S W Summer Sun The summer sun is hire in the sky.

7 E S W Winter Sun The winter sun is lower in the sky.

8 Wonderful Mercury

9 This is Mercury.

10 I think this is a cool shot of Mercury.

11 This is a close up of Mercury.

12 These are Mercury’s craters.

13 This a interesting shot of Mercury.

14 This is all of the moon phases.

15 New Moon = No Moon

16 Waxing Crescent Moon

17 First Quarter Moon

18 Waxing Gibbous Moon

19 Full Moon

20 Waning Gibbous Moon

21 Last Quarter Moon


23 How about a look at Saturn.

24 Awesome shot of Saturn.

25 Beautiful picture of Saturn.

26 The sun is on the left side of Saturn.

27 I am ready for my close up.

28 This is the moon going around Saturn.

29 The rings of Saturn.

30 This is Saturn's moon.

31 A interesting picture of Saturn.

32 This is a view of Saturn.

33 I like this picture of Saturn.

34 Venus

35 Orion Nebula


37 Jupiter Venus Southwest, Monday After Sunset

38 You can see more stars when you have a New Moon than a Full Moon. You can see more stars when there is a New Moon than a Full Moon. New Moon

39 You can not see more stars when there is a Full Moon than a New Moon. Full Moon

40 Constellations

41 Pegasus

42 Lyra

43 Draco

44 Fornax

45 Leo

46 This is the winter sky.

47 Sky Tonight

48 Animation of the Big Dipper

49 Stellarium


51 That was the winter sky with Orion, Betelgeuse, and More.

52 On Tuesday March 31 st, the ISS goes from N to ENE from 7:46 to 7:49 (3 minutes).

53 On Friday April 3rd, the ISS goes NNW to SE from 7:31 to 7:35 (4 minutes).

54 Meade Telescope 12 inch Pictures



57 Kepler This is the Johannes Kepler.

58 They named the telescope after Johannes Kepler.

59 This is Kepler on the ground.

60 This is Kepler taking off.

61 This is Kepler in space looking for a “Goldilocks.”

62 Kepler Spacecraft in Space

63 Telescope sites




67 Nov 2008 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

68 Satellite

69 Sun Moon How does the moon make light? The light from the sun travels to the moon. The moon reflects the light into the human eye.

70 How does a triple beam balance work??? I will show you!!!!!!!!!!!

71 This is a triple beam balance!

72 A triple beam measures in grams.

73 The way it works is… I put something on the flat part and I look for the line to match up to the other line. If it does not get to the line keep on adding grams. This toy weighs 23 grams.


75 Do you know how a graduated cylinder works??? I will show you!!!!!

76 This is a graduated cylinder! 50 150 100 300 250 200 350

77 The way it works is…you fill it up with a liquid and fill it up to wear you want. You measure it and read it. 50 150 100 300 250 200 350

78 Then you put an a object in the graduated cylinder. Then you read it. 50 150 100 300 250 200 350 This is 250 ml of water. It went up160 ml.

79 The water went higher.

80 Do you know why the paper clip sunk when I put soap in the cup of water? I will show you!

81 I started off with a cup of water in it. I put a paper clip in it and it floated.

82 This is a real example of the paper clip in the cup of water.

83 When I put a squirt of soap in the cup of water… The paper clip sinks to the bottom of the cup. Soap

84 The surface tension in the soap pulled the paper clip down.

85 Surface Tension Surface Tension is an invisible layer of protection around the surface of the water. Soap is a thing that can break the surface tension.

86 The ancient Greeks thought the 4 elements were Air, Earth, Water, and Fire.

87 Atoms in Solid, Liquid, and Gas.

88 Atoms in a solid When atoms are in a solid they barley move.

89 Atoms in a liquid When the atoms are in a Liquid they don’t really bounce around but they do a little bit.

90 Atoms in a gas Atoms bounce around like crazy in a gas.

91 Do you know what happens when you heat a brass ball? I will show you!

92 I have a brass ball that can fit through a brass ring. Brass Ball Brass ring Watch how the brass ball fits through the ring.

93 Now I am going to put a flame under the brass ball. Did you know if you heat something it will expand.

94 Now lets try putting the brass ball through the brass ring! Now it does not fit in the brass ring.

95 If you put the brass ball into water it will go back to the size it was.

96 Now let’s try putting the ball through the ring. Now it fits through the brass ring.

97 Waves Waves can carry energy. Waves have movement to them and that is called kinetic energy. If you drop an object in the water a wave will form.


99 Atoms Copper Wire I am going to cut the copper wire in half and I will keep on doing till it turns into atoms.

100 Atom

101 This is a balloon! Lift is trying to pull the balloon up but the weight is pulling the balloon down. Gravity is trying to pull the balloon down but the helium is holding it up. The balloon is getting held by the gravity and helium.

102 Helium

103 Helium can be used in balloons. Helium is the second lightest element on the periodic table of elements. The lightest element is hydrogen. WARNING: It is very bad to suck in helium.

104 Energy from the sun goes into plants. The animals eat the plants, then we eat the animals.

105 How do we energy?


107 Yum, yum, yum

108 Energy Light Energy Kinetic Energy Heat Energy Chemical Energy Sound Energy

109 Chemical Energy Chemical Energy WoodGasoline Natural Gas OilFood

110 Mixing Baking soda and Vinegar

111 Step 1: Get baking soda, vinegar, and a bowl.

112 Step 2: Put one cup of baking soda in the bowl.

113 Step 3: Add 1 cup of Vinegar to the bowl.

114 Step 4: Watch it bubble.

115 The reaction with baking soda and vinegar made bubbles fizz over the bowl.

116 Chemical energy If a candle melts and the light goes out you can not reverse it. This is the candle. Now it is melted.

117 Physical change Solid Liquid Gas Plus heat Plus more heat


119 This is a Thermometer! 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

120 Life in Southern California

121 Mastodon is extinct.

122 Tree Sloth is extinct.

123 Rhea is extinct.

124 Ornithopoda is extinct.

125 Ground Sloth is extinct.

126 Saber-Tooth Cat is extinct.

127 This is an Argentine Ant Diagram

128 Plants of San Diego County Jenna Grodzicki

129 Monkey Flower Latin Name: Mimulus Bigelovii Area: Floodplain forests, swamps, seeps, muddy borders of small streams or ponds, drainage ditches, and wet meadows.



132 Dodder Latin Name: Cuscuta europaea Area: Farming areas, roadsides, ditches, and fields.



135 Latin Name: Quercus dumosa Area: Coastal chaparral with a relatively open canopy cover Nuttall’s Scrub Oak



138 Mule Fat Latin Word: Bacchairs Salicifolia Area: Stream banks and wetlands



141 Miner’s Lettuce Latin Word: Claytonia Perfoliata Area: Mountains and Sage



144 San Diego Sunflower Latin Word: Hulsea Californica Area: Forest and Mountains

145 Western Cottonwood Latin Word: Populus Fremontii Area: Costal Sage and Chaparral



148 Black Sage Latin Word: Salvia Mellifera Area: Costal Sage



151 White Sage Latin Word: Salvia Apiana Area: Desert



154 Mojave Yucca Latin Word: Yucca Schidigera Area: Desert and Torrey Pines



157 Laurel Sumac Latin Word: Malosma Laurina Area: Desert edges and Coastal sage



160 Poison-oak Latin Word: Toxicodendron Radicons Area: Southern California



163 Lemonade Berry Latin Word: Rhus Integrifolia Area: Chaparral



166 Broom Baccharis Latin Word: Baccharis Sarothroides Area: Deserts



169 California Aster Latin Word: Lessingia Filaginifolia Area: Southern California



172 California Sunflower Latin Word: Helianthus Califoynicus Area: Stream banks and Meadows



175 Botany is the study of plants. Botany

176 (Flowers are plants)

177 Distictis



180 Cotyledon Embryo Plant Diagrams


182 Fruits with seeds.

183 Strawberry

184 Apple

185 Watermelon

186 Pomegranate

187 Pear

188 Grapes

189 Banana

190 Kiwi

191 Raspberry

192 Orange

193 Lemon

194 Tomato

195 Melon

196 Avocado

197 Dragon fruit

198 Record Grooves




202 CD Groove


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