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Project Development Bristol Energy Meeting January 2016.

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1 Project Development Bristol Energy Meeting January 2016

2 Community Resilience and tackling fuel poverty: Outcome New group looking to form in Brisling ton. Growing Futures charity looking to work with Fishponds Energy Group Understanding energy and behaviour change: Outcome Ambition Lawrence Weston Looking to start internships. Smart City Easton Energy Group looking at what this means Retrofit Draught Proofing: Outcome regular meetings with BCC BEN Members can attend next meeting 4 th March. CHEESE thermal imaging project looking to expand with partners across the city Bristol Community Strategy: Outcome Create a business model for community groups Promoting road show: Outcome setting up a meeting with champions to book events/ David & Thando Partnerships with BCC & Businesses: Setting up meeting with Bristol Energy Partnerships Manager, Everose have offered pro-bono support to community groups developing renewables projects Renewable Energy: Outcome Two’s project investigating private wire opportunities. BEC with more solar projects Local economic development: Create Framework for Energy Groups to deliver services with BCC Project Development BEN members: Fishponds, EEG, Keynsham Energy, BCR Energy, Bristol Green Doors, CHEESE and energy champions

3 Outcomes 1.Private Green Deal and create Strategic Framework with BCC 2.Create business plan for community groups 3.Green Doors support website case studies for year round Green Doors 4.CHEESE Cold Homes Energy Efficiency Experts to expand thermal imaging project across the city 5.Brislington would like to start a new energy group 6.Members meetings with BCC next 4 th March 7.Friends of the Earth would like to develop schools champion project 8.Road show development meeting tbc. 9.Film for BEN members – demonstrating community energy 10.Community building project St Pauls 11.Intern project Ambition Lawrence Weston 12.Arts project citywide If you would like to get involved with any of the above please contact David Tudgey Project Development Officer

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