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A.2(I) write systems of two linear equations given a table of values, a graph, and a verbal description Performance: write given a table of values, a graph,

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Presentation on theme: "A.2(I) write systems of two linear equations given a table of values, a graph, and a verbal description Performance: write given a table of values, a graph,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A.2(I) write systems of two linear equations given a table of values, a graph, and a verbal description Performance: write given a table of values, a graph, and a verbal description Content: systems of two linear equations

2 Mel Ting sells ½ - gallon containers of frozen yogurt for $4 each and 1 – gallon containers for $7 each. a) Define variables for the number of 1/2 - gallon containers and for the number of 1- gallon containers sold. Variable: ___________________________ Variable: ___________________________ b) One day Mel sells a total of 50 containers of yogurt, for a total of $287. Write a system of equations expressing these facts. Equation: ___________________________ Equation: ___________________________ ½ Gallon (x) 1 Gallon (y) 4x + 7y = 280 (Money) X + y = 50 (Total Amount)

3 A scuba diving resort hotel offers divers two plans. Plan A gives 3 nights’ lodging and 4 dives. Plan B gives 5 nights’ lodging and 8 dives. a)Define variables for the number of dollars they charge per night and for the number of dollars charged per dive. Variable: __________________________ b) A price list comes out in which Plan A costs $440 and Plan B costs $780. Write a system of equations expressing these facts. Equation: __________________________ Nights (n) Dives (d) 3n + 4d = 440 (plan a) 5n + 8d = 780 (plan b)

4 During one week of playing basketball, Manu Ginobili hit 30 shots from the floor and scored 68 points. Each shot was a 2-point shot or a 3-point shot. Write a system of equations which could be used to find the number of each type of “shot” Manu made. Variable: __________________Equation:___________________ 2 point Shots (x) 3 Point Shots (y) x + y = 30 (Total) 2x + 3y = 68 (Points)

5 A rectangle is 7 inches longer than it is wide. If the perimeter is 72 inches, how long is the rectangle? Write a system which could be used to find the length of the rectangle. Variable: ____________________Equation: _____________________________ Length (L) Width (W) 2L + 2W = 72 (Perimeter) L = W +7 *When given a rectangle, one of the equations will always be the Perimeter Formula – 2L + 2W = P* W L

6 Mark has $4.95 in quarters and dimes. He has 3 times as many dimes as quarters. Write a system of equations that could be used to find q, the number of quarters, and d, the number of dimes, Mark has. Variable:____________________Equation: _____________________________ Quarter (Q) Dimes (D).25Q +.10D = 4.95 ($) D= 3Q (Given) *When given coins, don’t forget to include the value of the each coin*

7 Day 1 Assignment Systems

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