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FY13 Diversity and Inclusion Strategy August 17, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "FY13 Diversity and Inclusion Strategy August 17, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY13 Diversity and Inclusion Strategy August 17, 2012

2 Page 2 FY13 Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Discuss pillars and assumptions Review Leadership Pipeline task force recommendations Confirm FY13 diversity and inclusion strategy

3 Page 3 Diversity and Inclusion Pillars 1.Communication Develop consistent messaging for SWE brand that features diversity and inclusion 2.Pipeline Build diverse leadership pool and management capabilities for SWE 3.Accountability Build framework and process to hold leadership accountable for driving diversity actions and results through the organization 4.Leadership Training Drive the SWE legacy through the organization to raise awareness and promote inclusion (SWE members are risk- takers and trailblazers)

4 Page 4 Diversity and Inclusion Pillar Assumptions 1.Communication Owner: BOD Tasks: Internal toolkit, external messaging 2.Pipeline Owner: Regions Tasks: Identify and nurture talent 3.Accountability Owner: BOD Tasks: Manage governance structure for results, review succession plans, recognition 4.Leadership Training Owner: BOD Tasks: Ensure training for all constituents

5 Page 5 Leadership Pipeline Task Force Recommendations: Adopt Specific Recommendations of Guiding Principles for Current and Future SWE Leaders Re-adopt the four diversity and inclusion pillars as a part of a forward moving strategy for growing leaders and the Society’s membership Include diversity and inclusion as an agenda item for every face-to-face BOD meeting. Implement a leadership training program for current and future SWE leaders.

6 Page 6 Leadership Pipeline Task Force Recommendations: Create a task-force to improve the succession planning process as well as identify best practices of other professional organizations. Succession Planning must be institutionalized within the Society as a way of doing business. Succession Planning must be included as an item on each bod agenda. Recognize and celebrate SWE leaders! (Note: this recommendation does not have a direct relationship to the current Celebrate SWE program.)

7 Page 7 FY13 Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Re-adopt the four diversity and inclusion pillars as a part of a forward moving strategy for growing leaders and the Society’s membership (culture change) Pipeline Accountable: BOD Responsible – Implement deliverables of Succession Planning Task Force: BOD – Process to select, nominate, and/or self-identify potential successors for each Society leadership position & tracking mechanism: Succession Planning Task Force – Standardizing, developing consistency, developing region pipeline: Region Governors Task: Recommend succession planning and mentoring model to ensure leadership candidates are continually identified, tracked and mentored throughout their SWE career

8 Page 8 Leadership Training Accountable: BOD Responsible: – Affinity Group Leader training: MCC – Region conference D&I training: LCC/CLCC – Online training for Society leaders: Dir of PD, HQ

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