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Teaching & Re-teaching Jeff LaPerriere Terri Braniff Dale Feys Danielle Hart.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching & Re-teaching Jeff LaPerriere Terri Braniff Dale Feys Danielle Hart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching & Re-teaching Jeff LaPerriere Terri Braniff Dale Feys Danielle Hart

2 About Us Powell Middle School Improvement Team – fourth year serving as this team Representation of all four core areas Collaboration of Building Administrator, Department Chairs and Teacher Leaders

3 OUR JOURNEY Started 2008 – 2009 school year Educational Research Power of Zero Data Director

4 Staff was in-serviced in the spring of 2009. Each teacher was required to create and scan one assessment before the end of the school year 2009-2010 school year, each PLC team was required to have one assessment in Data Director per quarter. 2010-2011 school year, teachers enter pre- tests and post-tests into Data Director.

5 Why Re-teach? Allows us to reach our goal of 90% of our students earn 80% or higher on assessments. Student mastery of essential concepts derived from State, Common Core Standards, GLCEs or HSCEs.

6 Ways to Re-teach & Re-assess Bell work Notebook/Power Point activities/games Whiteboards Tutoring – Lunch Help Exit cards Exit exams in spring – math, language arts & science

7 Creating an Exam PLC Teams work to create the exam and enter into Data Director Link the State Standards, Common Core, G.L.C.E./ H.S.C.E.s to the questions Performance Bands are changed to reflect our school goal (90% of all students earn 80% or better) Exam is shared with all teachers in the content area Every attempt is made to administer the assessment on the same day to ensure consistency.

8 Analyzing the Data Each teacher is responsible for scanning their own answer documents. Each teacher prints off the results. Data is analyzed at the beginning of every PLC meeting.

9 Types of Reports Performance Bands Data Reports

10 Pre-test/Post-test Example

11 Interpreting the Data Analyze the test as a whole or specific questions Student names have been changed to numbers.

12 Item Analysis Allows the teacher to see the number of students that selected each answer choice. Trends in missed questions can be observed and noted, which can guide instruction.

13 Post-Test Results Significant Increase – 96% of the students were proficient on the post-test compared to 8% on the pre- test.

14 Advantages to Pre-test/Post-test Teacher is able to observe: Students prior knowledge of the topic State, Common Core Standard’s, G.L.C.E./H.S.C.Es taught or reviewed Instruction can easily be narrowed down to the specific needs of the students

15 Data from TI-Navigator Item Analysis

16 Examples of Redos Language Arts (WRITING) Redos in Writing All students are given the chance to make corrections on a writing assignment. Students need to make the corrections and/or use the suggestions given by the teacher in order to receive the better grade. A more thorough writing rubric has been adopted by the language arts department to ensure that the expectations strong writing elements are clear.

17 Writing Rubric Example Ghost Canoe by Will Hobbs Ghost Canoe Focus Question #1 LA7 Focus Question:Mysteries revolve around crimes and clues. What two crimes do we learn about and what clues are revealed? Answer Plan: *Use the brainstorming table provided on the back to organize ideas. *Identify the two crimes mentioned in chapters 2 and 3. *List clues (details of the crime) for each. *Make a prediction of what Nathan will do with this information. Rubric: Lead…………………………..………………………………..……__________ Topic Sentence ……………………………………………………__________ Identification of Crime #1…………………….…………………__________ Explanation of Crime #1……………….……………..…………__________ Identification of Crime #2…………….………….………………__________ Explanation of Crime #2…………………….…..………………__________ Prediction………..………..……………………..…………………__________ Conclusion Sentence…..…………………………………………__________ Transitions……………………….…………………………………__________ Conventions……………..………….………………………………__________ Total……..__________

18 Retesting in Language Arts WRITING Targeted literary skills are tested, scored in Data Director with the results being looked at during PLC meetings. Any discrepancies are then re-taught over the following weeks using the previous ways mentioned and then retested on the next quiz/test

19 Data Director in Language Arts (READING) North Carolina Reading Downloaded from Data Director Used as a pretest of reading skills and ability level as well as an exit exam. Results are combined with the STAR reading results and used to determine necessity for Language Arts support class the following year. DRP assessment given twice a year and recorded in Data Director.

20 What questions might you have?

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