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Manitoba Arts Education: Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts and the new Provincial Report Card April 17, 2012 April, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Manitoba Arts Education: Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts and the new Provincial Report Card April 17, 2012 April, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manitoba Arts Education: Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts and the new Provincial Report Card April 17, 2012 April, 2012

2 Metamorphosis m/4499539060/ Dham’s photostream

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4 The student is at the centre. Students’ own feelings, perceptions, ideas, and expressions matter immensely. It is critical that these are valued, explored, and celebrated within all art learning experiences. (from: Framework of Outcomes for Arts Education, The Young Artist )



7 Living Landscape Complex, organic, emergent Decentralized, interdependent Attitudes, skills, knowledge and when and how to use them.

8 Arts Education Curriculum Update from Manitoba Education Objectives to Outcomes Moving from evaluating checklist “teaching intentions” to evaluating student-centered competencies achieved as the result of learning experiences in the arts.

9 Language and Performance Skills Creative Expression Arts in context Valuing Artistic Experience

10 Report Card Categories for Arts Subject: Dance Category 1: Language and Performance Skills Category 2: Creative Expression Category 3: Knowledge and Understanding of Dance in Culture and Society Category 4: Analysis and Communication

11 Four Essential Learning Areas Dance Language and Performance Skills Language and Performance skills Creative Expression in Dance Creative expression Understanding Dance in Context Knowledge and understanding of Dance in culture and society Valuing Dance Experience Analysis and Communication Provincial report cards/Dance: categories

12 Indicator: Demonstrates understanding of and facility with the elements of dance in a variety of contexts: Space, levels, directions, pathways. sss n Indicator: Generates and uses ideas from a variety of sources for creating and performing dance. Indicator: Students develop awareness of dance from various times, places, social groups, and cultures. Indicator: Students analyze and interpret works and performances and communicate understandings about own and others’ dance. Creative Expression in Dance Dance Language and Performance Skills Understanding Dance In Context Valuing Dance Experience Dance: Who Are the Inuit

13 Arts Education Curriculum Update from Manitoba Education Guidelines for Implementation/Reporting Schools have the flexibility to choose the number and combination of arts subjects appropriate to their local context, resources and needs. The number of arts subjects offered in a school and reported, will depend upon resources available, instructional time allocated, staffing, and the arts implementation model used in the school.

14 Arts Education Curriculum Update from Manitoba Education Guidelines for Implementation/Reporting While all educators are encouraged to integrate arts learning outcomes across curricular areas where meaningful and appropriate, each arts framework is considered fully implemented only if all four essential learning areas for any one arts discipline are explored in comprehensive, substantial, and interconnected ways. Only fully implemented arts frameworks are reported.

15 Arts Education Curriculum Update from Manitoba Education Visual ArtsDanceDramaMusic Visual Arts language and tools Creative Expression in Visual Arts Knowledge and understanding of Visual Arts in culture and society Analysis, and communication Dance language and performance skills Creative expression in Dance Knowledge and understanding of Dance in culture and society Analysis and communication Drama language and performance skills Creative expression in Drama Knowledge and understanding of Drama in culture and society Analysis and communication Music language and performance skills Creative expression in Music Knowledge and understanding of Music in culture and society Analysis and communication

16 Reporting on the Arts

17 Arts Education Curriculum Update from Manitoba Education Guidelines for Implementation/Reporting Each Dance, Drama, Music, and Visual Arts K-8 framework was written to encompass a variety of recognized strands. For example, the Music framework is inclusive of possibilities such as general music, band, choir, guitar, jazz band, strings, fiddling etc.





22 Arts Education Curriculum Update from Manitoba Education What we play is life… Louis Armstrong

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