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Chapter 3 Vocab By: Christopher Schaffer 1B. Convert Class  The Convert class contains methods that return the result of converting a value to a specified.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 Vocab By: Christopher Schaffer 1B. Convert Class  The Convert class contains methods that return the result of converting a value to a specified."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 Vocab By: Christopher Schaffer 1B

2 Convert Class  The Convert class contains methods that return the result of converting a value to a specified data type. (NOT Java, VB)  Convert.ToDecimal (value)  Convert.ToDouble (value)  Convert. ToInt32 (value)  Convert.ToString (value)

3 Logic Errors  A logic error occurs when you enter an instruction that is syntactically correct, but does not give you the expected results.  An example would is the instruction average = num1 + num2 / 2; it is syntactically correct, but logically incorrect. Written correctly is average = (num1 + num2 ) / 2.


5 Variables are computer memory locations where programmers can temporarily store data while an application is running. The user enters the data, is read from a file, or is calculated by the computer. Every variable has a name, data, scope, and lifetime.

6 Very similar to a variable, a named constant is a memory location inside of the computer. Unlike a variable, a named constant cannot be changed while the application is running. To declare a named constant, the user uses “Const” (not Java)

7 Data Type Determines the type of data the variable can store. Each data type is a class. TypeStoresMemory Required BooleanLogical value2 bytes ByteBinary number1 bytes CharOne Unicode character 2 bytes DateDate and time information 8 bytes DecimalFixed-point number 16 bytes DoubleFloating-point number 8 bytes Integer 4 bytes LongInteger8 bytes ObjectObject reference4 bytes ShortInteger2 bytes SingleFloating-point number 4 bytes Stringtextvaries

8 Static Variable A procedure-level variable that retains its value when the procedure ends. A static variable is simply a special type of procedure-level Variable To declare a static variable you use Static keyword.

9 Chapter 3 Assignment Operator and Clear Method Assignment Operator – An assignment operator is another name for an equal sign (=) in computer programming. It is part of an assignment statement. An assignment statement assigns a value to something, such as the property of a control. The assignment operator is what ties an assignment statement together. Just as an equal sign in an equation connects the left quantity to the right quantity, an assignment operator connects a value to a specific entity in a statement. An assignment operator you should never forget, What it does is keep assignment statements in check. It’s just like the equation symbol in Math. If you remember this term, then you’re on the right path. Assignment operators hold statements together. And by doing this, they make life a whole lot better. So don’t forget about operators and what they do, Cuz if you forget about them, then you’ll have no clue. And by the way, remember to stay in school.

10 Clear Method: The Clear Method is a method designed to remove the contents of the Text property or the Text box while the app runs. It is basically a way to delete what is inside a text box. The Clear method cannot be used to remove the contents of a label control’s Text property. Clearing the contents of a control’s text property, It’s not very hard, in fact it’s rather easy. All you need to do is use the clear method It’s pretty simple, and it is the best method. If you have the wrong text, it’s okay, it’s not too late. Just use the clear method, and you start with a clean slate. And even though this might sound a little cheesy, Remember this advice, cuz it will make your life easy.

11 Mr. Maasz’s vocabulary words!!!!!!!!! By : EJ Brought to u by Urban Dictionary :]

12 TryParse Method Literally, what is it? A TryParse method is a method used to convert string to a number.

13 String.Empty Literally, what is it? It represents an empty string; used to remove the contents of a control. What is it? A String.Empty is a gangsta with a chain with no diamonds. This is usually because he ain’t got money. EX: Rommel is a String.Empty because Mr. Maasz took all his money

14 Tanner Garza 1B

15 AA 16-bit character set standard, designed and maintained by the non-profit consortium Unicode Inc. Originally Unicode was designed to be universal, unique, and uniform, i.e., the code was to cover all major modern written languages (universal), each character was to have exactly one encoding (unique), and each character was to be represented by a fixed width in bits (uniform).

16 AA flowchart is a type of diagram, that represents an algorithm or process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting these with arrows. This diagrammatic representation can give a step-by-step solution to a given problem. Data is represented in these boxes, and arrows connecting them represent flow / direction of flow of data.



19 Literal Constant A piece of data that’s value remains the same (or constant) while an application is running. They can also be stored in variables. 500 is an example of numeric literal constant. An example from the currency converter would be “britishLabel.Text = britishPounds.ToString(“N2”)

20 Scope Displays where a variable can be placed in the code of an application.

21 Will Fregia

22 Floating-Point Number A number that is expressed as a multiple of some power of 10.

23 Pseudocode Uses phrases to describe the steps a procedure need to take to accomplish its goal.


25 Rommel??!!? ?


27 String String is a group of characters enclosed in quotation marks. firstName = “Mary” stores the string “Mary” in a string variable named firstName.

28 Lifetime!!!! Lifetime indicates how long the variable remains in the computer’s internal memory. The variable can last for a very long time.


30 Chapter 4 Vocabulary Form Groups: Either do PowerPoint, Rap, or some other “memory device” to remember vocabulary 1. NO inappropriate language or references that would embarrass either Sr. Celcia or cause Mr. Maasz discomfort 2. Keep positive references to classmates, associates 3. Keep material to Visual Basic programming 4. Follow all rules and procedures per Student Handbook for written a spoken communication

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