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Better Representation of Climate Change Impacts from Multi-model Ensembles Better Representation of Climate Change Impacts from Multi-model Ensembles Jamal.

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Presentation on theme: "Better Representation of Climate Change Impacts from Multi-model Ensembles Better Representation of Climate Change Impacts from Multi-model Ensembles Jamal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Representation of Climate Change Impacts from Multi-model Ensembles Better Representation of Climate Change Impacts from Multi-model Ensembles Jamal Zaherpour et al. 1 School of Geography Zurich, October 2015

2 A number of models a range of outputs = uncertainty in results Dealing with uncertainty 2 Three main actions to reduce uncertainty Acquiring higher quality data Improving hydrologic models & using better mathematical techniques Applying effective techniques for better data assimilation Addressing Uncertainty in GHMs Liu, Y. Gupta, H. V.,2007

3 Multi-Model Combination (MMC) The idea: To combine outputs of several models (GHMs) to get a result better than those of individual models/ensemble mean Combination Approaches Shamseldin et al., 1997 Simple Ensemble Mean Weighted Ensemble Intelligent Combination Advanced

4 MMC Technique using Intelligent Approaches Using Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) and machine learning to ‘discover’ an optimum way of combining GHMs so they replicate observed data (GRDC) Tools: Symbolic Regression (SR) and Gene Expression Programming (GEP) to combine the multiple models Robs= f(DBH, H08, LPJmL, PCR_GLOBWB, WaterGAP2) Equations produced are validated according to their ‘fit’ with observed data (runoff) 4

5 MMC Technique using Intelligent Approaches 5 Example Eq: Robs = 0.22 + 0.24*WaterGAP2 + 0.14*h08 - 0.001*h08*LPJmL By analysing the SR/GEP equations we can learn how alternative GHMs perform relative to one another

6 GHMs, EM and MMC Evaluation Method 6

7 IPE (Ideal Point Error); Numerical Integrated Metric RMSE: root mean squared error MARE: mean absolute relative error CE: Coefficient of Efficiency i: ith participating model (GHMs) max (x) or min (x): the max or min value of the statistic x among the group of models If model fit to observed is perfect IPE will equal 0 The worse the fit, the further from 0 IPE will be. 7 Dawson et al., 2012 All metrics are equally important

8 Experimental Results 8

9 Sources of data Observed Discharch: The Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) for more than 50 major independent catchments. Monthly resolution data extending 1971 – 2010. Inputs to the MMC: ISI-MIP2.1 historic varsoc runs from 5 GHMs: 9 LPJmL PCR-GLOBWB WaterGAP2 H08 DBH

10 56 catchments from GRDC reference dataset Area >= 100,000 km 2 Observed record length >= 20 years 10 Catchment selection

11 GHMs and EM performance in simulating observed runoff GHMs and EM performance in simulating observed runoff 11 WaterGAP2: 38 DBH: 3 lpjml: 1 PCR-GLOBWB: 4 H08: 3 EM is better than the best GHM only in 6 catchments

12 MMC performance Compared to GHMs and EM MMC performance Compared to GHMs and EM MMC outperforms the best GHM in all catchments with an average of 47% reduction in IPE MMC outperforms the EM in ALL catchments

13 13 Example Catchment: Niger river, Lokoja gauge Model DBHH08LPJmLPCR_GLOBWBWaterGAP2 EM MMC IPE5.095.905.462.340.65 3.01 0.29 Rank35421

14 14 Thank you

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