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Fall 2012-Spring 2013. Outline Basic Information Planning the Event Next Steps Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2012-Spring 2013. Outline Basic Information Planning the Event Next Steps Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2012-Spring 2013

2 Outline Basic Information Planning the Event Next Steps Questions

3 What constitutes an event that must be registered as an SEA? Any gathering where alcohol will be present that takes place in a College facility or in a fraternity or sorority that includes guests. These events are hosted by individuals or groups in approved locations and which are limited to guests of the individual or group.

4 Who may register? Any student in good standing Who is 21 years old Has completed SEA training which includes TIPS

5 What is an SEA Host? The SEA host is responsible for the management of the event and for ensuring that the event conforms to College rules and all agreements established in the registration process. There must be one social host per 75 guests (i.e. an event with 150 guests must have two hosts.) Social hosts may not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs during the event.

6 When may events take place? Social events with alcohol may take place on Friday and Saturday nights between the hours of 7:00 pm and 2:00 the following morning. Hosts may petition the Office of Campus Life to hold special events any evening to accommodate events that include faculty and staff. All events that are approved on nights other than Friday or Saturday may not begin before 4:00 p.m. and must end by 9:00 p.m. OCL will also take into consideration whether the petitioning group has demonstrated a good record of event management. Events may not take place after the last day of classes or at other times when school is not is session including Orientation.

7 Publicity All advertising (on or off-campus) must be free of any reference, direct or indirect, verbally or graphically, to the availability (or unavailability) of alcohol Any form of off-campus advertising of events is prohibited except with the express permission of the Office of Campus Life. This includes posting off- campus, Facebook invitations to non-Trinity lists, radio advertising, fliers, etc..

8 Health and Safety Events will be monitored by Campus Safety, contracted security, and/or OCL staff as needed. Hosts and guests must comply with all direction given by these staff members. The host(s) of the event must be on site at all times and must make themselves known to guests, Campus Safety officers, contracted security, and/or College administrators throughout the event. At the conclusion of the event, and by no later than noon the next day, host(s) must ensure that the facility and adjacent areas used are clean and undamaged to the satisfaction of the administrator(s) on site. The Facilities Department will assess fees for cleaning or damage. Security needs for each event will be determined by the Office of Campus Life. If deemed necessary for health or safety reasons, Hartford Police, Campus Safety, contracted security, OCL staff, or event sponsors may end the event early. Students who are behaving inappropriately may also be removed from the event at the discretion of these staff members and could face disciplinary action.

9 T-CERT Organizations and hosts will not be reprimanded for calling Campus Safety and/or T-CERT for assistance. Students who are transported will be affected by the current 3 step process. If an event attendee needs assistance and you do not get help, you will be held to account under the SEA Points system and/or College disciplinary proceedings.

10 CT Law Regarding use of Fake IDs Sec. 30-88a. Operator's license as proof of age. Misrepresentation of age to procure liquor. Each person who attains the age of twenty-one years and has a motor vehicle operator's license, containing a full-face photograph of such person, may use, and each permittee may accept, such license as legal proof of the age of the licensee for the purposes of this chapter. Any person who, for the purpose of procuring alcoholic liquor, misrepresents his or her age or uses or exhibits an operator's license belonging to any other person shall be fined not less than two hundred dollars or more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both.

11 CT Social Host Laws Sec. 30-89a. Permitting minor to illegally possess liquor in dwelling unit or on private property or failing to halt such illegal possession. Penalty. (a) No person having possession of, or exercising dominion and control over, any dwelling unit or private property shall (1) knowingly permit any minor to possess alcoholic liquor in violation of subsection (b) of section 30-89 in such dwelling unit or on such private property, or (2) knowing that any minor possesses alcoholic liquor in violation of subsection (b) of section 30-89 in such dwelling unit or on such private property, fail to make reasonable efforts to halt such possession. For the purposes of this subsection, "minor" means a person under twenty-one years of age. (b) Any person who violates the provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall, for a first offense, have committed an infraction and, for any subsequent offense, be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than one year, or both

12 Planning Your SEA

13 How does a host register? 1. To find the registration form, login to 2. Search for Student Activities, and click on Forms in the lower left hand column. 3. Complete form and submit online by 4:00 PM on the Monday preceding the event. (Larger events such as those held in the Bistro and the Vernon Social Center will require more notice.) 4. The host will meet with an OCL staff member who will review the event and determine the specific next steps.

14 OCL Meeting Topics All social hosts meet with member of OCL for each individual event to create an SEA Event Plan. We will discuss: Location and Capacity Wrist banding and Sign in Plan Amount of Alcohol, Food, and Alternate Beverage Bartending Security Plan and Enforcement Publicity Repercussions

15 Location and Capacity *Vernon Social Center and Club Rooms (450 persons max/30 persons max) *Bistro (250 persons max) Vernon-Allen Houses & Cultural Houses (50-150 persons max, depending upon predetermined capacity of house) Greek Houses (50-150 persons max, depending upon predetermined capacity of space) *Chartwells must act as a third-party vendor in this location and require a minimum of two weeks notice.

16 Wrist banding and Sign-In List Wrist banding will be required for any SEA with any attendees under 21. Sign-in sheets will be required for all events that do not submit their attendee list to OCL by Thursday at Noon. Counters will be provided with wristbands to assist students in keeping track of capacity.

17 Amount of Alcohol, Food, and Alternative Beverages Formula: 6 beers per person for 4 hour event (includes 2 beers per hour and one hour of cool down). = 2 kegs per 50 people per 4 hour event. Assuming ½ of Party attendees are of age 1 keg per 50 attendees per 4 hour event will be allowed 1 keg = 24 ltr. of wine = 4 lbs of food= 10 ltr. of alt. bev No hard alcohol is permitted in these events. Alcohol will be marked with a tag number. The discovery of any alcohol, untagged, will result in immediate party shut down and disciplinary action.

18 Bartending All servers of alcohol must be at least 18 years of age and SEA trained (which includes TIPS Training) and must remain behind the bar at all times. They must remain sober before and during serving. In events of more than 50 people, the bartender cannot also be a social host. Bartenders and Social Hosts are responsible for the safe distribution of alcohol.

19 Security Plan and Enforcement In most cases Social Hosts will be responsible for their own event security, in the case of special events, OCL my require additional event security. A Contemporary Services Officer has been retained on Friday and Saturday nights to circulate around registered events to ensure adherence to these policies. Failure to allow Contemporary Services, Campus Safety, or College Staff full access to your event will result in immediate party shut down and severe repercussions.

20 Repercussions Serious Offenses can result in the following for the individual social host and/or their organization: 1 st offense: 4 week suspension 2 nd offense: 15 week suspension 3 rd offense: 2 year suspension ***Refer to Judicial Process for SEA handout ***

21 Next Steps and To Do’s Register event online by Monday at 4 PM Meet with member of OCL Submit guests list by Thursday at Noon (optional) Pick up SEA Tools from Welcome Desk Friday from Noon- 3 PM Must post SEA Approval Form at Entrance of event Have a successful (and AWESOME!) event Clean up event by Noon on following day Return SEA Tools, including wrist bands, counter, attendee list, and clipboard by Monday at 4 PM

22 Closing Thoughts This information and training is provided to students with the tools necessary to host safe and successful events with limited oversight. Please do not hesitate to ask an OCL member for help and or assistance with your event. We are here to help!

23 Questions?

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