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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 1 WG11 Opening Report Snapshot slides May 2014 Date: 2014-05-11.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 1 WG11 Opening Report Snapshot slides May 2014 Date: 2014-05-11."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 1 WG11 Opening Report Snapshot slides May 2014 Date: 2014-05-11 Authors:

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 2 Abstract This presentation contains the IEEE 802 WG 11 snapshot slides for the May 2014 session: Editors Meeting Publicity Standing Committee Wireless Next Generation (WNG) SC Architecture (ARC) SC 802 JTC1 Regulatory SC TGmc (Revision) Tgah (Sub 1GHz PHY) Tgai (Fast Initial Link Setup) Tgaj (China millimeter wave) Tgak (Enhancements For Transit Links Within Bridged Networks) Tgaq (Pre-Association Discovery) Tgax (High Efficiency WLAN )

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 SubmissionSlide 3 Editors Meeting - May 2014 Chairs: Peter Ecclesine, Adrian Stephens A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, Aruba May 2014 Roll Call / Contacts / Reflector Go round table and get brief status report ANA Status / Process / What is administered Numbering Alignment process / Spreadsheet Amendment Ordering / Draft Snapshots Style Guide for 802.11 Editor backup practices

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 4 IEEE 802.11 Publicity SC– May 2014 Chair: Stephen McCann Mission & Scope Organization –Officers, what is required –Officer Elections Schedule –Meeting time required for July/September Agenda for this meeting is 11-14/0482r1

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission WNG SC – May 2014 Chair: Clint Chaplin May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 5 Review of objectives Tuesday AM1 (08:00-10:00) – Introducing Wireless Emulation for system evaluation of new technologies development () – Hiroshi Mano – Next Generation 802.11ad () – Carlos Cordeiro – Next Generation 802.11ad () – Gal Basson – A Backhaul Use Case for NG 11ad () - Joseph Levy

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission 802.11 ARC – May 2014 Chair: Mark Hamilton Election of Chair/Vice Chair 802 O&A Draft 2.0 Sponsor Ballot: –One (“procedural”) comment, no 802.11 comments open –NOTE: comment resolution call Tuesday 7am IETF/802 coordination: –No new activity on RFC 4441, PAWS –(New item) Secure Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol –(New item) CAPWAP Hybrid MAC draft review AP/DS architecture and 802 concepts: –Proposal for architecture of Portal, in “802.1Q/802.1AC terminology” Joint session Thursday with TGak –Architecture discussions in TGak/802.1Qbz/802.1AC –Architecture of 11ak concepts, building upon new Portal model (above) IEEE 1588 mapping to IEEE 802.11: No new activity May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 6

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 7 IEEE 802 JTC1 SC – May 2014 Chair: Andrew Myles The agenda items that will be addressed this week are: Review extended goals –From IEEE 802 ExCom in Nov 2010, and confirmed in Mar 2014 Review status of SC6 interactions –Review liaisons of drafts to SC6 –Review notifications of projects to SC6 Review comments and next steps on FDIS ballots –Compete responses on 802.11aa/ad/ae FDIS –Respond to comments on 802.22 60-day pre-ballot

8 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 8 IEEE 802 JTC1 SC – May 2014 Chair: Andrew Myles Other business –Review any activities of interest within SC6 –Review proposal to SC27 from HK’s SC6 rep that SC6 should take responsibility for “path security” for cloud using a “clean slate design” –Discuss any responses to IEEE 802.11 WG’s liaison to SC6 relating to “WLAN Virtual Network”

9 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission Regulatory SC May 2014 Chair: Richard Kennedy Regulatory SC issues –Adding 802.15 –Increasing involvement with 802.18 The regulatory summaries Regulatory issues status –5 GHz band changes –3.5 GHz FNPRM –Globalstar NPRM –Ofcom spectrum statements and PSSR consultation –ITS/DSRC coexistence Actions required –5 GHz R&O petition for reconsideration? –3.5 GHz FNPRM May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 9

10 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission TGmc 802.11 Revision – May 2014 Chair: Dorothy Stanley Since the March 2014 meeting, h eld 3 teleconferences –497 comments received in LB199 (WG recirculation, 90% approval) on P802.11REVmc D2.0 –Comment resolution is primary focus Goals for May Meeting: –Officer elections, additional sub-editors –LB199 comment resolution, approximately 30 comments remain to be resolved, see 11-13-0233r30 –Wednesday PM2 – Deprecation CIDs –Wednesday PM2 – 3GPP Liaison Response, see 11-14-519 –Current schedule: Working Group LB out of this May meeting May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 10

11 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission May 2014 Slide 11 Since the March 2014 meeting, held 6 teleconferences –1984 comments received in LB200 (WG letter ballot, 72.7% approval) on P802.11ah D1.0 –Comment resolution continuing : about 472 comments unresolved Goals for May Meeting: –TGah officer re-election –Continue LB200 comment resolution –Approve comment resolutions of the comments received from LB200 and move to forward WG LB Agenda: see 11-14/0487r0 IEEE 802.11ah - May 2014 sub 1GHz PHY Chair: Yongho Seok A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, Aruba

12 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission IEEE 802.11 FILS TGai – May 2014 Fast Initial Link Setup Chair: Hiroshi Mano May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 12 Goals for the Meeting: –Approve minutes of past meeting and teleconference –Officer Election –Comment resolution of WG LB for D2.0 –Approve Timeline –Approve Teleconference schedule –Approve Plan for July

13 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission IEEE 802.11aj - May 2014 China millimeter wave Chair: Xiaoming Peng May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 13 TGaj will meet May 21-22 in Beijing at the New Century Hotel Comment Resolution for TGaj CC12 comments from TGaj Draft Specification D0.01 Call for Proposal submissions (45GHz) New Submissions

14 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission Task Group 802.11ak May 2014 Enhancements For Transit Links Within Bridged Networks Chair: Donald Eastlake Since the March meeting, held 2 teleconferences The ad hoc originally scheduled for 5-7 May was cancelled due to insufficient sign-up May Goals: TG Officer Elections Receive and discuss technical presentations Resolve comments submitted in Comment Collection #17 on P802.11ak Draft D0.01 Joint meeting with ARC SC Thursday morning Adopt a D0.2 Draft Agenda: See 11-14/0469 May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 14

15 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 15 IEEE 802.11aq – May 2014 Pre-Association Discovery Chair: Stephen McCann Officer Elections Presentations –Pre-Association Discovery Protocol (PADP) –Mapping of higher layer service discovery protocols, e.g. UPnP –Service Class types Documents under development –Framework Requirements Document –Initial Draft 0.01 Liaisons Agenda for this meeting is 11-14/0480r1

16 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0471r1 Submission May 2014 A.Stephens, Intel, D. Stanley, ArubaSlide 16 IEEE 802.11ax – May 2014 High Efficiency WLAN Chair pro-tem: Osama Aboul-Magd Approval of meeting and telecon minutes since March 2014 TGax election of TG Chair and TG Secretary TG Timeline Structure of the TG TG documents Submissions Agenda for this meeting is available in document 11- 14/0478r0

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