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“When God made the Sudan, God laughed” (Old Sudanese saying)

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Presentation on theme: "“When God made the Sudan, God laughed” (Old Sudanese saying)"— Presentation transcript:

1 “When God made the Sudan, God laughed” (Old Sudanese saying)

2 Sudan Provincial Map

3 Islamic tribes in the North and Christian and animist Nilotic tribes (Dinka, Nuer, Shiluk) in the South

4 There has been a civil war going on between the North and the South since the 1970s, with only a brief pause for the Addis Abbaba Peace Accords (http://www.sudanembassy.o rg/)http://www.sudanembassy.o rg/

5 In Sudan, from the 1880s to 1898, a European force was defeated by an Islamist force for the first time

6 In 1989, a military coup led by Brigadier Omar Hassan al- Bashir overthrew the democratic regime of Sadiq al- Mahdi, the great grandson of the Mahdi

7 But the real power in the Sudan is an Islamic scholar, Hassan al-Turabi, who heads the National Islamic Front

8 Under Turabi’s direction, the Sudan adopted shari’a law, and attempted to enforce it in the South on Christians Osama bin-Laden was welcomed for a time and al-Quada was based in Sudan before moving to Afghanistan

9 The civil war began again and there were charges of the revival of the of slave trade http://www.sudanembassy.or g/ http://www.sudanembassy.or g/

10 President Omar Bashir, Hassan al-Tarabi and John Garang

11 In October 2002, after a large deposit of oil was found in the Sudan, the US congress passed the Sudan Peace Act There are now more than 25 individual pieces of legislation regarding the Sudan in the US Congress

12 Through it all, the Sudanese remain the most hospitable people in the most hospitable region on earth, and the country remains drop dead beautiful

13 Bleak Trees

14 Blue & White Nile Confluence

15 Kufr

16 Lode

17 Northern Village

18 Rural Village

19 Sand Dunes

20 Camel Camp

21 Vultures

22 Brings Back Memories

23 Omderman

24 Khartoum Street

25 Old House Khartoum

26 Northern Scene

27 Bija Woman Kordafan

28 Omderman Market

29 Dinka Boys

30 Woman’s Clothing from Southern Sudan

31 SPLA Child Soldier?

32 SPLA Women

33 SPLA Training

34 SPLA (Dinkas)

35 Southern School Juba

36 SPLA Hospital Nuer Woman (note tribal markings)

37 Dinka Christian Church Service

38 Street Scene Juba

39 Juba Water Project

40 Juba Relief Project

41 Dinka Dance

42 Dinka Herders

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