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March 17, 2014.  Currently, 493 students identified with a disability (13.2% of total student population)  Current staffing: ▪ 26 Teachers ▪ 66 Para-educators.

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Presentation on theme: "March 17, 2014.  Currently, 493 students identified with a disability (13.2% of total student population)  Current staffing: ▪ 26 Teachers ▪ 66 Para-educators."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 17, 2014

2  Currently, 493 students identified with a disability (13.2% of total student population)  Current staffing: ▪ 26 Teachers ▪ 66 Para-educators ▪ 4 Speech Pathologists ▪ 3.4 School Psychologists ▪ 2.5 Secretarial Staff ▪ 1 Special Education Consultant ▪ 1 Director of Pupil Services

3  Strengths: ▪ Offer a large continuum of supports in-house to maintain Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) ▪ Communication between school and home ▪ Utilization of Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII) at the elementary level ▪ Utilization of the Educational Benefit Review process (EBR) to ensure the delivery of a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) ▪ Professional development and training that focuses on current needs of the program

4  Focus Areas ▪ Increasing the graduation rate of students with disabilities ▪ Decrease the number of students with disabilities being removed for disciplinary reasons (disproportionate) ▪ Provide staff development and develop practices to ensure that students with disabilities are being educated in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) possible

5  Topics include: ▪ Autism (Awareness, identification, teaching methodologies, supports and modifications) ▪ Behavioral Support (Identification, providing positive behavioral supports (proactive), delivering appropriate consequences (reactive)) ▪ Paraprofessional (supplementary aids and services, training and development, avoidance of interdependence) ▪ Transition (Post-school focus early, training for parents and staff) ▪ Reading (Matching student need to interventions, focus on teaching methodologies, data to inform instruction)

6  With board approval, publicize the proposed plan for 30 days (Website, library, central)  After required 30 day review, present the plan and any changes for final board approval (currently slated for April 28 th )  Submit to the state by required May 1 st deadline


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