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A Global World Y Byd Global 5 Globalisation Globaleiddio 1 What is globalisation? Beth yw globaleiddio? 1.1 How have changes in business and technology.

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Presentation on theme: "A Global World Y Byd Global 5 Globalisation Globaleiddio 1 What is globalisation? Beth yw globaleiddio? 1.1 How have changes in business and technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Global World Y Byd Global 5 Globalisation Globaleiddio 1 What is globalisation? Beth yw globaleiddio? 1.1 How have changes in business and technology allowed increased interdependence between MEDCs and LEDCS? 1.1 Sut mae newidiadau i fusnes a thechnoleg wedi caniatau rhyngddibyniaeth cynyddol rhwng GMDdE a GLlDdE?

2 Definition 1: ‘The creation of global systems where what happens in one part of the world affects people and places everywhere’ Definition 2: ‘The way companies, ideas and lifestyles are spreading round the world with increasing ease’ Diffiniad 1: ‘Creu systemau byd-eang ble mae beth sy’n digwydd mewn un rhan o’r Byd yn effeithio pobl a llefydd ym mhobman.’ Diffiniad 2: ‘Y ffordd mae cwmniau, syniadau a ffyrdd o fyw yn lledu rownd y Byd yn fwyfwy rhwydd.’

3 What is interdependence? Beth ydy rhyngddibyniaeth? Definition: the reliance of a country, especially in terms of trade and aid, on other countries in the global economy. Diffiniad: dibyniaeth gwlad, yn arbennig yn nhermau masnach a chymorth ar wledydd eraill yn economi’r Byd

4 Globalisation is the increasing trend for economic, social and cultural activities to be carried out on an international scale, with more and more interdependence between different countries as a result. Globaleiddio ydy’r tueddiad cynyddol i weithgareddau economaidd, cymdeithasol a diwylliannol ddigwydd ar raddfa rhyngwladol, gyda mwy a mwy rhyngddibyniaeth rhwng gwledydd gwahanol fel canlyniad.

5 The drivers of globalisation

6 Manchester United SPORTS [1] - Choose an internationally famous club, e.g. Manchester United Who owns the club (and from which country does the owner come)? Who plays for them (and from which countries do they come)? Where do most of the supporters live (where are the club’s shops)? Which competitions do they play in? Use Wikipedia to collect data. CHWARAEON [1] - Dewiswch glwb pêl-droed sy’n enwog ar draws y Byd, e.e. Manchester United Pwy piau’r clwb (ac o ba wlad maent yn dod)? Pwy ydy’r chwareuwyr (ac o ba wledydd maent yn dod)? Ble mae’r rhan fwyaf o gefnogwyr yn byw (ble mae siopau’r clwb)? Ym mha gystadleuthau maent yn chwarae? Defnyddiwch Wikipedia i gasglu data

7 1948 Olympic medal table Tabl medalau y Gemau Olympaidd yn 1948 SPORTS [2] - Olympic Games How many different countries won medals in the following Olympics? 1948, 1968, 1988, 2008 CHWARAEON [2] – y Gemau Olympaidd Faint o wahanol wledydd sydd wedi ennill medalau yn y Gemau Olympaidd yn y blynyddoedd hyn? 1948, 1968, 1988, 2008

8 Reserve currencies Arian wrth gefn FINANCE – currencies Which countries’ currencies are most widely used? CYLLID – arian Arian pa wledydd sy’n cael ei defnyddio’r mwyaf?

9 Mathau o fwyd ym Manceinion Cuisines available in Manchester FOOD – Manchester How many different styles of restaurant are to be found in Manchester, i.e cuisine from how many different countries or regions? m m BWYD – Manceinion Faint o wahanol mathau o fwyty sydd i’w cael ym Manceinion, h.y. cuisine o faint o wahanol wledydd neu ardaloedd? m m

10 Destinations available to Easyjet customers from the UK I ble mae’n bosib hedfan gydag Easyjet o’r DU TRAVEL – TOURISM To how many different countries does the cheap flight operator EasyJet fly from the UK? TEITHIO – TWRISTIAETH I faint o wahanol wledydd mae cwmni teithiau rhad EasyJet yn hedfan o’r DU?

11 Sut mae un math o raglen teledu yn cael ei gopio ar draws y Byd How one TV format can be copied all over the world TELEVISION programme formats How many countries have adopted the format of ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ and adapted it to their own country? What sort of celebrities take part? TELEDU - fformat rhaglenni Faint o wledydd sydd wedi mabwysiadu fformat ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ ac wedi ei addasu i’w gwledydd eu hunain? Pa fath o enwogion sy’n cymryd rhan?

12 Pa wledydd sy’n gwneud y nifer fwyaf o ffilmiau? Which countries make most films? Hollywood or Bollywood FILMS Hollywood or Bollywood? Which countries are the most important in the world for making films? dmap_film.jpg dmap_film.jpg FFILMIAU Hollywood neu Bollywood? Pa wledydd ydy’r pwysicaf yn y Byd ar gyfer gwneud ffilmiau? dmap_film.jpg dmap_film.jpg

13 Where are most call centres located? Ble mae’r rhan fwyaf o ganolfannau galwadau? SERVICES – Call centres Which regions/countries are popular for the location of call centres? Why? 5_Mapping-Offshore-Markets.pdf Figure 2 5_Mapping-Offshore-Markets.pdf GWASANAETHAU – Canolfannau galwadau Pa ardaloedd/gwledydd sy’n boblogaidd ar gyfer sefydlu canolfannau galwadau? Pam? 5_Mapping-Offshore-Markets.pdf Figure 2 5_Mapping-Offshore-Markets.pdf

14 Which are the largest companies in the world? Pwy ydy’r cwmniau mwyaf yn y Byd? MANUFACTURING - TNCs Use the Forbes 2000 list to find out where a sample of Trans-national corporations (large companies) are from, and in what sorts of business? 08_The-Global-2000_Rank.html 08_The-Global-2000_Rank.html GWEITHGYNHRCHU – C’auTW Defnyddiwch restr Forbes 2000 i ddarganfod o ble mae sampl o Cwmniau Traws-Wladol (cwmniau mawr) yn dod a pha fath o fusnes maent yn ei wneud. 08_The-Global-2000_Rank.html 08_The-Global-2000_Rank.html

15 Which stock exchanges handle the most money? Pa gyfnewidfeydd stoc sy’n delio yn y mwyaf o arian? FINANCE – Stock exchanges Which countries’/cities’ stock exchanges are the most important in the world and how much money is invested there (what is their market value)? CYLLID – Cyfnewidfeydd stoc Cyfnewidfeydd stoc pa wledydd neu ddinasoedd ydy’r pwysicaf yn y Byd, a faint o arian sydd wedi buddsoddi yno (beth yw eu gwerth ar y farchnad market value)?

16 What sort of rock music do other countries have? Pa fath o ganu roc sydd gan wledydd eraill? MUSIC – Rock music in languages other than English Use Wikipedia to conduct some research into the popular groups and styles of music in at least 4 different countries including two from Europe and one from Asia. CERDDORIAETH – Canu roc mewn ieithoedd ar wahân i Saesneg Defnyddiwch Wikipedia i wneud ymchwil ar y grwpiau a dulliau cerdd poblogaidd yn o leiaf 4 gwlad gan gynnwys o leiaf 2 o Ewrop ac 1 o Asia

17 Who uses the internet the most? Pwy sy’n defnyddio’r Rhyngrwyd y mwyaf? COMMUNICATIONS – the Internet Find out how internet usage has changed over the years. Conduct similar research into mobile phone usage. _number_of_mobile_phones_in_use _number_of_mobile_phones_in_use CYFATHREBU – y Rhyngrwyd Faint mae defnydd o’r We wedi newid ar draws y blynyddoedd. Gwnewch ymchwil tebyg ar ddefnydd o ffonau symudol. _number_of_mobile_phones_in_use _number_of_mobile_phones_in_use

18 Ble mae sylwebyddion y BBC yn byw? Where do BBC correspondents live? MEDIA – the BBC In which areas does the BBC have most correspondents? Why? CYFRYNGAU – y BBC Ym mha ardaloedd mae’r BBC yn cyflogi’r nifer fwyaf o newyddiadurwyr? Pam?

19 Who have the most mobile phones? Pwy sydd gan y nifer fwyaf o ffonau symudol?

20 What ways in which globalisation is operating have not been covered here? Pa ffyrdd mae globaleiddio yn gweithredu dydan ni ddim wedi son amdanynt?

21 What ways in which globalisation is operating have not been covered here? Pa ffyrdd mae globaleiddio yn gweithredu dydan ni ddim wedi son amdanynt? FashionFfasiwn Other sportsChwaraeon eraill TradeMasnach PoliticsGwleidyddiaeth ManufacturingGweithgynhyrchu

22 1.2 What are the benefits of globalisation and why do some see it as a threat? 1.2 Beth ydy manteision globaleiddio a pham fod rhai yn ei weld fel bygythiad?

23 Does globalisation involve any issues involving some people? Ydy globaleiddio yn golygu materion llosg i rai pobl?






29 Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization Manteision ac anfanteision globaleiddio Some AdvantagesRhai manteision__________ Increased free trade between nations Mwy o fasnach rhydd rhwng gwledydd Increased liquidity of capital allowing investors in developed nations to invest in developing nations Mae cyfalaf yn symud yn haws rhwng gwledydd fel bod buddsoddwyr mewn gwledydd cyfoethog yn gallu buddsoddi mewn gwledydd tlawd Corporations have greater flexibility to operate across borders Mae cwmniau yn cael mwy o hyblygrwydd i weithio mewn mwy nag un wlad Global mass media ties the world together Mae cyfryngau byd-eang yn clymu gwledydd y byd. Increased flow of communications allows vital information to be shared between individuals and corporations around the world Mae mwy o gyfathrebu yn galluogi unigolion a chwmniau rhannu gwybodaeth angenrheidiol Greater ease and speed of transportation for goods and people Nwyddau a pobl yn symud yn gyntReduction of cultural barriers increases the global village effect Llai o rwystrau diwylliannol yn creu pentref byd-eang Spread of democratic ideals to developed nations Mwy o wledydd tlawd yn troi’n ddemocrataiddGreater interdependence of nation-states Gwledydd yn fwy rhyngddibynnol rwan. Reduction of likelihood of war between developed nations Rhyfel yn llai tebygol rwan rhwng gwledydd datblygedig Increases in environmental protection in developed nations Yr amgylchedd yn cael ei amddiffyn yn fwy

30 Some Disadvantages Rhai anfanteision Increased flow of skilled and non-skilled jobs from developed to developing nations as corporations seek out the cheapest labor Mae swyddi yn symud i wledydd tlawd fel bod cwmniau eisiau’r llafur rhataf.Increased likelihood of economic disruptions in one nation effecting all nations Mae streic mewn un wlad yn fwy tebygol o effeithio ar eraill Corporate influence of nation-states far exceeds that of civil society organizations and average individuals Mae dylanwad cwmniau mawr ar wledydd llawer mwy nag unigolion a chymdeithasauThreat that control of world media by a handful of corporations will limit cultural expression Mae pŵer ychydig o gwmniau mawr yn y cyfryngau yn lleihau dewis diwylliannol Greater chance of reactions for globalization being violent in an attempt to preserve cultural heritage Mae adwaith yn erbyn globaleiddio yn fwy tebygol o fod yn dreisiol. Greater risk of diseases being transported unintentionally between nations Mae mwy o heintiau yn cael eu lledu o un wlad i’r llall Spread of a materialistic lifestyle and attitude that sees consumption as the path to prosperity Mae agweddau materol yn fwy cyffredin. International bodies like the World Trade Organization infringe on national and individual sovereignty Mae sefydliadau fel y WTO yn cymryd dros rhai cyfrifoldebau gwledydd. Increase in the chances of civil war within developing countries and open war between developing countries as they vie for resources Mae’n fwy tebygol bydd rhyfeloedd cartref mewn gwledydd tlawd a rhyfeloedd rhwng gwledydd tlawd wrth iddynt gwffio dros adnoddau Decreases in environmental integrity as polluting corporations take advantage of weak regulatory rules in developing countries Mae cwmniau yn symud i ble maent yn gallu llygru’r fwyaf i leihau costau.

31 Anti-globalisation protests have involved a wide variety of groups. These include a number of indigenous groups such as Amerindians, small farmers from LEDCs, anti-capitalist groups including socialists, anarchists and communists, environmentalist groupings, and industries who feel under threat from Western subsidies and tariffs. Anti-globalisation protests have often led to violence, both from protestors and also from police over-reaction. This has led to deaths at some protests.






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