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IR from WWII to Now. Keep in Mind WWII destroyed the old colonial order Ideology played a big role in US-USSR Cold War The USA’s superpower role does.

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Presentation on theme: "IR from WWII to Now. Keep in Mind WWII destroyed the old colonial order Ideology played a big role in US-USSR Cold War The USA’s superpower role does."— Presentation transcript:

1 IR from WWII to Now

2 Keep in Mind WWII destroyed the old colonial order Ideology played a big role in US-USSR Cold War The USA’s superpower role does not make it impervious to external threats, competition

3 Dumbarton Oaks Conference Near the end of WWII, Allied leaders met to propose a international organization to limit warfare- the United Nations. Later meetings at Yalta and San Francisco finalized plans. The five main victors took seats on the Security Council – USA, UK, France, USSR and China

4 UN Charter Requires member to discuss problems before fighting Requires members protect human rights Coordinates humanitarian efforts Coordinates economic development projects Security Council authorizes Peacekeeping missions (more than 60 missions since 1945)

5 Military Alliances Pre- World War II – Monroe doctrine Founded in aftermath of World War II – NATOUNJapan Defense Treaty Founded during Cold War – SEATO (defunct) Founded after 1989 – Saudi Arabia

6 NATO Most Important Alliance 26 members for “mutual defense” Article 5 invoked after 9-11-2001

7 Working with the UN Always under US command Involved in 16 current peacekeeping missions Provide materials, expertise and transportation for UN operations Monitoring Korean ceasefire in DMZ

8 Defense of Japan Part of World War II settlement to prevent further military adventures US will defend Japan against attacks US 7 th Fleet based at Yokosuka, Japan Major bases in Okinawa and Sasebo

9 Peace Corps Established in 1960’s to offer developing nations educational and technical support Also functions as apprenticeship for Americans interested in international careers Requires Bachelor’s degree, 2 year commitment and willingness to go where needed

10 Saudi Arabia Early Support of Saud family by US business interests Love Hate US-Saudi relationship since 1947 – Oil and Conservative, Radical Islam Gulf War allows US to use Saudi bases USA quiet withdrawal after 2003 Polar opposites

11 Economic Alliances WTO (World Trade Organization) – Standardizes manufacturing, trade practices – ISO NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement – Opens Economic borders – Political to Follow? ICANN – Internet Domains

12 Regional Organization Organization of American States (OAS) Oldest Regional Organization 1910 – Culture Athletics Academic Foundation Heavy influence from USA Includes all American countries Pan American Games (36 Sports) – One year before Olympics – 2011 Guadalajara! Vamanos!

13 Major League Baseball Long history of MLB recruitment from across Americas – Fidel Castro! – Roberto Clemente – Fernando Valenzuela Minor League associations – across Canada, Mexico, – Caribbean and South America World Baseball Classic (16 countries) Example of “Soft Power”

14 Intra-National Organization Red Cross Society – Organizes Humanitarian Relief – Promotes Health Services – Also Red Crescent, Red Star and Red Diamond (Islam, Judaism, Buddhism)

15 Summary

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